Title: T-ARA enrages Japanese netizens by eating instant noodles from the pot
Author: ANGEL
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The video is actually part of a promotional series for Shin Ramyun instant noodles in which members of Korean girl group T-ARA share t...

  • The video is actually part of a promotional series for Shin Ramyun instant noodles in which members of Korean girl group T-ARA share their favorite home recipes
  • The Japanese Internet is raging over a video of a young South Korean woman eating instant noodles because she has bad table manners
  • One of the current top comments is supported by 15 “likes” for saying that “eating straight from the pot like this is worse than beggars going to receive their food rations.”

Source : Japan today


I think when you are alone, table manners don't matter. The premise of the ad is she is alone; so technically she is alone; but the Japanese audience is watching her eating alone, so practically she is not alone. This is a tough call heh.

<While the Internet in general is known for being a bottomless cauldron of hate>

Ha ha. Great opening and yes, especially wherever there is the protection of anonymity.

Pointlessly impractical people are bad enough, but when they get angry and verbal about how others should also be pointlessly impractical, I hate them to the core. I also align my chopsticks this way. Any other way is impractical. Eat from the pot? I do this to test what I am cooking. Use the lid as a dish? How very clever!

These are the type of people who would insist that you must extend your pinkie when drinking tea. For what purpose I ask? As if there were not enough problems and difficulties in the world! Why do some insist on inventing more?

I sometimes make and eat ramen, udon, pasta from the pot too especially during winter and when I'm in a real rush like i got only 5 minutes to eat or something like that.

A) Keeps the food hot when it's straight off the stove sitting in the same pot B) I have less dishes to wash

Yeah I know it's horrible table manners, now i know why my wife gives me that look :)

One of the tough things about keeping up a site that catalogues the weird little quirks of Japan, is that more the weird becomes normal. So now Japanese people can point out things about Korea that they don't get, and I'm not sure if Korea will ever reach the levels of eyebrow-raising hijinks that Japan does...but not for the lack of trying. Japanese people, who slurp on noodles like there is no tomorrow. Apparently, you are unable to "fully enjoy the taste of the noodle" unless you slurp it. If slurping in your noodles instead of chewing them brings your taste buds one step closer to orgasmic joy or something. You may think I'm exaggerating, but go ask the nearest Japanese person about their feelings on slurping noodles and see what happens. You may want to keep a raincoat or plastic tarp handy, just in case. Its these little things that help us to understand cultures better.

Wow was just reading all those comments for the vid on youtube. Unreal! You know what never mind what, there are people out there that have nothing better to do and will spew. i'm still eating from my pot! ( when I'm alone )

The small minds of effete etiquette turning a television commercial into an offensive social faux pas demonstrates only their utter lack of purpose, tolerance and humour.

<Apparently, you are unable to "fully enjoy the taste of the noodle" unless you slurp it.>

Of course! By slurping, one inhales the robust aroma of the noodles, heightening the experience. You MUST slurp! This is a funny and nicely-written article, by the way..

So all the Japanese talking with a mouth full of food is OK? I align chopsticks like that all the time, then again, I'm not a dinner etiquette kind of guy.

My wife still brings up the fact when we first started dating and she took food off my plate for a taste, I then told her this is my food and if she wants some, she should order from the menu.

Time has pasted and now it's a free-for-all with everyone having a little taste of what's on the table.

what I find more disturbing is the successful export of Japanese 'kawaii'-behavior. When you are 20 and act like a 3 year old, you are cute. For a long time this was only manner in Japan. But now it also seems to become normal in Korea... I get the chills when I think of this would become a trend in Europe or the US too. And then specially when the huge women there will starting to behave like this...

I had to watch the video to see how she could drive the chopsticks into a cutting board. To me, driving into the board means she's impaling the sticks. In fact, she's merely taping them on the board to keep them aligned.

Still, some Japanese netizens really have to consider getting out of their mommy's house and finding a job.

The fact that she uses the lid of the pot as a sort of tori-zara, between the pot and her mouth, means that the noodles are out of the soup and have cooled down a little, and as a consequence she does not need to use so much Japan-style vacuum-slurp. Very practical!

As mentioned in the article, Japanese are complaining about the way that she stabs her kitchen table with her chopsticks which (apart from possible funerary connotation) contributes to the overall problem here, that we are seeing a woman expressing her her hunger, her table stabbing hunter-killa instincts, or in a word, her desire which in Japan women are not meant to have (c.f. recent post regarding lesbianism). Japanese women are meant to be repressed, blood-less, and just cute through and through. Koreans on the other hand are allowed to be a little more natural.

I want some noodles.

Well, in Korea it is considered rude to hold your rice bowl in your hand. Personally I wouldn't want my kids using the lid of a pot as a plate, but as borscht said, these NEETs really need to get a life.

<This, ladies and gentlemen, was enough to raise a furor among Japanese net users, who wasted no words in bashing Ji-yeon for her “disgusting table manners,”>

Japanese complaining about table manners -- how hilarious. This from the folks who have made picking up plates and holding them to their mouths while using a fork or spoon like a shovel to shove the food in faster, all while making appropriate slurping sounds, an art form. Or, not using a knife when one is available and simply stabbing large pieces of meat and gnawing off a huge chunk. Yup, definitely the pot calling the kettle balck.

Christopher Blackwell
My Goddess, I cannot imagine something less imprtant to get angry over. If you don't like her manners than do not invite her to your next party. Surely one can find something more important to get enraged over. I really ever understand why people try to make the internet worse then real life. Of course then I am odd enough t use my real name on everything that I say. Fortunately you will never see me eat on the internet, so you will never know my table manners. [Grin]

Japanese "Netizens" are all pretty much virgins and dropkicks. I'm sure this Korean idol doesn't give a rats what they think!

Let be! Let be! For some reason this reminds me of an experience I had when I was a soldier in Korea many moons ago. I was invited to a Korean Katusa's home. His father was a high ranking military bigwig. When I picked up my bowl of rice while eating breakfast, my Korean friend's father slapped my hand quite hard. The bowl nearly went flying and I just froze. It was later explained to me that it is impolite to do this. Wow, I sure got a quick lesson to a cultural point of Korean people. Did I complain about it all day or wage a war against the Korean people? Of course not. Thanks to this article, I once again was taken back to my younger days. Let be!

This is a typical kind of reaction to the customs of others that go against the grain of one's own customs. What Japanese don't realize is that the slurping sounds they make when eating noodles are repulsive to people who do not slurp.

One of the current top comments is supported by 15 “likes” for saying that “eating straight from the pot like this is worse than beggars going to receive their food rations.”

Excuse me but is that all the evidence you have to back up a headline stating 'Korean idol enrages Japanese netizens'? 15 'likes'! You're going to have to come up with far stronger evidence to justify this article.

nothing quite gets Japanese netizens seething like South Korea

Where is your evidence of this Japanese rage on the internet? Surely not 15 'likes'!!

Ivan Coughanoffalot
This is remarkable. She's condemned as "worse than a homeless person" for using the lid of her cooking pot as a serving dish - when eating alone, you'll note.

I suspect, unlike many of the people condemning her, eating alone is not a problem she has to deal with so often.

Conversely, if she'd tilted her head marginally to the side and shouted out a wet sneeze, then immediately lit up a cigarette and started tinkering with an iPhone to preclude having to acknowledge other people exist, her table manners would have been quite suitable for almost any eatery I've lunched at in the Greater Tokyo area.

Japanese netizens criticizing other countries` eating habits.... one could not make that up.

These people need to get a life.

Mike DeJongAPR
Japanese manners? What manners? Have you ever seen a Japanese person eating pasta?

I saw an old guy at a restaurant the other night slurping away at his spaghetti... pasta sauce flying everywhere. He had no idea how to properly use a fork and spoon with pasta.

Another man lifted the end of his plate and shoveled his pasta into house mouth - once again, slurping away at full volume. If these people went to any other country, people would be shocked and horrified.

I think the Japanese should be the last people to talk about table manners.

Darren Brannan
hmmm.. wasn't it Suzuki Ichiro in that ramen or miso ad where he is all sweaty and slurps, gulps his way through a bowl in like 10 seconds and then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand? or is my memory failing me? I thought that 'macho' ad was hardly epic in terms of table manners.

Maurice Derrick Batie
First of all "netizens" ? What is this world comin to? If you ask me, Japanese have the most annoying table manners. That's just my opinion. Burping out loud, digging in their noses, farting. And yes all while at the table. Putting their bare feet on chairs and picking their toes, slurping noodles loud as hell. If that's not barbarick then I don't know what is. If I left something out let me know. These Internet geeks need to get back in touch with humanity. Get a girlfriend and get laid. You know, regular human being activities. All this "netizens" s#%t is lame.

comon and Japanese table manners are perfect!? LOL slurping spaghetti, many Japanese dont even know how to hold cutlery properly without looking like a two year old. more hypocritical BS

Haha its nice to know there are a bunch of posters out there that have much less of a life than we jt-ers LOL!

God the things I have seen J-folks do in the parkinglots of combini's alone dwarf this ""international "" incident haha!

bahahahahahah Instant Noodles? etiquette on how to eat INSTANT NOODLES?!? hahahah. Keep SLURPING your soba like pigs at the trough. bahahahaha this is news? get over yourselves Japan. hahaha

If Japanese are picking apart this young woman for eating out of a pot, then there is PLENTY Japan could be picked apart for, even contradicting its OWN manners! I don't any other culture where you're allowed to bring a bowl to your mouth and slurp up broth or scrape what's left of the bowl into your mouth (save little children sometimes being allowed to finish their cereal that way).

You would think there are more important things to get 'furious' about.

Marcelo SzkAPR(Japanese)
It's just my impression or these demonstrations of rage and hate from japanese started since Korea reached some economic and industrial status worldwide and Japan kept struggling since the end of the bubble? That slurping souds more disgusting to the westerners than eating direct from the pot. Ups, the japanese do that too...

Now that's reality TV! Good job! Spontaneous, irregardless of bias, status, cultures, etc. She should have gone for the pot after the lid. Who really gives a s***? I'll bet their record sales surge. I love Japan and would never change. How many times have my friends, speaking with a mouthful spat stuff in my face? It does not matter. You're my host, I'm your guest. You set the rules, I adhere to them. The clip was set in S.Korea so we accept the way they do things over there. It's very easy for the so-callrd netizens to sit on their fannys, safely in their liveing rooms and criticize others. What do you do when you go to countries where they eat with their hands? You go to the river, wash up and join them.

Simple truth. These Japanese netizens are anti-Korean, because what she is doing is the same thing a million Japanese people would do, are already doing, or don't care about if they saw it happen. Japanese people have customs or habits other people find horrible or bad manners like slurping noodles, but we aren't online whining or screaming about it.

The Internet is full of moronic, ignorant, bigoted fools, period.

LOL at Japanese netizens. I know it's fashionable to hate on Korea in Japan, but this is just ridiculous. And the reasons of hatred seems to get more and more lame, everyday. This is how Koreans eat the ramen noodles when they are alone or with close friends. It's about having fun, and sharing the pot of instant noodles in an informal setting, making it tastier. It's as psychological as anything. This is done only with instant noodles, and nothing else as a fun way to have a good time.

But you know, Japanese people shoving rice into the mouth with chopsticks while having the rice bowl stuck up to the mouths looks so much better, and so much civilized. (rolls eyes).

Japanese people are angry over this video? Really? What a bunch of sore losers! I think they are more angry over this video then the way their nuclear officials handled the nuclear plant crisis. It's sad really, the amount of hatred filled superior complex Japanese. I've passed this hatred onto my other colleagues in the world. I'm not impressed with you, Japan. GROW UP PLEASE!!!!

Stephen Jez
Who cares? Bad table manners? Go read 2ch and look at the vast number of racist xenophobe otakus that spew hate at anything and everything that's isn't Japanese. Sad thing is, I bet there is a large silent majority IRL too.

It really is disgusting!!!

This is not anything about culture or anything like that. Read the youtube comments, it's more to do with bashing and hating on Koreans by the Japanese, and to point out how primitive Koreans are compared to the Japanese. It's an confirmation of superiority of Japan to them, in an increasingly uncertain world where the world according to Japan is upside down and their future uncertain,.. and that everything is still alright in Japan. If it wasn't this commercial, it would been something else to bash on Korea.

Of course LH10. Read some of the comments, and most of it run along the lines of this one comment which I've translated:

"If a pop idol who are on TV's are like that, how filthy a normal Koreans would be? Even amongst Third World countries, they're known as low quality people, this proves it's true".

Chaz Ed
Hahahaha... So I had to fast scroll to the bottom of the comments to see how many comments there are! And couldn't resist placing one myself! LoL I'm rolling!! I call it a "stick up the butt mentality". Like patrons of the symphony that sit there quiet and still even when the MC asks for participation and have a little fun! Proper attire and respect to eating noodles should always be done in only one way!!! And that is the proper way! Control freaks just like to control! Apparently those that made the judgement call on this just haven't learned to enjoy Cartoons or understand staged humor! Freakin' Sad A wake up call is due... Geeez!

James Koole
Ben Jack Korean pop cultures are not popular especially among young people? what are you talking about ? It is even avoided by many of them. I haven never seen people who like Kpop so much... And what are you guys talking about extreme right wings in japan are mostly zainichi.

Jong Hyun Lee(Korean)
Not thing to be surprise, actually the eating manner does not matter. I'm sure 'The netizen' is the one called 'Japanese right winger'. They find everything about Korea and blame and make fun of it whatever topic is it about. You can even see them on Youtube, in that case they pretending to be foreigns like Filippino, Indonesian, Vitenamese and others, then start to blame Korea again. Those right wingers don't have life and job.

Hey James Koole, I guess you are a Jap or Jap ass licker. Btw you said zainichi(right winger) are Korean. Well that's a completely bullshit. At the frist time when right wingers started to blame Korea on internet as the time goes, quite many saw their stupid acts. Of course those people never agree with the right wingers rather the people started to blame them and their racial characteristics. After all the japanese right winger's idiotic acts goes on European media. So the right winger's was in difficult situation. And now they start abuse excuse and saying 'the right wingers were actually Korean or zainichi'. This is general dirty Japanese fraud.

Actually is quite pathetic to see disgusting table manners like hers. Didn't Mom teach her table manners? Gotta wonder!

Did the Japanese mom teach to slurping ramen with loudest sound as best as possible? I guess not, cause it is in the Nihonjinron logic right?

Who care?

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