President Vladimir Putin signed a decree imposing a raft of punitive economic sanctions against Turkey on Saturday, underlining the depth of the Kremlin's anger toward Ankara four days after Turkey shot down a Russian warplane.
Source: Yahoo!NEWS
Netizen comment
"Nobody has the right to traitorously shoot down a Russian plane from behind, but Russia can shoot down commercial airliners at will.
The American
Turkey really spanked Putin on this one. Amazing how two insignificant little countries like Ukraine and Turkey can stick it to Putin.
Turkey should just deny that it shot down the Russian jet. Putin understands that rhetoric.
→ PK
Good point!
So Ridiculous
Somehow lost in this incident is that Russian planes in Syria were caught a few times locking their radars onto non-threatening Turkish planes inside Turkey before this happened. The Russians seemed to be pushing for a fight and they got one alright.
Wolfowitz Doctrine
Russia should nuke Turkey out existence so that NATO will not have to come to Turkey's defense because Turkey will not BE anymore.
Does Putin being "mobilized" mean that his shirt is off?
Turkey violates the Greece every day. NATO and EU is aware of this. Where are the rules of engagement? Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, and 18% of the population occupied half of Cyprus. Is this justice?
This Joker is full of himself. Who does Russia think they are? They can violate the airspace of anybody with out any type of repercussions, invade their neighbors and lie about it and think all is ok because they are Russia are mistaken! It is time to show Putin that his gangster intimidation will not be tolerated and that they will pay for their aggressive behavior! They think they can tell the free world how things will be and it is time for the free world to stand up to these thugs with their autocratic, suppressive mentality!
Lol, I'm having fun imagining a toy robot Putin 'fully mobilizing' and ripping off his shirt in anger after someone winds him up. Oh man too funny. His lying clown Peskov accusing others of 'theater of the absurd' is priceless. I suggest a mirror Peskov, or should I call you Moscow Bob? Also at least Turkey put out a digital radar track map. Russia put out a paper map with a line drawn in MS paint on it, that too was priceless.
Putin is still stuck in Ukraine , Turkey is 10 times more powerful than Ukraine plus they have nuclear weapons backed up by the US air force . Putin can cry all he wants , he is just mad that Turkey put that foot up his #$%$! To hell with Putin and all of those stupid Russians .
Only a very insecure country would over react the way Russia is tantruming. Russia shouldn't infringe on another countries border over and over again without suffering the consequences. Russia seems to be acting like an immature little bully that finally got smacked for
having got caught for having their hands in the cookie jar. Mr. Putin, admit and apologize for shooting down the plane over Ukraine. The world needs an apology Mr. P
Throw Turkey out of Nato and invite Russia to join. Turkey supports Muslim extremists and your perception of Russia comes from the white guilt liberal media.
Otto The Great
Putin knows revenge is a dish best served cold. He will now tighten the screws slowly on the rack rather than strike Turkey with a single, decisive blow.
Russia has constantly violated the airspace of its neighbors over the past few years and when one of them finally reacts to it, they act like they're the victim. It's absurd.
Fact: Turkey supports ISIS. That is what this is about. Hopefully, this incident will show Turkey to stay out of Syria so the problems there can be dealt with more effectively. Turkey hates Assad and the Kurds and they benefit from black market oil from ISIS - we're talking full scale alignment of interests between Turkey and ISIS and that MUST stop. Nato has to be aware of what is going on and make it clear to Turkey they will not support Turkish endorsement of terrorism.
John Zarivny
Russia is a hypocrite it violated international borders with impunity in Georgia and Ukraine. Turkey warned Russia on several occasions and was ignored. I doubt Russia would sit still if Turkish plane violated Russia's borders. In the past Russia shot down passenger planes for straying off course into Russian air space.
Next time Russia stay out of others air space. They've been doing it for as long as I remember off of Alaska and other places where they have no business being. Of all countries it is Turkey that had the balls to call them on it. For all their bluster the Ruskies are still just a gas station in the middle of the woods. An economy less than the size of California. Typical Bullies.
Since it works both ways, will Putin state that overflights of Russian territory by other nations are OK?
The sultan's time to be dethrone has arrived. His party's platform of zero belligerency with neighbors is a joke. Turkish people deserve better. Religion and politics don't mix.
Erdogan is a fanatical muslim terrorist and ANYONE or any alliance supporting him is ALSO a terrorist organization or alliance. Turkey MUST be kicked out of NATO right away if it wants remain relevant and have any moral standing in fighting evil muslim terrorists in the world.
wes 1
It is as if Russia doesn't have more planes and pilots: you going to play, at some point you are going to pay. In all my 60 years of life, I' never recall Russia being the aggressor in any action-because they are saints!
Jim Preston
A nation that has shot down 3 civilian airliners killing about 700 people and overflies their neighbor's airspace routinely even after warnings is #$%$ because finally another nation had the courage to shoot down their bomber. Russian hypocrisy and arrogance. Go Turkey!
I'm afraid that Russia is guilty of the same dirty deeds . Let look at what they did in the Crimea and eastern Ukraine ? Russia said they were protecting the Russian speakers in Crimea and eastern Ukraine by supporting the rebels , and what did they do Shot down airliner !!!
Carl Rove
You're worried about Assad ? . . . while a Terrorist like Erdogan is waving ISIS flags in Plain Sight.
I hope the Russian's destroy Turkey and deal its Terrorist Leadership a death blow of their lives !!!
Ben 1
The plane was shot down in Syria. When trying to decide which side is telling the truth, you have to use the facts. It would make the west's story more believable if they shot the plane down inside Turkey airspace.
The little Dictator Putin needs a reminder that Turkey is a NATO member and they will crush Russia if attacked.
Turkey has no business being in NATO as it is one of the most repressive countries on the planet. The US continues to arm these evil despots and eventually it is going to bite us in the butt.
Noticed how Turkey stopped bombing the Kurds and invading Syria's airspace since Russia setup the S-400's? Haha
Apart from this article, haven't seen much news in the Western media about Erdogan's son being in the oil business and his son-in-law being the energy minister.
Russia has been "buzzing" other country's aircraft and violating 'air-space' for yrs.
Russia has been warned by many; esp Turkey.
Turkey finally said, enough is enough.
You violate our 'air-space', you ignore our warnings to chg your flight pattern. you will suffer the consequences.
Bloviation...(did I spell that right?) These guys talk and talk. They talk big, tell everyone that they are the big dogs, and how bad they are going to make it for the other guy. But it's not as simple as it seems. Every country on the globe is intertwined with every other country is one way or another. The elimination of any one will make a drastic change on all. There will be a huge set of outrageous B.S. then it will all go away.
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