Title: Stampede kills more than 700 in one of worst-ever hajj tragedies
Author: ANGEL
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Rescue under way after stampede in Mina where two million pilgrims were taking part in the last major rite of Hajj Saudi Arabia's ...

  • Rescue under way after stampede in Mina where two million pilgrims were taking part in the last major rite of Hajj
  • Saudi Arabia's civil defence service said rescue operations were under way after the stampede in Mina, where almost two million pilgrims were taking part in the last major rite of the Hajj.
  • At least 717 people have been crushed to death and hundreds of others hurt in a stampede of pilgrims in one of the worst incidents in years to hit the Muslim Hajj in Saudi Arabia.

Source : yahoo! NEWS


You would think such a civilized religion could do better at planning the event. It's not the first time at this rodeo. Oh that's right they are still at the cutting heads of part of the evolution.

I HAD A MUSLIM tell me once he would never go to any of those Mosques because when he was a boy his Uncle told him that the building contain so much methane from flatulence that he witnessed an Iman Muslim Cleric go to light an incense and 1/2 the building blew up like as if a Bomb Detonated. I have often wondered sometimes how many of the mosques blowing up are due to them Pharting in the Air as they bend over. (I was also told that's where the Arab slang originated he let off a Bomb that we use today in referring to someone passing gas. (If anyone knows if that is true or not please comment below!

THEY WOULD NOT HAVE TO FORCE ME to convert or be beheaded. I would cut my own head off before I Converted to that Non-sense.

Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. It really doesn’t matter that there’s absolutely no evidence that Einstein actually made this statement; it’s still a great quote!

They need to get the Disney people out there. Nobody moves people around like Disney.

Good Dog
What caused the stampede? Was someone giving out one way plane tickets to Germany?

Punishment ? I bet more females dead,because they can not be touched by a male.

praise to the prophet! helping these nitwits be the best peace loving muslim they can be! this happens every year it seems when throwing the stones at the Devil AKA the big black rock. You would have thought islam and the prophet would have thrown a few rules in the quran about courtesy and not trampling people to death but I guess he ran out of space talking about killing non believers and converts!

Fish Hook
To the Muslims, this is their death wish .. To Die in Mecca while stoning the Devil.
Why is anyone expressing condolences when the survivors are jealous of the dead?
Is this not why they commit suicide bombing???

Does anyone in the USA really care that much?

No Oinkers
So this incident is going to #$%$ future Muslim pilgrims during "stoning the devil" ritual. When they mass up in the hundreds of thousands, they'd be as nervous as a flock of goats as they remember what happened in the past during the ritual, and when any small thing #$%$s the super nervous crowd...oh my, they remember the past deaths and repeat the stampede. Nothing good seems to come out of Islam.

This pilgrimage has happened for hundreds of years. The only reasons for these repeated occurances of mass death are a lack of respect for life and subsequent poor planning.
It is not much of a surprise that more refugees head to Europe rather than the likes of Saudi Arabia.

Yeah Allah is really looking out for you.

Nothing new, This damn thing happens every single year. Saudis smoke their Aise off to avoid such happening, But it did happen again.

May be Devil was tired when so many people thrown stones at him. Muslim population increased dramatically in the world, so it is impossible to receive so many people at the same time. It is Saudi fault that they allowed so many people to come at once.

And Obama wants to import these Muslims by the 10's of thousands under the guise of "refuges". Wow, did we forget already that the pressure cooker bombers at the Boston marathon were so called "refuges" ?

Whether in religion, sports, politics or entertainment, "true believers" become their own worst enemy. Like Walmart Christmas-shopper stampedes, it is another good reason to stay home and avoid crowds.

Syrian Muslims must have know this going to happen, that's why they ran the other way.

there's so much people at one place. there isn't anything like this in the whole world. also there's people speaking many different languages so there is a communication problem, but there are announcements made in every language over there (but people still may not properly pay attention). and since there are so much people trying to do the same thing and when one person trips or falls then it causes a huge mess although usually there haven't been this many casualties in a long time

IF by chance this surprises anyone then I suggest you try to fly into or out of Dubai maybe...they have NO clue of how to get in line and wait their's all a matter of "me me me" like a spoiled brat kid...what amazes me too is that they seem to always worry about what someone else has or gets paid all while waiting for someone else to provide for them instead of getting out and working for it...they are by and large a jealous bunch of entitlement minded wonder the Dumbocrats love them so...they're kindred

Sith Lord of Rudeness
A few hundred thousand people can crowd into St. Peter's Square in the Vatican to listen to a papal mass, but somehow a hajj can't go smoothly without hundreds dying. Why is that?

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