Title: Canada's new Liberal PM Justin Trudeau wins broad mandate for change
Author: ANGEL
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Justin Trudeau's father, the dashing Pierre Trudeau, was Canada's much-loved prime minister from 1968-1984 The new leader, Jus...

  • Justin Trudeau's father, the dashing Pierre Trudeau, was Canada's much-loved prime minister from 1968-1984
  • The new leader, Justin Trudeau, 43, was named Canada's new PM after his Liberal Party won 184 of Parliament's 338 seats during Monday's general election
  • Victory ended Conservatives near-decade reign 
  • His win – in which his Liberal Party took 184 of Parliament's 338 seats - was not only applauded by his father's left-leaning fans but also by swooning women around the world, who took to social media to dub tall, dark and handsome Trudeau the 'sexiest leader in the world'
Source : daily mail


 Antiisis, Oranjestad, Aruba
Trudeau has already said he open the door to hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. Good luck with this'll need it...

 qa3ux7, waterbury, United States
Canadians must have caught "that I want something for nothing sickness from the U.S." It will feel good until they come to you for the money. When they run out of money is when the real fun begins, just ask Greece and other socialist /communist countries in Europe that have gone through this, the withdrawal is painful and includes inflation and sanctions with loss of freedoms and possible strongman. Nothing is free.

 ShiningCityonaHill, Seattle, United States
It never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of voters. The working Canadians have just doubled the benefits to the fat and lazy non-working Canadians and declared "victory" at the same time. The dirty little secret in America is that the socialists have overspent to the extent that our true tax rate is 100% - but they mask that evil fact by ballooning our debt instead. Wake up Canada, one of the few remaining normal countries is about to get open borders and a debt level that will choke you into chaos.

 Colette, Toronto, Canada
I am not looking forward to the next 4 years! The conservatives steered Canada through a worldwide recession virtually unscathed and yet no one in Canada seems to be thanking them for it! Now while the world comes out of recession we will head into one thanks to Trudeau!!

 Mazda, Boston, United States
Maybe we can give Canada more of our deadbeats, for the coming giveaways as a good neighbor policy.

 STARFALL, San Diego, United States
Very sad day for Canada. Wow.

 Adam Smith, Michigan, United States
God help Canada...a halfwit who like his father hasn't met a despot or dictator he didn't like. Hope he doesn't declare martial law over a simple kidnapping like his father did.

 Frank Redmond, Wantagh, United States
The 10 worst cities in the US and the 5 States on the verge of bankruptcy have all been run exclusively by Liberal Democrats. Detroit has had one Republican in their Government in the past 50 years. You don't make poor people rich by giving them more benefits.

 Phil McCracken, Taylorville, United States
I see the liberal Commies in Canada are no different than the Commies in the US.

 BeeGee, Georgia, United States
I can remember Canadians being very unhappy with his daddy years ago.

 Beezer, Halifax, Canada
A little boy now runs Canada. Welcome to thousands of refugees, pot smoking made legal, Segways for everyone, skateboarding parks on every block.

 And the raven said, Durant, United States
Canada, you have make your (death) lie in it, and don't ask anyone for help as your country goes to hell.

 Junk, Chicago, United States
I see our neighbors to the north are as idiotic as we are with their political dynasties.

 El Jeffe, Tampa, United States
Shame on you Canada, have fun digging out of your deficit for the next 20 years

 Right Auntie, Quincy, United States
Good going, Canada! Voting yourselves free stuff is always good for the economy, right?

 Jmeow11, Sylvan lake, Canada
I have never been less proud to be a Canadian! And the election was the same day as a Jays win. Can't wait til I'm supposed to retire and there isn't a pension because hair spent it all campaigning free weed. Canada is doomed. Alberta Sask should separate. We would be better off

 Chapinsito, Montreal, Canada
Trust-fund baby who had no need to work hard for anything in his life, not even his education (he studied literature). Everything was given to him and the gullible people in Canada elected a famous name, not a capable person to lead us.

 waterwitch, Amherstview, Canada
Canada is back to being ruled by Quebec. Welcome to the 1980s!

 Gail, Somewhere in the mists of time
It looks like Canada will follow America to personal implosion. RIP to two once great nations. I am sorry to see this in my lifetime. It is heartbreaking.

 ShiningCityonaHill, Seattle, United States
The left wing radicals have figured out that if you run a good looking young man, the women voters don't care if he is a serial womanizer, murderer, communist or monster, as long as he smiles at them once in a while and wears nice clothes, he is assured their vote.

 Pun, city, United States
Liberals always promised all the free goodies , just like Greece, until one day they find they could not borrow enough to fund all the promises. This is the case with domestic cities like Detriot, Baltimore until they went bankrupt when the Democrates could not deliver. This will be the case for countries that buy votes using promises based on unsustainable taxes on the working people.

 mrbumbles, Fort Myers-Tooting, United States
What is new about what Trudeau promises? high taxes & open door policies have been a staple of the Liberals there... Hardly a breath of fresh air... more like stale halitosis! Also surrounded himself with the Provincial Liberals of Ontario who run a debt of $300 Billion... Good luck

 JimB, Monterey, United States
Another Trudeau? God help Canada.

 GarbanzoBean, Twin Falls, United States
It is a sad day for Canada and for the world. Harper was the most decent world leader we had (I say this as an American) at this moment in history. I am disappointed to read this news. :(

 T. Johnson, Vancouver Island, Canada
I remember when I was 17 his father flipping the bird to some protesters in British Columbia. I thought it pretty funny at the time.

 Lynzey, Toronto-Canada
Just what we need. A rookie liberal.

 AcrossthePond, ex pat, United States
You will regret allow liberalists to lead your Country.

 campolife42, Alicante, Spain
Goodbye Canada, welcome to our world!

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