Title: Refugees spurn France in search for better life
Author: ANGEL
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One country appears glaringly absent from the lips of refugees on their arduous journey to Europe: France. Paris dispatched a team of ...

  • One country appears glaringly absent from the lips of refugees on their arduous journey to Europe: France.
  • Paris dispatched a team of immigration officials to Munich to convince refugees to seek asylum in France.
  • However less than 600 arrived on organised buses and no more are expected for the moment, the immigration office said, refusing further comment. - 'We hesitated' -

Source : Yahoo!NEWS


If anyone thinks that the refugees will ever leave, they are mistaken. Afghan Refugees have been coming to Pakistan since the Soviets invaded in 1979. The Afghan refugees fundemetally changed the culture of Pakistan and have never left.
Even in the the 1980 and early 90s, Pakistan still was able to elect a woman as Prime Minister.
The culture of Pakistan has regressed so much that it would laughable for a school girl in Pakistan to even think she could become a doctor let alone Prime Minister of Pakistan.

I guess this AFP reporter neglected to realize just how dammmmmm many "" refugees"" France has been taking in over the years , and how utterly disrespectful, arrogant and ungrateful the muslim community has become . The reporter has also neglected to mention how the muslim community has become so violent the police dare not go Into those communities for fear of bodily harm to them , and muslims make up for most of the violent crimes in France . Give me a break AFP reporter , again , this shows us how the biased media and news agencies continue to tug at the heart strings of the readers , it's BS . Oh btw , how many "" refugees "" can we put you down for AFP reporter ???? You cum bag.

France has such a long tradition of being invaded by economic opportunists, hoping to cash in on the social service network that they have established procedures that must be followed (yes, MUST) to immigrate there. Tolerance is at an end in France for those who do not wish to respect the procedures, and new measures have been put in place, including civics training, language training, professional skills evaluation and police formalities (fingerprinting, photography) and the dossier must be complete to have the rights of a resident in the country. Hundreds of thousands still immigrate to France every year, but there are also about 20,000 deportations each year. All of this is done without refusing entry to anyone who is determined to be a genuine refugee, fleeing war and persecution in their home country (a draft dodger is not a refugee). If these measures have made the country less attractive to the current wave of opportunists, it proves that it IS possible to get a handle on this problem by being firm on principles, and not allowing the social services system to be run by bleeding heart liberals (as it is in England) who feel the riches of the nation are there to be thrown at the feet of the world's poor and the doors flung wide to people arriving simply for that reason.

My Clone Did it Not me
Good news U.S. taxpayers.
Ann Corcoran, founder of Refugee Resettlement Watch, first noticed the posting and comments, “At the top you will see that each refugee gets $1850 as a one time payment from the US Dept. of State (a family of 6 would receive $11,100). However, the contracting (non-profit) agency keeps about $750 of each refugee’s allotment for its own overhead.”

She later noted, “But, that is not all the contractor receives, most get tens of thousands of federal dollars to run myriad other programs through their offices including English language lessons, employment counseling, and even are granted federal dollars to develop community gardens for their refugee clients.”

On top of this they will get SNAP, disability, social security.

The problem is the mis-identification of these people as 'asylum seekers'. They're not seeking asylum.
They're seeking world dominance.
But they're cowards.
Instead of standing and fighting for their own home land, they willingly allowed someone to take it from them, then they're flooding other countries and taking that land from its people.
It's nothing more than herds of animals vying for the bed grazing grounds.
But what's different is that these particular people are more like a plague of pestilence than just another herd grazing on the land.
They're more of a parasite.
They'll suck the host dry, then complain that the host isn't giving them enough.
All the while, the host and all who lived on it before the arrival of the parasitic muslims dies a slow and painful death, little by little, day by day.
Soon, the French and Germans will need to seek asylum.
Where will they go?
Who will take them in?
Who will feed the starving masses caused by the cowardly muslims who lacked the courage to stand and fight the enemy taking their home land?
When will someone stand up to that enemy?

Dab D Mat
What an ungrateful worthless screwballs. This is exact the problem with Islam. Ungrateful unskilled intolerant people who destroy themselves and their own land but see no problem coming to ruin other cultures and lands, it's the Islamic way. Everyone's an infidel when you don't give them free halal food at the food bank or they can't work because they pray 15 times a day now. Wake up people... the Crusades were actually formed IN RESPONSE to typical Muslim aggression and intolerance. By taking in all these idiots that say "I had to leave my wife and child behind [in a war zone] because I didn't know which one I had to choose to save"... you taking in worthless cowards who will be unhappy soon with the freebies and entitlements they are getting thinking they should be getting more... and then they will be back fighting with ISIS... raping pillaging murdering... it's the Islamic way.

It does appear that most of those refugees are able bodied young men I cannot understand why they are being allowed into Europe instead of forcing them to go back home to reclaim their country by fighting ISIS from within. For argument sake, let's say those terrorists were inside Europe doing what they are doing in Syria, and the young European men who should be in the army helping to defend its country, decided that they did NOT WANT to stay and fight but flee like those cowards (REFUGEES) have done en masse, would the Europeans be ok with that?? Would Europe be happy if say, America opens its doors and encourage their people (Europeans) to defect instead of staying to fight, thus leaving it vulnerable?

I think they misunderstand what "refugee" is. They are allowing you into the country temporarily until the country they came from gets better. No one is inviting them to stay. Yet they want to get picky about who they stay with, what they want, and how they are going to get it. When you have nothing and are desperate, you take what you can get, however you get it. These people are going to be a nightmare to have to deal with.

This is the greatest immigration scam in history aided and abetted by the morally corrupt European elites. One simply can't imagine such openly lawless, opportunistic invasion by economic migrants happening forty or fifty years ago, the so called "refugees" who leave their families behind in the "war zone" they themselves are claiming to flee for their lives. "Refugees" who unashamedly and openly Shop for the best Asylum deal after crossing a dozen safe countries. All of this would discredit them as genuine refugees from the outset way back when before Europe had lost her spirit and moral compass. EU dolts, you suck!

Curious And Curiouser
And in the US - is this true what Ann Cocoran , Refugee watch says?

“Each refugee gets $1850 as a one time payment from the US Dept. of State (a family of 6 would receive $11,100). However, the contracting (non-profit) agency keeps about $750 of each refugee’s allotment for its own overhead.”


What is wrong with this government that cannot take care of it's own country first. Lead at home and you will be respected worldwide.

this is amusing.

Germany won't offer more than a 3 year residence permit, at best, to asylum seekers.

and woe be to anyone who is upset at the prospect of dealing with "bureaucracy", lack of housing and administrators who don't speak english...if this leaves you miffed, stay the heck away from Munich, for sure, and possibly Germany overall.

I have never once had an experience at the immigration office (as a well employed tax paying immigrant person) that wasn't conducted completely in German. Lots of forms to complete, most of them only in German. Finding a place to live in Munich is almost impossible even for existing residents. And anyway, as a "refugee" you're going to end up in group housing without the option to choose where you live until your application has been completed anyway. No option for these people to work for 15 months unless they are skilled in a field that has a shortage of German and/or EU citizens to fill the jobs. No work, no fun, and really, not a lot of money. You will not starve, you will have a clean, safe place to live, but that is about it.

But overall there is a tone to this article that somehow countries should be rolling out the red carpet for these prople?!? Competing for their "favor"? gah!

Bruce Burgess
According to Andrew Liepman, the deputy director of intelligence at the National Counter Terrorism Center. Islamists arrive in the United States despising the country and all it represents, intending to make converts, exploit the freedoms and rights granted them, and build a movement that will effect basic changes in the country's way of life and government. The superpower status of the United States makes it especially attractive to those who wish to change the world order; what better place to start? Islamists do not accept the United States as it is but want to change it into a majority Muslim country where the Qur'an replaces the Constitution. "Our plan is, we are going to conquer America," is how a missionary put it already in the 1920s.4 His latter-day successors are no less ambitious. They have two alternate strategies, non-violent (i.e., conversion of the Christian majority) and violent (i.e., jihad), to accomplish this.

Recently Ayman al-Zawahri the current leader of al-Qaeda called on young Muslim men in the West to focus on "moving the war to the heart of the homes and cities" of the West and the U.S. in particular. He also urged lone wolf attacks in the U.S. and said "I call on all Muslims who can harm the countries of the crusader coalition not to hesitate,"

Hijo De Pancho Villa
The world is very quickly dividing into the civilized and successful world and the uncivilized third world consisting of the Middle East, Africa, Central America, Mexico and the muslim countries of Asia. And If the liberal politicians of the US and Europe have their way the US and Europe will be over run by the uncivilized world and their own citizens crushed in the process. Europe should look to the US where third world latinos from Mexico and Central America have already over run the country to see what the result will be, falling wages, increasing crime, declining education results, drug trafficking and so on.

This only proves that if the OWNERS of a nation, it's PEOPLE and GOVERNMENT, TOGETHER RESIST the influx of these illegal usurpers and do NOT make it EASY to enter....the animals go AWAY! Refugees can be housed in large, empty areas while conditions exist that create war. However, this does not mean we let them enter our nation and destroy our lives as well. We can house and help them and NOT have them feeding off US. France learned; if they can learn so can WE. And if FRANCE kicks out illegals then that is PERMISSION for US leftists that THEY can kick out illegals too!

The European people do not have the heart to defend their countries. They are a feckless lot how have been nurtured on socialism. What sugar is to a diabetic, socialism is to a European; and in the end the heart will be destroyed by all that sugar. Europe, you seeing the end of your culture and your countries! You deserve it! NATO is worthless! The Russians have a way now to take Europe easily: wait until the Muslim crisis triggers a real pan-European insurgency; Russia will step in to provide the weapons and support and will enter by invitation as support in attacking the Muslims and the corrupt liberal politicians who created the Frankenstein of Islam in Europe!

Salmon swimming upstream
Why are not these individuals being :
1) assisted by the UN
2) being put into camps to be trained into a military unit and then being armed to be sent back to fight for their own country
3) told that they will be settled anywhere other than another Muslim country
4) vetted for being terrorist instead of displace immigrants
5) placed into the care of the embassy of the country in which they came. Let them stay in their diplomatic compound under guard.
6) picked up at sea before they reach the shores and sent back under military escort to their country of origin. They are all of age and capability to stay in their own country and complain/ riot/ and change the way of life there rather in western based countries which they despise to begin with

Oh my, these 'poor refugees" are shopping for the largest handouts.
Not happy to just be free.
The face of Europe is going to change quickly, with this onslaught of Muslim invaders.
In 5 to 10 years everyday life will change as these "poor refugees" will not assimilate, but demand these countries change to meet their desires. It's already happening in the US, with the millions upon millions of illegal aliens and not this administration is going to bring in these "poor refugees" by the millions, too. It already in a week has gone from admitting 10,000 to 85,000.

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