Title: Asylum seekers made to wear coloured wristbands in Cardiff
Author: ANGEL
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Asylum seekers in Cardiff are being issued with brightly coloured wristbands that they must wear at all times, in a move which echoes the...

Asylum seekers in Cardiff are being issued with brightly coloured wristbands that they must wear at all times, in a move which echoes the “red door” controversy in Middlesbrough and has resulted in their harassment and abuse by members of the public.

Newly arrived asylum seekers in the Welsh capital who are housed by Clearsprings Ready Homes, a private firm contracted by the Home Office, are being told that they must wear the wristbands all the time otherwise they will not be fed. The wristbands entitle the asylum seekers, who cannot work and are not given money, to three meals a day.

Source: Asylum seekers made to wear coloured wristbands in Cardiff

Netizen comment 

[DimCyfrifiadur] This sort of thing is never a good sign.

[bertellie] Whenever public money is up for grabs the private sector thieves congregate.

[chapachups1] Refugees are entitled to 3 meals a day. Contractor gives refugees red wristbands so they know when people turn up at the door who's entitled to meals. Simple. Non-story.

[mrpeteranderson] Where can I get one of these bands that will entitle me to free stuff? I have worn these before at festivals so I know I can handle the hardship.

[tomn] If wearing a wristband is one of the worst experiences of this man's life why on earth is he a refugee in the UK? I thought refugees were escaping death, rape and state persecution? Not much seems to have happened to him.

[chazzb] This is surely to stop the service being overrun and, ultimately, failing?
If a wristband means you get guaranteed food and lodgings why is that a problem?

[sidBoggle] The same as Jews being made to wear The Star of David a while back...

[EllasDad] A VERY small price to pay for Asylum.....only a short-term measure - so comparisons with the Star of David is nonsense. If they don't like it, perhaps they'd prefer Belgium - or Poland - or Scotland !!!

[ThornburyBoy] Sounds like an all inclusive holiday

[whitecross] If they don't like go somewhere else, they are always complaining about something.

[CaptainVXR] Marking out doors a specific colour, making people wear easily identifiable items, reminds me just a tad of a certain 1930's-1940's brutal fascist dictatorship.

[Jai R. Emmett] Just like the holocaust isn't it?!Well, no it really bloody isn't! Why the hell shouldn't people who have yet no legal basis for being in the country be identified? How many rejected asylum applicants are at large in the UK? When is that article going to be published??

[GordonLiddle] Morality seems to be missing in every corner of this government.

[KierHardly] Isn't normal for people at all inclusive resorts to wear wristbands?

[Will Hughes] I find it astonishing given the conditions they've fled from, that they have the audacity to complain about a means of identification which grant them entitlement to three free meals a day.

[VonCoudenhove] They look easily removable to me, no need to wear them outside the hotel.
The sense of entitlement staggering.

[Kirkee Ken] Can't we have them wear yellow stars or something easily seen?

[Acamar] I am pretty ashamed of this country.

 →[northernlout] You should leave it then. But remember we are the most welcoming and accepting and liberal country that there is. That is why there is a queue to get here.

[PanchoVillaLives] My wife's relatives had to wear yellow stars once upon a time. Marking people out in this way just seems instinctively wrong.

[monkeybeaver] This is getting ridiculous now Guardian. They made me wear a wristband at Glastonbury and some raves as well. Is this a bad comparison?

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