Title: Hungary closed border with Croatia last night, forcing migrants to Slovenia
Author: ANGEL
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Slovenia has cancelled all trains from Croatia to stem the tide of migrants 383,000 migrants from Middle East, Africa, Asia entered Hu...

  • Slovenia has cancelled all trains from Croatia to stem the tide of migrants
  • 383,000 migrants from Middle East, Africa, Asia entered Hungary this year
  • Experts fear the move will leave thousands of migrants stranded in Croatia, which is 'ill-equipped' to deal with them.

Source : daily mail


Mrs Fed Up, England, United Kingdom
Good for Hungary, now shut the rest out! Roll on winter

FutureTruth, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Thank you Hungary, and well done!

HughC, Manama, Bahrain
I have lived in Africa and the Middle and Far East most of my life, and unless you stop this now, millions if not a couple of billion will flood into Europe. For them Europe and the USA are heaven.

kathegetes, Agrinion
Only Hungary and its brave Prime Minister it seems have the guts to face up to and try to control this insanity. Send them all back. And stop the sob pictures of small children, who are the victims of their own parents, not of any harshness on our part in not letting them straight in. Also that the children are a tiny minority, as over 80% are angry young men, who think (and they are right too, with the mad behaviour of our politicians) that Europe is a ripe fruit for them to pluck, and our women free and ripe to f****!!!

RomfordG, Romford, United Kingdom
Well done Hungary, the average working people in Europe are with you!!!

Barmybrit, Brindisi, Italy
Why does the media keep on saying these are Syrian refugees......most have destroyed any documentation which could identify them and refuse to be fingerprinted......this is mass invasion.....a cultural invasion......the majority if given permission to stay will not integrate.......more fool the EU........the proverbial smoking gun

HughC, Manama, Bahrain
Someone has to stop the tide.....wake up people, or the WHOLE of Africa will be camping on your doorstep. It will not be hundreds of thousands, but millions each month.

Stephen, Limousin, France
'We are protecting the freedoms of European citizens' ........... Well done Hungary, you've got my vote!

goonerash, brisbane, Australia
Hungary showing the common sense the major western leaders seem to lack

bardo47, Zurich, Switzerland
We keep on hearing about the human rights of the refugees. European people have human rights also... Why do European people seem to have absolutely no say in any of this ?

iamsohot, newyork, United States

hunsthehun, Saarbrucken, Germany
Hungary "DEFENDS" closing the border??? What the hell is wrong with you people. Hungary have absolutely no need to "defend" any policy which they consider to be in the best interest of their people and their country. What a pity our leaders don't care about our, and our countries, welfare.

Ferrylas, Boca, United States
Good for Hungary UK needs to use its military to do the same

ZeusNavigator, at sea, United States
My next European holiday destination with my family will be Hungary, all the normal spots are getting overrun. And this problem is now never ever going away, except Hungary. When one brings in strays it's like getting snow that will never melt. The refugees will rapidly become entrenched as they begin breeding like rabbits. Hungary obviously has figured all this out.

Splendida, Bratislava, Slovakia
god bless Hungary at least somebody is doing something, we dont want them here

Craig82, Pyongyang, North Korea
Bravo Hungary!!!!

gdmfsob, far away
And a round of applause for big mouth Merkel ...single handed she's managed to achieve what previous Germ@n leaders failed to do and destroyed Europe without even firing a shot ..

Splendida, Bratislava, Slovakia
god bless Hungary at least somebody is doing something, we dont want them here

Damian, Elsewhere, Afghanistan
Well at least Hungary are doing something to protect their population, culture and heritage - The EU needs disbanding, borders reinforced across the continent - and more importantly - the UK needs to just leave the EU - NOW!

Cazarini, Birmingham, Spain
All of Europe was reluctant to take action, looks like Hungary blinked first, thank god some one stopped playing this stupid game. Hopefully other countries will now copy Hungary

Alvelon, Melbourne Australia, Australia

Bretagne XJR, Paris, France
Well done Hungary.... A leader with a pair..... unlike the spineless idiots running the UK.

Tina, Perth, Australia
Just where is the money coming from to house, feed and educate all these people ? schools are already overcrowded, Soon there will be riots in the streets - we want better food, better accomadation, more money. Soon there will be no money to care for out own people. This must stop

wordsdark, Düsseldorf, Germany
Low IQ, people who only like to r ape and kill, hate everything about the freedoms we have but love the money. Time for strong leadership, time for w a r

Dumbdy, Valencia, Spain
The continued influx, and months of procrastination by the so called `leadership` of the EU without any agreed policies, is irrefutable proof of the FAILURE of this shambolic grouping....and to think they have the cheek to scheme greater integration and rule Europe from Paris and Berlin via Brussels and Strasbourg. It seems only one country is trying to enforce EU treaty and border rules and the rest have capitulated.

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