Title: Russian air strikes: Amnesty says 200 civilians die
Author: ANGEL
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The three missiles fired on a public market in the northern Syrian town of Ariha took the morning shoppers by surprise. In a few moments,...

The three missiles fired on a public market in the northern Syrian town of Ariha took the morning shoppers by surprise. In a few moments, the main street, packed with people buying and selling fruit and vegetables, turned into a scene of carnage with burning cars and the wounded screaming in terror.


Russian air strikes: Amnesty says 200 civilians die

1. [MILTON] Does anyone believe anything the Putin government says? I certainly don't take their word for anything. Tsar Putin is a throwback to previous times.

2. [David] rules in a ruthless all out war, lol amnesty international, i would do whatever it takes to win a war despite media and liberal outcry. thats all that media and liberals do is cry, they never fight back, they rather be under DAESH control

3. [Rick P] It's also known as waging a real war where you intend to prevail. It's about winning, something POTUS ought to watch and learn.

4. [Steve] This is likely a lie by the msm to vilify the Russians. Truth be known, the israelis are notorious for this sort of thing as are the US who dropped tons of these weapons on Iraq. The israelis also have a penchant for dropping phosphorous bombs on civilians to maximize the effect.

5. [Gotcha] Uh, the USA uses Cluster Munitions and I really don't think that we need to stop using them just because the UN doesn't like them. Maybe the UN should teach its troops under it's authority to not run during a battle or turn over people in their care to the insurgents that ended up killing them all during the Serb war.

6. [David]  wow, 3 of the same story on yahoo news. can u say media bias

7. [justin] Here's the deal folks... War is ugly. Believe it or not, the fastest way to end hostilities is to get the politicians out of the way. Come up with an end goal. Then let militaries be as violent and destructive as necessary to accomplish the set mission. In the long run, wars will be shorter, and although initial loss of life is high.... In the long run LESS people will die.
Americans and the west have been tricked into thinking the best way is to #$%$ foot around... That just takes longer, is less effective, and in the end... kills more people.

8. [DaveF]  It's called collateral damage. How many of them were followers of ISIS?
WWII killed tens of thousands of civilians. On all sides.

9. [Mtn] For months Obama did not allow the US Air force to bomb oil facilities or tankers in Syria, because (oh my!) civilian workers might be hurt or killed. Meanwhile, ISIS earned millions from Turkish purchases of their oil and used the money to kill civilians in the US and Europe. I guess to Barack Hussein and his cronies a civilian life in Syria is worth more than an American life. Oh, and when Russia and France started to bomb the oil infrastructure, then Barack came on board.... too little too late.

10. [Aya] All I can say is get out of Putin's way.

11. [DiamondD] Funny when Israel does it no one says a peep and if they do, immediately they are anti-semitic.

12. [daulman] Russia has been killing hundreds of US backed Al Qaeda terrorist, that is probably why they are raising the alarm.

13. [kcn] Amnesty International are a bunch two face Weasels awarded the 1977 Nobel Peace Prize for it campaign against torture, but in the last 14 years they turn a blind eye on torture. Amnesty International will turn anyway the wind blows never standing up for what they believe or say.

14. [Mohammad Ali] Amnesty International, a blind folded agency, only barks at the countries not in its master's good book.

15. [Larry] I wonder what Amnesty International did during the US bombing of Iraq in 2003, or the subsequent occupation. I wonder what Amnesty International did when the terrorists calling themselves ISIS, al Nusra, etc were beheading civilians, raping girls, boys and women. Or when they hold them as sexual slaves and sell them as such in a market in Turkey ( as per a recently-aired German documentary)...

16. [Troll Hunter] Since when do anyone's lives matter to Russians?

17. [Terry] Accusations grow against the united states over bombing civilians in hospitals.

18. [Wolfowitz Doctrine] Nothing but a political move the US is pushing.
The US has killed plenty of civilians but this is just the latest attempt to raise public opinion against Russia. And they will use Amnesty International to do it.

19. [Chibuzor Stephen] Russian r very aggressive... people.... they do things with out care....

20. [Harrier] The Liberal Media always has something to say about Russia or Obama’s coalition killing innocent civilians while trying to kill ISIS. However, they never say anything when ISIS-Daesh beheads innocent men, women and even children. They never even say anything about the Saudi beheading 5 young boys who were protesting.

21. [Wupity] Remind me, how many people did we kill when we invaded Iraq to take down Saddam? A quarter million or so?

22. [Hitch] Russia has a ways to go to catch to the US's civilian body count.

23. [Vfd] The terrorists are hiding in the towns and then they shell Damascus and other pro-Assad villages. Now they claim that they were stationed "outside" the town borders. Baloney! The Russians (if they in fact fired the missiles, as the report says "alleged" not actual)) have no incentive to kill civilians. This is not their war.

Good try though. How about all the bombing that the terrorists committed against the civilian towns in coastal Syria. Why the Amnesty has not come out condemning the attacks?

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