Militant website via AP
The Islamic State group is paying supporters up to $10,000 for each person that they recruit to wage jihad in Syria and Iraq, UN experts said Friday after a visit to Belgium, one of the main countries of origin for so-called foreign fighters.
Karska and Arias said an increasing number of women or girls is leaving Belgium to marry jihadists or care for those who are ill or wounded, but some may actually fight.
Source : YAHOO! NEWS
Freedom Exists In A Schoolbook
Once again, smells like CIA.
Some how they are getting a lot of money to throw around. You would think with all the intelligence agencies around the world , somebody could come up with a way to turn off the money, going to these terrorists............
Um that sounds better than the job I have now
Thanks Obama
I wonder how their 401k plan is?
IS recruits foreign fighters for their suicide bomber squads. Only idiots would join.
Why doesn't the U.S or Russia just bomb the communication center, to block out all communication from the outside. Instead Obama bombs a outhouse and Russia gets their drones knocked out by ISIS support ally Erdogan.
FaceBook still has the Islamic State page, and none of their websites or twitter accounts have been closed. Obama and Cameron seem to be very okay with letting the terrorists recruit in the US and UK.
The key to killing ISIS will not be defeating them in battle, but finding and killing their source of funding.
I wonder where they got all that money. Probably the same place they got all their weapons and their Toyotas.
steven M
and yet Europe is allowing more of these people in by the day and they expect nothing will happen. Not that our own administration is any better but, Europe is destroying itself and they are allowing it to happen.
If I were younger and more able bodied, I'd get a group of my military buddies together and join this group just to destroy them from the inside... and as a soldier I would lay my life down for the freedoms every person should enjoy! This terror group needs to be stopped!
We should make a phony recruiting site and arrest the people who try to join.
What would anyone do with $10.000 in that rat hole. You can't spend it anywhere, and obviously you are not going to open a checking account, or shopping for groceries on your day off.
Oh great! Muslims migrate to European countries, become dissatisfied with their
host country and then become radical nuts! This is what the USA will face if we
don't restrict Muslim immigration.
James W
What idiot would sell their soul for nothing really. The recruiter is making the money and will send these young idiots to an almost certain death. If the worlds youth are that depressed and blood thirsty, then the world has a much bigger problem than ISIL.
It seems to be clear that the world doesn't see these animals to be a global threat. Yea they are running around in Syria and Iraq whacking the heads off of anyone that doesn't join them and nobody really has done much about it. Russia has jumped in and has blown some stuff up but they aren't really eliminating them. I guess it will take a real substantial hit of a few thousand people in a Western country before anyone really gets mad enough to actually go after them. Until then and it is coming, we can read about the awful things that they are doing.
I realize we are supposed to believe everything on the internet is true and without dispute, but shoot me for doubting the validity of this article. $10,000 per person? Since when do fanatical religious movements have to resort to capitalist measures for paying for staff? Assuming there is an ounce of validity to this would be nice to speak to a recruit from Belgium or elsewhere. My first question would be..."hey numb nuts...what are you going to spend that 10K on when you're in Iraq or Syria? It's a bombed out war zone, not Las Vegas, you brainless twit."
America who do you all think that ISIS is getting the money from .? And if you think our government is such saints you're living in la la land .
As "strong" as US is, it looks like they can't stop the financial power of ISIS! They have a lot of money, new Toyota pick up trucks, arms etc...and they can recruit people. Isn't something wrong in this picture....??? How comes that wrong doing is so popular these days and it's prevailing and the good it going down the drain??? Obama's work....
Imagine if we had a president that understood how demonic these people are in a civilized world, actually was leading the world on their destruction instead of thinking climate change is the worst thing now instead on millions of people fleeing Syria and people getting their heads cut off....At least, Iran and Russia are not planning to rule the middle east and its oil.....oh, wait....
Is that one of our tanks????????
Forget about ISIL. Don't you realize that it will be one degree warmer in a hundred years!!! The Horror!
Belgium of all countries. Toured there in the nineties, beautiful and friendly people. WAIT, the real Belgians. I also saw a lot of Middle eastern foreigners. Maybe these are the ones this topic is talking about. There are also a lot of them in Holland, France, Italy, Great Britain, etc. Remember the news in your living room during the Vietnam war. Now it is the internet showing bodies of Muslims being killed. What do you think is in the mind of these recruits?
The banks have always been and always will be evil and nihilistic, and amoral, No surprises there! (I'm simply surprised that the famous evil 3 (WFB, BofA, Citi) have not been named YET.
However, most infuriating is that the US principally, has DIRECTLY funded jihadist/terrorist orgs/gangs from the $BILLIONS given "Palestinians", Egypt, and most other poor muslim countries. From the time the US first got involved after 9/11 (and likely before that!) BILLIONS has been handed over to corrupt pols/bureaucrats with NO ACCOUNTABILITY or ability to oversee where it winds up. The "Palestinian authority" is STILL buying weapons and digging tunnels in Gaza and the "west bank" with money from US taxpayers. We all know that I am not exaggerating.
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