Title: Obama's 2016 State of the Union Address
Author: ANGEL
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Obama's 2016 State of the Union Address President Barack Obama used his final State of the Union address this evening to take on...
Obama's 2016 State of the Union Address

President Barack Obama used his final State of the Union address this evening to take on his critics, particularly those in the Republican Party vying to replace him on the argument that he has run the country into the ground and they are the ones to put it back on track.
Although he did not mention him once by name, he indirectly referenced Republican frontrunner Donald Trump several times, as he called for an end to scapegoating.
'Talk of America’s economic decline is political hot air,' the president said. 'Anyone making those claims is 'peddling fiction,' he said.
'So is all the rhetoric you hear about our enemies getting stronger and America getting weaker. The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period. It’s not even close.'

Source: Obama's 2016 State of the Union Address

Netizen comment

1. kcr_ca, notts, United Kingdom
Obama, the worst president in US history. Time to go, for you Sir!

2. Chuck A, St. Somewhere, United States
Yeah, let's continue to be the laughing stock of the world, Obama. What an idiot.

3. PB, Atlanta
I'm betting the viewers of this address will be the lowest ever. Everyone knows that when he talks, he lies, and we all have far better things to do than be lied to for an hour. History will not be kind to this president.

4. elmosash, Gunnison, United States
Things were a lot better when Michelle wasn't proud to be an American.

5. ZeusNavigator, at sea, United States
It is good to see this era winding down finally. President Regan stored many of the great things that became temporarily lost in America at that time and I hope out next President does the same. For those too young to remember, it can be done with style.

6. HJ, Las Vegas
worst president America has seen Woodrow Wilson.

7. Pocoo, Detroit, United States
I miss how America used to be, when we were all proud of our country and most everyone spoke English.

8. LookingGlass, Boston, United States
I love that Trump bugs him ....

9. Joyce, United States, United States
Obama says, "Our Founders distributed power between states and branches of government." You got that right but you violated our Constitution by passing all your Executive Orders and lied to us from Day 1. Bad mouthed the U.S. every chance you got when making speeches here and overseas; apparently you have no love for America and show it every chance you can by favoring all the illegals and ignoring all the veterans, poor people and U.S. citizens. Can't be soon enough when you're the hell out of the White House and we can take our Country back.

10. americangirl, dallas
I don't have the stomach for his propaganda tonight.

11. Mervyn Sullivan, Leanyer, Australia
This is typical Obama. He wants America to become weak and get swallowed up in the 'new world order' and embrace global governance by unelected UN officials. Individuals like Trump, however, want America to be great again and don't want any part of Obama's 'new world order' because they now that would be the beginning of a new era of tyranny, the end of democracy and capitalism, and the end of numerous rights and freedoms people have come to take for granted over the last century.

12. Momof3girls, la habra, United States
If he attacks Trump, Trump's poll numbers will go up! DT/2016

13. Jake, Boston, United States
Hey stupid, the State Of The Union Address is just that, not a time to preach hatred against the half of the country that sees what an abject failure you are.

14. englishwomaninboston, Boston, United States
I'm a uk citizen living in the great USA I was not thinking about getting my US citizenship until Trump, now I've applied so I can vote for the only true person in this race.

15. Mrjoshua, New York
The State of the Union and he takes a shot at Trump? Came in petty and leaving just as bad. Fact is, Trump is right. Deal with it.

16. crcharley, Williamsville New York, United States
One year and counting. He's as delusional as the people that voted for him.

17. Alexa Rose, Nowhere, United States
Worst president ever.

18. Fish-n-Chips, New England, United State
Obama loves to preach and lecture people. We need a president who inspires America, not talks down to them.

19. Wynna, Tucson, United States
Can't wait till he's gone and all of the damage he's done can be reversed

20. Phantom D.I.C.E., Tahoe, United States
He's bringing the enemy into the USA all the while trying to disarm Americans. Doesn't that scream TREASON?

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