Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin his met on the crisis in Syria but failed to resolve their dispute over the future role of Bashar al-Assad.
Obama slapped Putin for supporting Syrian 'tyrant' Bashar al-Assad, who he said 'drops barrel bombs to massacre innocent children'
'I cannot help but ask those who have caused this situation, do you realize now what you've done?' Putin boldly stated. 'But I'm afraid no one is going to answer that.'
Russian President President Vladimir Putin, left, shakes hands with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
ravishing, Cleveland, United States
After Putin stops laughing, I think he will be making a few things crystal clear to Obama as well.
Arby1, St. Paul, United States
Putin is here to tell the lame duck what he is going to do. Not the other way around.
ovb, Moscow, Russia
Obama desperatly pretends that he rules the world
JPJC, Edina, United States
Putin knows Obama is an empty suit
Mrjoshua, New York
Putin is going to wipe the floor with President wimpy.
In the name of ..., No longer living in the UK, Hungary
I look forward to seeing how this is going to unravel. One thing for sure Putin will still be power when Obama is just a memory.
Leonidas I, Thermopylae, United States
President Stompy Feet is going to draw another line in the sand while the world laughs at his lack of leadership.
Arby1, St. Paul, United States
Is BO going to bring his red magic marker to draw the line for Putin?
LoveTai, San Francisco, United States
...finally let's all come together and wipe ISIS off the face of the earth...Thank you Putin!
Cuffs357, Charlotte, United States
Don't think Putin gives a toot about what you say Inman Obama. He knows you are nothing but a blow hard with no backbone.
ovb, Moscow, Russia
Just have listened to both speeches in UN. It was like 5 years old against an adult. Feel sorry for the people who believe Obama is a leader...
koocwerdna1961, Ashford, United Kingdom
What Putin said about Syria made sense. In contrast, Obama and Cameron are doing the equivalent of putting their fingers in their ears and going "La, la, la". They need to start seeing things as they are, not as they would like them to be.
Nep7, California, United States
its really not our business to tell Russia what to do, did they tell us not to go into Afghanistan/Iraq etc?
qa3ux7, waterbury, United States
The difference between Obama & Putin is that Putin truly loves his country and Obama wants to be a citizen of the world.
Redback, Hobart, Australia
America still contine to make their usual veiied threats towards President Putin at the UN. I'am sure the US administration don't want the conflict in Syria to end because it allows them to continue to maintain a justifiable military presents in Europe. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells can see if the US succeed in removng Asadd as Syria's President and replace him with another of their "Hommer Simpson" presidents we will without any doubt witness (yet) another failed middle eastern country, (Should never have forced the removal of Iraq's Saddam Hussein, Lybia's Muammar Gaddafi) clearly these countries can't function without a strong leader! Why do the US continue to propagate Assad as having used Chemical weapons against his people, this was never proven!!! Reminds me of Saddam Hussein's WMD's
crcharley, Williamsville New York, United States
I'm a American through and through, but can we trade Obama for Putin? He makes more sense.
Rootie, Spokane WA USA
Pouty little Obama making his angry face at Putin. Putin laughing at him. That sums up the situation.
oztraliana, WA, Australia
This man Obama, is it really true he spent $500,000,000 on training Syrian soldiers-mercenaries as ground troops representing the US in the fight there, and all you got was FOUR, yes 4 soldiers. I saw the video of the Senator asking this question, but I couldn't believe my ears. Thought it was money better spent on the American people instead. What good is your powerful military if it only acts like the boy scouts?
groo, Cordova, United States
I bet Putin had to restrain himself to not backhand the pathetic weakling who wants to sit by while ISIS destroys everything that resembles civilization in the Middle East.
Slem, GOA, India
Compare the speeches of Putin VS Obama, Putin was honestly blunt and to the point while Obama was dishonest obnoxious and full of rubbish. Putin made so much sense while obama contradicted himself and did not even seem to know it.
Gina, Limassol, Cyprus
Poor American peopke, we feel pity for you.. You have been brainswashed by your media in a terrible extent so that you dont see how the rest of the people, NOT governments , think of your country policies!
wallcott, Aspen, United States
on every issue, putin has been right and obama wrong. the usa has removed a dozen 'dictators' and in every case more violence and terror is the result. obama does NOT WANT to damage isis. that is why he is fighting putin
Captain Reynault, Georgia USA, United States
King Barry the Jackleg clearly stated, "I want to make this clear, crystal clear, totally clear, transparently clear, super-duper clear, beyond any shadow of a doubt clear, clearly clear ... hey, where'd Putin go?" --- "He left, said something about consolidating gains in Syria. He said he'd get back to you."
Nygus, Vladivostok, Russia
Obama's soft tones ruin America daily. Vlad, like him or not, has balls and you CAN'T deny it.
sleuther, not the UK, Australia
The Hypocrisy of Obama with his statement of Putin " contravening international law " is unbelievable . Putin says it how it is , and it is great to see the commenters here supporting him .
Umsinga, Brisbane, Australia
Sadly Putin is correct. Obama the worst US President ever
Walter Sobchak, Malibu, United States
Obama's icy state is so scary. I bet Putin will forever tremble when he remembers the day he got the evil eye from the girly man President of the USA.
Grumpy Old Geeza, Paphos, Cyprus
Putin's right, every country we have got involved in has turned into lawless anarchy, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya all full of ISIS now.... at the cost of how many of our brave soldiers.
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