Title: ISIS jihadi john dead: US airstrike killed Mohammed Emwazi
Author: ANGEL
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Mohammed Emwazi targeted by a missile in Islamic State's capital in Syria Emwazi, 27, hunted after beheading Western hostages in ...

  • Mohammed Emwazi targeted by a missile in Islamic State's capital in Syria
  • Emwazi, 27, hunted after beheading Western hostages in sickening videos
  • Former London student hit at 11.40pm last night near symbolic clock tower
  • His body is believed to have been taken to a hospital in the Syrian city

Source: daily mail


The Little Bull, London, United Kingdom
What a shame! if it's true he would have been dead before he knew what was happening, I was kind of hoping that he would die painfully and very, very me sadistic but I don't care...

Partizan YU, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Too bad the Russians did not get him. He got a quick death here.

Ivan in Phoenix, Valley of the Sun, United States
I hope he experienced a minimum 3 hours of excruciating pain prior to passing.

Captain Webb, Guingamp, France
Without doubt the highpoint of the week. Brilliant well done USA, keep it up!

bluepony, the barn, Christmas Island
that would be the best thing i heard today.....i hope its true.

Kanske Me, Changsha, China
Not one day too early. Just sad it was so fast. Good we don't have too feed him for life at London Hilton.

Vic, Seattle, United States
Hope he felt it.

samsam200, berlin, Germany
If true, then he got off too easy.... He deserved something far worse...

MohawkMimsky, Sydney, Australia
It about time they took at the trash.

JBossi, Austin, United States
It was only a matter of time, whether from the US, Russians, or Kurds, someone was going to do it.

Happysmile, Melbourne, Australia
Well if this is true then I'm celebrating big time!!!

frank, Green Bay, United States
I hope they're right, but it's a shame no one will have a chance to spit on his grave.

Sheeva, Waterford, Ireland

LoisLaneLara, Sydney, Australia
How can a Drone, disembowel a person? That said, I do hope he had the time to realise what hit him and I hope he died in agony screaming. Next!!

Captain_Blood, Western New York, United States
Glad he's dead, but it won't matter in the long term. Killing these murderers is like whack-a-mole, when you think you've got one another pops back up in his place.

NotonUKshores, Dubai
It's great if confirmed, just a shame that he would have felt no pain and probably not even knew it was happening!

GOD, Heaven, India
I hope he has actually been evaporated. He should not turn up in Birmingham and give everyone a nasty surprise!

NO Name, California, United States
If it's true, then Christmas came early for the victims' families and the rest of the civilized world.

jacaranda, Central Coast, Australia
Hip Hip Hooray. And many more to come I hope. Could and should have been done ages ago.

Bobsyouruncle, oompa loompa land, Bahamas
A quick, painless, unforeseeable death by a missile strike is too good for this thug. You can only hope that before he died he realized how inadequate he really was at dealing with reality and the falsehood of his pathetic religious views.

gregory scott, timaru, New Zealand

rc1000, sao paulo, Brazil
That's what he deserved. Unhuman piece of crap

Rich, All Over The Place
Fingers crossed

Darcy, Mosman, Australia
I just hate the way they say 'British' - What exactly does that mean, is he English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh? He was not born in any of the above countries so surely (dead or alive) he should be stripped of his citizenship and he should be referred to as a Kuwaiti ..................... Whatever the case I hope the evil devil died the most painful death imaginable!

Adam Smith, Michigan, United States
Feel good story of the week..

Breezie Pond, Auburn WASH, United States

Nowt the wiser, Land of the permanently loony, United States
If it's true BEST NEWS EVER, hopefully he's somewhere hot and toasty, may the souls of the people he slaughtered find some peace

Pullaard, Antwerp, Belgium
Great news, but he should be referred to only as Emwazi. Using a nickname gives this filth some sort of status.

Mr Mr, Smenge, Angola
Sounds like another Bin Laden to me.......

sitting in the sun, elounda, Greece
If it's true, then good

Meh.., No Va, United States
I don't care who took him out, American drone, Spetsnaz , SAS, PETA or the Jamaican Bobsled team. I'll buy them a beer.

Humpback, Sydney, Australia
Glad is off this planet but he got out too easy considering the suffering and pain he has caused others. Should have captured him and handed him over to the 'people' to give justice.

Ian Gray, Pattaya Thailand
Good, but shame he probably didnt suffer enough.

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