Title: Homecoming parade crash is latest tragedy for Oklahoma State
Author: ANGEL
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AP Photo/Brody Schmid Adacia Chambers, a 25-year-old Stillwater resident, was arrested on the DUI charge after the morning crash and rem...
AP Photo/Brody Schmid

Adacia Chambers, a 25-year-old Stillwater resident, was arrested on the DUI charge after the morning crash and remained jailed Saturday night. Gibbs said Chambers' Hyundai Elantra struck an unoccupied motorcycle of an officer who was working security at the parade, then went into the crowd.

Lawn chairs, blankets and water bottles were strewn in the street and bodies remained at the scene as Oklahoma State University fans walked past an intersection where a woman had plowed her car into a homecoming parade crowd hours earlier and killed four people.

Three adults died at the scene and a 2-year-old boy died later, Stillwater police Capt. Kyle Gibbs said. He said 44 people were injured.

Officials with Oklahoma University Medical Center and The Children's Hospital in Oklahoma City said the 2-year-old was one of eight patients brought there, and that four children and three adults remained hospitalized with conditions ranging from good to critical.

Three adults died at the scene and a 2-year-old boy died later, Stillwater police Capt. Kyle Gibbs said. He said 44 people were injured.

Source : YAHOO! NEWS


How nice to know that ignorant fools will abuse a tragedy to push their own pathetic agendas. Now isn't the time "Phil" and "Richard J". You aren't news makers or news reporters...and you're likely never to be.

My condolences to our fellow Americans in Oklahoma. May those who were killed be resting peacefully in the arms of Jesus.

More car control. We need more laws for car control. More background checks. Really sounds kind of stupid when something like this happens.

At least something not gun related.

Did you see the driver that took out the motorcyclist and his passenger the other day?

Yet another idiot, who thinks she's entitled to drive drunk. I hope she never gets out of prison.

That face tells it all,she's trashed.Once in the Army I woke up in a jail cell,head banging.Once I realized where I was I started crying and did not stop until the guard came and told me I never made it out if the parking lot,nobody dead.I stopped drinking for 10 years on the spot,now just socially if at all.and never while driving.

Why aren't people screaming that the CAR did it...or that the alcohol did it, or the drugs did it....not the woman?? Ban all three.....that's what they do when someone uses a gun. More people are killed by vehicles operated by drunks than anything else....yet they rightly blame the person, not the vehicle. Don't blame the guns, either.

If we use the same twisted logic that banning guns will cease crime, then we also need to ban autos and alcohol as the person using them has no impact or effect on the outcome. It's all the fault of the autos and alcohol.

If this woman was drunk in connection with this incident, then she needs to be charged with DUI manslaughter and if convicted, sentenced consecutively to the maximum sentence on each count. If there is evidence that this was a deliberate act, then prosecutors need to seek the death penalty.

David Wolfe 
The carnage of alcohol - yet you don't hear people asking for the abolition of alcohol.

Religious or not, Please take a moment to consider the Awesome Anguish, not only for the dead, injured and the Parents of the Moronic Murderer,...but for EVERY Friend or Relative affected by this Terrible Tragedy.

this could be quite an argument for gun control and the question of who is to blame? (guns, alcohol, drugs, or the person responsible) i choose the person responsible, because he/she put the gun, alcohol, or drug into their own hands to end lives of the innocent!

I blame this tragedy on the United Auto Workers, and the greedy corrupt congresspeople who listen to them.

Drunk driving and killing someone is MURDER!!! Pure and simple!!!

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