A man walks straight towards the men, who were holding hands as part of a social experiment in Russia.
Another homophobe walked directly into the two men as they walked through Moscow
Netizens comment
ㄴtootak, lahore, United Kingdom
yep- bring Islam into it. Typica DM reader. Now wheres the story about North Korea
yep- bring Islam into it. Typica DM reader. Now wheres the story about North Korea
mouse, manchester, United Kingdom
They knew the reaction they would get, so why do it? Also, Try doing that in Syria....and the pair of them would be dropped from a great height.
ㄴFit as a fiddle, Jackson Hole
That is precisely why they did it. It was orchestrated to get their desired result.
That is precisely why they did it. It was orchestrated to get their desired result.
ㄴLeReve, Warrington, United Kingdom...To catch on video the shocking homophobia they face on a daily basis?
Dave RRR, Freetown, United Kingdom
Very do the same experiment in Saudi... If you dont, why not?
BoB, London, United Kingdom
let me test how other people's dogs react to me, to do this I will go walking through a park wearing a suit made out of raw meat. if any dog attacks and tries to eat me well then it's obviously a violent dog and needs to be put down. This is what this seems to me, Yes its terrible how they treat homosexuals but that is how they are doing things, you want to walk around town holding a same sex partner's hand and you will cause reactions fro people. Can't walk thorugh a Lion's den and then act surprised when a lion bites you.
Korotki, Devon, United Kingdom
That's how Russia is. People there are equally intolerant of others with coloured skin. What else is there to say, except that millions of heterosexual couples don't hold hands in public.
ㄴchrissy, London, United Kingdom, 2 months ago
Millions do and until my husband died a few years back I was one of them.
snusnu, uk, United Kingdom
Like most of these 'harassment' videos nothing really happens. They ought to look where they're going though and stop deliberately bumping into people
Fancynewname, Brooklyn, United States
Well... this would happen here too. Gays get assaulted here on the regular. On top that, Russia is a very religious country. Anyways... its not like the authorities arrested them for homosexuality.
ㄴStel, Philadelphia, United States
Russia is not "very religious". In fact religion was banned under the Soviet Union.
ralph, up in the mountains, United Kingdom
Walking hand in hand in a country such as this is just provocation. Not everyone country supports such behaviour and that is their right. Their country, their laws.
JohnNada, Reading, United Kingdom
Different mentalities, I would say it can be like that in most part of Eastern Europe and some Southern European countries.
james, wirral
all you need is love sweet love love is all you need in the words of the beatles forty years ago
CJones, NWales
This is just asking for trouble. There is no need for adults to hold hands as they are walking.
chrissy, London
Of course Russia shouldn't host the World Cup. It is a racist, homophobic country run by a Dictator, Putin, and a host of criminals and yes men. It does not uphold Olympic ideals and is not safe for all competitors.
LeReve, Warrington, United Kingdom
Shocking. They should be able to hold hands with whoever they want without fear of attacks. If heterosexuals can do it, why can'y they? I eagerly await the red arrows this comment will get from the bigots as well.
Andrew H, swindon, United Kingdom
why walk hand in hand, gay or straight it's not something grown ups do in love or not.
ㄴ chrissy, London, United Kingdom
I always walked hand in hand with my husband, from my twenties until he died a few years ago. We were grown-up, intelligent and worked in the professions. We could also correctly use punctuation.
jamman, Singapore
It's their Country and their laws and just because the PC weak UK lets this happen does not mean it is right to do it in others countries.
It's their Country and their laws and just because the PC weak UK lets this happen does not mean it is right to do it in others countries.
Moscow Chap, Moscow, Russia
Like it or not, they got off very lightly if not physically beaten severely. Russia is very different to the west.
Like it or not, they got off very lightly if not physically beaten severely. Russia is very different to the west.
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