- Russia began airstrikes on three provinces in support of President Assad
- But is acused of killing 36 civilians in first wave of attacks as it targets anti-government rebels instead of ISIS
- Russian officials said that out of the 20 airstrikes, eight Islamic State targets had been hit.
Source : See latest news from Russia's air strikes in Syria
ovb, Moscow, Russia
This should be the main news of the day - instead of some teenagers hugging in the sea
Sceadu, Moscow, Russia,
I'm not happy that our lads will be sorting out the mess America started with their regime changing obsession, but it looks like nobody else can do it :(
ovb, Moscow, Russia
So Russia is going to bleed again to stop the mess started by some very civilized and special countries
MdhmMary, Long Island, United States
Good for Russia!! Our President is a coward.
Slem, GOA, India
Putin is folding up his sleeves and getting down to business while Obama still thinks he can bluff the world
Kenny F., Spotsylvania VA. USA
I wish America had a TRUE leader like Putin. He doesn't give two $hits about being PC.
Dpak Elle, Nelspruit, United States
I will take the liberty to speak for all Americans - Thank you President Putin for taking the attack to isis. May our 'president' learn from your leadership!!!
Raija Helena, Riihimäki, Finland
Excellent, Vlad - I don't care why you do it, just do it - and kill as many as you can!
Jozef717, Frankfurt, Germany
don't get me wrong, but the Americans started it and the Russians will finish it.
yyz, Vail, United States
Thank you Putin for keeping the United States safe from ISIS. We need you since our impotent paper tiger of a leader does nothing.
Alli, Washington DC
As a Marine Iraq vet, remember child soldiers are still soldiers. Their rounds will kill you just the same as a man in their 40s. Its a horrible situation, but they (ISIS) placed you in it, and you just have to do your job.
Uriel68, Boston, United States
Kill them ALL Vlad....who cares embryos,cubs,kittens or grannies just cleanse the Earth of these Devils.
killer queen, Mcw, Russia
Just hoping he won't start a ground campaign. Having your people killed while cleaning up other countries' mess is beyond sad.
BestCommentHere, Woodridge, Australia
A great leader! Wish we had Putin leading Australia!
Surfers, London, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
Six Questions: [1] Are there any 'Rebel Groups' NOT run or infiltrated by radicals? Answer: NONE [2] Has Assad ever invaded another country? Answer: NO [3] Did Assad allow religious freedom and protect minorities? Answer: YES [4] Did Assad have popular majority support? Answer: YES. Even *western observers* acknowledge a genuine election landslide. [5] Is Assad our best hope for ending the Refugee Crisis AND destroying ISIS? Answer: YES to both. [6] Why are Western govts backing Saudi's bid to topple an elected gov't that protects minorities, has never invaded another country and is opposed to Fundamentalism? Answer: . . . . . DEAFENING SILENCE . . . . .
FireMan11, Washington, United States
Obama is so sad now, his ISIS' friends are being killed by a leader who could careless about political correctness, and think about his Country first and then the rest. Obama watch and learn, you i-d-iot!
YellowHammer, Everywhere, United States
And, once again, Putin proves himself a better world leader than Obama. *sigh*
Jozef717, Frankfurt, Germany
1945: help, the Russians are coming. 2015: help us please mother Russia, we love you.
MyTake345, Charlotte, United States
Finally!! Thank you France and Mr. Putin for taking the lead on this, much unlike someone we know in the U.S.
Floridian, USA, United States
For people who are too stupid to figure this out, our government holds onto the ridiculous plan of establishing democracy in the Middle East and so that is why Obama supports the rebels. Putin believes in keeping those dictators in power because they keep the peace. That is why they are on opposite sides of the fence, and after seeing what happened in Iraq and Libya after removing the dictators, Putin is right.
Love2Read, Pacific NW, United States
This should be top story. This is huge because its about to do the dominoes effect of some major worldly events.
elf, Carmel, United States
Putin is getting it done because his agenda is different than the USA's and England's. He is not demoralizing his people or allowing I S to invade his civilization.
Partizan YU, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Putin has to do something because his radical Chechen neighbors pledged allegiance to ISIS. Don't want them to return even more radicalized.
JMB of Gold Coast, Gold Coast, Australia
Well this thing has just heated up!
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