Hundreds of refugees are crossing into Croatia from Serbia two days after Hungary sealed its border with razor wire and armed guards
Netizens comment
Eccleston, London
Hungary deserve applause for what they are doing! A country has the right to protects it borders and that what they are doing. The world and the media seem to have gone mad!
Hungary deserve applause for what they are doing! A country has the right to protects it borders and that what they are doing. The world and the media seem to have gone mad!
VERITAS, co.antrim, United Kingdom
Others should follow the Hungarian example.
Matt_DM, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Hold the line, Croatia - Do not listen to the very vocal minority of liberals here. They can put the few women and children they have on camera and have them feign crying all the like, we must remain strong and act.
jill2welling, london
Nigel Farage was villified for telling the truth. I will continue to vote UKIP and to leave the EU. Cameron and May are selling the British people down the river, to put it politely.
The Chinster, Manchester, United Kingdom
So why announce you are prepared for them to come? Do what Hungary did and shut up shop. They wouldn't come then. Not exactly rocket science is it?
carl90210, London, United Kingdom
Of course what the media doesn't show is that these "refugees" were throwing stones at the police before they responded with teargas and water canons!
one of the few, London, United Kingdom
Don't listen to them, Hungry. Stand your ground. They were a mob throwing bricks and stones.
ㄴThe ungagged, Bham
If they do get into Germany or here then they will start throwing bricks when they don't get free money, free housing etc. Oh sorry, they WOULD get all that wouldn't they?
ㄴFlowery, Birmingham., United Kingdom
I admire Hungary, and I dont blame them for what they did. We are now seeing photos of women and children at last, but yet again, the majority are marauding young fit men, who should fight for their own country!!!
ㄴSJP, Tifton GA
The Germans I know don't want them either
The Germans I know don't want them either
ㄴjonnie99, Manchester, United Kingdom
Germany are to blame for this madness . Get the UK out of the EU tomorrow dithering Dave
ManAtWork, Bratislava, Slovakia
I think that Hungary faces worldwide support for their actions from ordinary citizens of many countries. World leaders and their families live in isolated worlds.
I think that Hungary faces worldwide support for their actions from ordinary citizens of many countries. World leaders and their families live in isolated worlds.
hardwood, The County, United Kingdom
Did I hear you say "worldwide condemnation" ? Where was the world when the so-called refugees wounded 20 police officers ? Nonsense !!
glasspix, London
Ban-ki-Moon was quick to condemn Hungary for protecting its borders and sovereignty, but what have YOU done General Secretary to bring this crisis to a resolution? It is becoming clear that our political leaders have abandoned us and have abandoned their duty to rotect us just so that they can bask in the glory of false and narcissistic humanism.
Ban-ki-Moon was quick to condemn Hungary for protecting its borders and sovereignty, but what have YOU done General Secretary to bring this crisis to a resolution? It is becoming clear that our political leaders have abandoned us and have abandoned their duty to rotect us just so that they can bask in the glory of false and narcissistic humanism.
ㄴjackofrost, Raintown, United Kingdom
Ban Ki Moon is a leftie hand wringer preacher who is irrelevant.
ㄴsterling chap, Cirencester, United Kingdom
What has he ever done? Apart from blame the West for all the world's ills.
ㄴDee One, Sydney, Australia
Then perhaps Ban should persuade the South Korean president to taking some? Say maybe 400K, or 600K? Just to be as benevolent as Merkel. If not, he should just shut up!
ㄴHillbilly, Dorset, United Kingdom
I'm sure Ban Ki Moon has a few refugees in one of his spare bedrooms, in order to help. Or am I mistaken and he just has some live in maids to attend to his every need........
ㄴreaderavid, nottingham, United Kingdom
Amanda-Lynn Playa, Cambridge, United Kingdom
How are Mr G el Dofs new house guests getting on in their new home?
RamblingRose, San Diego, United States
What a bunch of animals. Secure the borders!!
Majestical, London, United Kingdom
Angela Merkel, look at this mess! what the hell have you done?
London2013, London, United Kingdom
Well done Hungary
VictoriaV, Victoria, Canada
The head of Germany's office for migration and refugees quit on Thursday after misjudging crisis !!!
jasons5, melbourne
Hungary claims to be a "Christian" nation. Yeah, right. I wonder what Jesus would think of Hungary today.
ㄴRich, Phoenix
Your so right, we should ship them all to Australia.
ㄴCharlie, Cambridge, New Zealand
He would know they rejected the devil himself.
ㄴTom Krest, Ballarat, Australia
Idiot, why do you hate Hungary so much? What sort of agenda do you have? You are a terrible person, not Hungarians.
jasons5, melbourne
The United Nations is an expensive organization which seems to have lost the will and power to do anything these days. The European Union is just as bad. If they can't solve this issue then they are not fit to be funded by the taxpayer.
Rich, Phoenix, 11 minutes ago
They never did anything right in the first place.
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