Title: Remorseful men and women capture the awkward morning after their one night stand on Snapchat
Author: ANGEL
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Snapchats prove how hilarious and regretful the act can be Many men and women were left clueless as to who they woke up next to One m...

  • Snapchats prove how hilarious and regretful the act can be
  • Many men and women were left clueless as to who they woke up next to
  • One man captured his female friend doing the morning run of shame 

Source : daily mail


 taoman, Batcave, United Kingdom
I never have one night stands. Anything bad could happen: they could be in a relationship, they could be crazy , clingy. Dirty or have stis. They could have a bf or accuse you off something serious the next day or i will have met the wrong girl. If i'm interested ill take contacts down. Women and men who do this having just met have no self respect.

 F¿fi58, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
NO class

 chop, Poole, United Kingdom
Why take a picture? as a young male I can categorically tell you if you behave like this you will attract very low quality men.

 Adelaide Adams, Wild West, United States
How rude. Is there no decency anymore?

 ianmorgan01, Telford, United Kingdom
Girls commenting 'why is he still here!! Why hasn't he gone!!!' don't let them in your bed then you dirty little sl'gs. acting like you're above the other person but you are the one that was an easy lay

 Arkley Barnet, Waikanae tis a silly place., New Zealand
Those types of women are just willie warmers to those types of blokes. Don't they have any pride any more or are they so willing to offer what all of us blokes desire for the price of a drink instead of them having to pay for it! Multiple squalid sumps of pleasure being dipped by untold and anonymous dipsticks. Where is the romance? But then I'm a boring happily married romantic fool that can remember every liaison, each to their own.

 ONLY OLIVIER, Acapulco, Mexico
So you would take a pic & post it with such captions but won't ask the guy himself.....2 things, either you're super s l u t t y or you're just d u m b !

 BushPritzle, Minnesota
I hate these people.

 just a thought....., vancouver canada
"Who is she/he?" He/she is the end result of absolutely no morals whatsoever. There you go...mystery solved.

 CynBee, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Society is degenerating by the those twits are still single and bed hopping.

 sal, leeds, United Kingdom
One night stands are as common as chlamydia. People want sex and they are young...its become the norm of society and it really doesn't need to be. Whatever happened to a conversation, dinner and home?

 →  Canguy, Toronto, Canada
Conversation does not exist any more. These people on apps and websites loose the ability for verbal communication. Dinner? To these folks that probably means kebab and chips somewhere between the nightclub and bed! Sadly we all live in a disposable, instant gratification, no strings society. Sad. Very sad.

 RB21, brisbane, Australia
never been my scene. sex is special with that special person, not a 10 minute booze filled romp with a complete stranger.

 JimB, Monterey, United States
"Who is she, and what is this burning sensation I have?"

 zey, Boston, United States
Having morals is awesome.

 Grinder, Derby, United Kingdom
Sad state of the nation , with brain dead people sleeping around , no wonder chlamydia is booming.

 endanimalsuffering, Middleburg Heights Ohio, United States
Don't forget, you are not just having sex with them, but with everyone they had sex with before you. Germs hang around and viruses are forever, but, if you're OK with that.......

 Kay, Tampa
One of the saddest articles I think I have seen.

 XScorpionX321, Flanders, Belgium
Sadly this bull...... Reflects on all young people, including myself. But remember people, not everyone of the younger generation is decadent or worse like these muppets who're proud of it and show off with this to get a little attention... That's all that is.

 Isabelle, Manila
Why would you share your bed with a stranger? Worse, have sex with the person? That is showing LOW self-esteem..........loose morals and zero on values. IF you degrade yourself, don't be surprise if a man or woman treats you CHEAPLY.

 Steve, Brazil
I'm just surprised not only that going home and sleeping with someone you don't know, but you also publish the event as if it's somethng to be proud of (even if you are ashamed). Notch one up for stupidity.

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