Title: Is Russia breaking the Geneva Convention by using deadly white phosphorus in Syria?
Author: ANGEL
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Is Russia breaking the Geneva Convention by using deadly white phosphorus in Syria? Numerous reports claim that Russia has dropped dead...
Is Russia breaking the Geneva Convention by using deadly white phosphorus in Syria?

Numerous reports claim that Russia has dropped deadly white phosphorus on civilians in northwest Syria, as its intensive bombing campaign against ISIS continues.
The chemical weapon is banned under the Geneva Convention, because it is highly toxic and can burn through flesh and bone.

Source: daily mail

Netizen comment

Rof, Wafflecoat, United Kingdom
Well it hurts them!. I think that's the idea.

Englishandnotproud, cambridge, United Kingdom
Since when were there rules in a war?

Sunny mac, Geneva, Switzerland
Was it not Assad who was using this on the population when he was in power?

Redduke916, Tampa
This is not a campaign against ISIS, it is a campaign against non-ISIS guerillas that oppose Assad. There is no ISIS in Northwest Syria.

permatic, dublin, Ireland
people are going to be gung ho about killing isis but theres no need to break the geneva convention... the west and russia has and overwhelming superiority in conventional weapons ...we should follow our own rules

Nate, Michigan, United States
War is Hell. I think it's time ISIS learned that.

Itellthetruth, Brussels, Belgium
Dresden all over again...

RawrZ, Alaska, United States
You know who ELSE is guilty of "breaking the Geneva convention" and crimes against humanity? ISIS...

RawrZ, Alaska, United States
Don't they know? It is only acceptable if ISIS does it.

GlebRussia, Chelyabinsk, Russia
The Geneva Convention? Why the Western media do not write about the Geneva Conventions as "moderate rebels" shot Russian pilot? Let the rats die, I do not feel sorry.

railer, hackettstown, United States
Use more! It's not enough.

Ian Kensington, Beverly Hills California, United States
So what? Its war, the goal is to kill people. This is child's play compared to both sides incindiary bombing in WW2.

PricedOutButNowFree, Limburg, Netherlands
Never! I believe everything that Putin says!

Rendlawsc, Renton, United States
Appears to be nothing more than flares, a standard countermeasure on aircraft.

NYCER, New York
I'm really tired of all this crap in the middle east. If these people were evolved enough to govern themselves it wouldn't be necessary.

ROCK, midwest, United States
Burns through flesh and bones. About time someone took charge.

andu68, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sorry, even if it is true, given Isis brutality, I can't get worked up over this

Steve, Dortmund
So ISIS ignore the Geneva Convention by MURDERING captives, setting them on fire whilst inside cages and when Russia decides to dump the rulebook and fight fire with fire, we're supposed to feel SORRY for anyone who chose to live in that area? They aren't "innocent civilians" but ISIS fanatics, through and through......

caplo2015, Dublin, Ireland
Oh well, the quicker they turn Raqqa into dust, the better! ISIS dont hesitate to murder in the most gruesome ways, so just fighting fire with fire.

Loubum, Miami, United States
Honestly, better this stuff then nuclear radiation. The lesser of two evils.

A non-PC person, Baghdad, Iraq
I hope so. Hit them with everything you've got!

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  1. Russia is breaking God's Love works no ill to your Neighbour law.

