Title: Pope Francis blesses daughter of undocumented immigrants
Author: ANGEL
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Sophie Cruz was part of a crowd of thousands lining the papal route in Washington to catch a glimpse of the pontiff She gave the popu...

  • Sophie Cruz was part of a crowd of thousands lining the papal route in Washington to catch a glimpse of the pontiff
  • She gave the popular pontiff a letter pleading for him to help her illegal immigrant parents stay in the United States

'I'm scared they'll take my family'

which had also included a drawing which featured Francis holding hands with children of differing ethnicity which said: 'My friends and I love each other no matter our skin color'


John, Podunk, United States
Obviously a set-up

saintlennon, Boston, United States
There is a legal way to get into the country. This is the reason their country is archaic..they have no order.

john_poho, Denver , United States
You can't just break through those barricades without being noticed. They have the entire place surveyed.

Five years old, yeah..she did that all by herself...pathetic.

shorNfierce, Heartof, United States
And I'm sure we will see her get invited to the White House, have a go fund me account set up, scholarships, welfare and housing AND healthcare(oh wait they get all 3 of those already), and a pardon from our wonderful President for breaking the law. Along with them suing someone or something for some outrageous reason.

Stevechang64, Venice, United States
So who paid for her hospital bill when she was born.? Who pays for her schooling? Who pays for her health care? Such stupidity. Wrong is wrong and you do not reward people how have no regards for your laws.

Linda, Salt Lake City
You are absolutely right little girl, you do have a right to live with you parents so you had better start packing! See ya! Americans also "have the right" to work and provide for THEIR families without supporting 20-30 million illegals!!!

kaybee90211, Beverly Hills, United States
I'm a Democrat and I have not read the article. The headline alone = STAGED. Come on... The familybwont be taken away. They can all leave together. Sorry. Enough is enough. "Give me your tired, your poor..." was for another time. Everyone who is LEGAL is struggling trying to survive.

Ragnarok7, Somewhere, United States
Why is this little girl more important than the rest of us? Why do you and your family get to cut in line? I have in laws that would love to come to this country. Guess what, they don't speak Spanish, they are educated, and they don't wish to remain in poverty forever. In other words, they don't fit the sob story melodramatics that this other segment of our population pulls. WAIT IN LINE PATIENTLY. TU HABLA? BASURA.

kbit, Paris, France
So illegals don't respect any fences. Border fences, security fences... just hop right over. Respect the rules like the thousands of other people, nah.

DeMille24, Fort Lauderdale
$15 million barracades & an illegal kid was able to break through. Pope Francis, American politics is NONE of your business. Stay out of it!!! Bring them to Vatican City & spend your billions on them if you empathize with them so much!!!

ItisWhatItis, NY, United States
I will not be liked for this comment.. I am sorry little girl that your family did not choose to come his country legally. In this day an age there are rules to fallow, if the Pope loves you guys so much and your family are practicing Catholics, then go to Vatican city and apply for citizenship with them. The Pope will be more than happy to have you.

Yasmeen Doud, dubrovnik, Croatia
The family has taught their daughter that it's acceptable to break laws and be rewarded, that's my interpretation.

X-Ray, Toronto, Canada
Obama will invite the family of the girl to the White seems to be his newest trick

 → FailDMAgain, Melbourne, Australia
Haha so true! Wonder what would have happened to her is she'd shown him her home made clock that looks just like a bom b! This would have ended very differently!

Paul Hollywood, Hollywood, United States
I'm afraid you family will bankrupt our state, along with the other ten million illegals in California. Come here legally, or go home, its not your father's country, his family didn't sacrifice a thing for America.

TaraOahu, Papeete, French Polynesia
Gee...planted in the audience much?

alicat2441, Henderson
So let me get this straight: this is a 5 year old girl who has a 10 year old sister, the parents came here illegally 10 years ago, and dad doesn't speak enough English to communicate with reporters? Right? 10 years and can't speak passable English? And this family is the USA's future and, we're told, salvation? Are you kidding me? My plan: the kid doesn't have to be separated from her family and can be perfectly happy-in Mexico! Since the girls are considered US citizens by the government, not by me based on the US Constitution, they can return to the USA when they are 18 or stay in Mexico. There everyones happy and the family isn't separated.

Super Pelican, New Orleans, United States
Pure staged propaganda. I'm sure that it was all just luck that these illegals traveled all the way from Los Angeles to DC, complete with their pro-Amnesty T-shirts and a letter drawn up in advance, and they just "happened" to get their kid over the fence despite the epic security. It was staged, and the Pope, who released the letter to the media, was clearly in on it.

I have lady parts, Washington DC, United States
I was there today and saw this happen. It was absolutely planned. Security was so tight and not a single person stopped this little girl from getting through. She went around barricades and one officer even stepped aside. They didn't "try" to stop her until she was up next to the Popemobile.

Moi, NY, United States
This is such a set up. I have friends who live in Philly, near the park where the Pope is going to visit. Its a week out, and there is not a fly on the wall without special services knowing about it. Everybody in their building is registered and nobody comes in and out of the building without permission. There is NO WAY this girls could have managed to sneak through security, she was helped through it to get to the POPE. Pathetic........

MaggieMay, Portland, United States
What a farce! Staged. I'm reposting something I wrote above: I would do anything to save my family too, but there HAS to be a limit! My kids are suffering because of the illegal problem. I have three autistic children who have had their autism programs totally CUT because the school HAD to have more ESL classes! My other children no longer have PE, Music, Languages, etc. for the same reason. I am homeschooling now. There MUST be a middle ground!

FailDMAgain, Melbourne, Australia
THE most fake and setup BS I have ever seen in my life! The thing is the media outlets and dumb US public and social media outrage brigade will be all over this! Pathietic! Surprised someone didn't faint as well! How stupid do you have to be??? If you didn't believe in conspiracy, alternative agendas and fakery, maybe, just maybe utter BS like this sold as reality will wake you up a bit!

SinCityGirl, Las Vegas
Cool, then the Pope and the Vatican can pay for the illegals Food Stamps, Section 8, SSI and Medicaid so my tax dollars don't have to do it. Oh, and they can also reimburse me for my son's private school tuition which I'm forced to pay because my State is overrun with illegals and half the kids in the public school system can't speak English.

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