The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress flew from its base in Guam to over fly Osan Air Base just 45 miles from North Korea
The flight was in response to North Korea's nuclear test on Wednesday where it claimed it detonated a H-Bomb
The B-52 can carry 31,500kg of bombs and missiles and is capable of carrying a range of nuclear weapons
This is the first time the US has publicised a B-52 flight above the Korean Peninsula since a training mission in 2013
Source: B-52 Bomber "Deterrence" Flight - South Korea
Netizen comment
1. Tom, Swansea, United Kingdom
If the Russians do this it's condemned as provocative.
2. BobDylansDream, Sony Records, United Kingdom
Failed in Vietnam, failed in Afghanistan, massive failure in Iraq, failing in Syria at the moment and failed last time in Korea. Cartman must be bricking himself.
3. Disgusted, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Why waste time while you have this plane in the air drop an Atomic bomb on the Middle East that would solve that problem
4. Damon365, Birmingham, United Kingdom
B 52's are quite impressive aircraft.
5. Alistair beg, Leatherhead, United Kingdom
How is American sabre rattling different from North Korean sabre rattling? As far as I can see it just two bullies saying "mine is bigger than yours" ! ! ! !
6. eggy, worthing, United Kingdom
when putin does this to the docile uk, he is a megalomaniac dictator, yet the americans do it to volatile north korea, its ok, weird
7. clovette, Cardiff, United Kingdom
USAF are brining these huge vinatge planes out of retirement in the hot desert because the alternatives are too expensive and they cannot afford a new programme of defense.We should have kept the Vulcans flying because we may need them again soon
8. manny1980, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Best to flex these "muscles" on ISIS which is where they are needed most.
9. xuezhuyingji, Pyongyang, North Korea
According to our extremely reliable North Korean state media, our all-powerful dear leader has already shot down the plane using nothing but a pistol and one single bullet, of course you westerners will never hear this because the US government has all covered up out of fear!
10. LouieTheLad, Somewhere up north, United Kingdom
Kims little water bottle rockets have no match
11. Stew, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Thank you USA for at least trying to scare this awful regime - you won't get any help from the UK - we don't have any planes now
12. Joe Hardy, Jalon Spain
No matter what you tell your impoverished people Lard Boy the Yanks have much bigger guns than you have or ever will have.
13. Sydneysider58, Now living in Taree, Australia
That is one damn fine aircraft. Served reliably for decades. And seeing a BUFFY up close at an airshow say is always an opportunity I'll grab.
14. Davcon5, ore, United States
Those of you saying, "one B-52, big deal", go to You Tube and look at some videos of a B-52 carpet bombing. Literally total destruction in area which is larger you might think.
15. Graham, Chiang Mai
Someone should remind Kim that the war has never officially ended and that America is still at war with North Korea it is just a cease fire until someone starts to shoot again.
16. LogicAndReason, USA, United States
Everyone hates us, so I wish we would just leave Korea. I'm sure Samsung can defend the country once we depart.
17. tadsy, london, Australia
Here's the plan, send 2 of these up, hit N Korea, Syria and be done with it.
18. doublesuperdragon, North Carolina, United States
The North Koreans just detonated a hydrogen bomb and threatened to use nuclear bombs on a regular basis. This was not uncalled for. It was to show South Korea that the US will support them if North Korea tries something.
19. Kid Brooklyn, Brooklyn, United States
The little leader must have pooped his nappy when he heard a buff was heading his way.
20. Ernest Nr Fuji, Izu, Japan
Instead of antagonizing him President Obama could do worse that invite Kim for a round of golf and addressing him as a leader a d showing a bit of respect. Diplomacy is about addressing people who you might not like as a way to protect peace and prevent the need for conflict. Lining up to hurl insults is getting you all where exactly? Its time for a change of tact.
21. Water Glass, Base Cydonia, Canada
You better drop pizzas to Kim, he will gladly accept those with empty plates.
22. Niloc, Texas
Just a practise run
23. Epsion22, San Fran, United States
I wish they still paint the planes with those nice ladies like back in the day
24. Tony67, Nice, France
Much the same as the Russians are currently doing in Northern Europe, infantile!
25. Sam Huston, Dominion of Canada, Canada
I don't think the the midget dictator or any of the other planetary bad actors were impressed with the weeping president the other day. What a shameful display, very shameful. Has ISIS used the weeing president footage in a recruiting video yet?
26. Judith winscome, Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom
Yeehaw!!!! HELL YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
27. TheLioness, Lions love the truth, Australia
Please stop this madness, war is evil! Once it starts and many people die, we will have wished to have died with them! This carnage is not what we all want- peace please people! We are one and although we have many differences blood shed is not the answer!
28. Dazza-expat-France, Arles, France
It would have been more of a message if it was on 2 miles from the North Korean border.
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