Title: New York City struggles to control its rat problem
Author: ANGEL
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New Yorkers were both disgusted and a little impressed by "Pizza Rat," the plucky rodent seen in a recent viral YouTube cl...

New Yorkers were both disgusted and a little impressed by "Pizza Rat," the plucky rodent seen in a recent viral YouTube clip dragging a large cheese slice down a subway stairwell.

So far this year, there have been 24,375 rodent-related grievances reported in New York City.

Comptroller Scott Stringer, a native New Yorker, says the situation is out of control and the worst he has ever seen it.

The health department has pledged to spend $2.9million attacking 'rat reservoirs' in parks, subways and sewers.

Source : daily mail


Joe King II, Hollywood, United States
Rats are a result of liberal democratic leadership.

Mike, Texas
What about the rat in the Mayor's office?

TracyMcC, New York City, United States
Rats are almost as resilient as roaches. It's hard to eradicate them when they have a firm foothold.

Mazda, Boston, United States
Clinton campaign workers....

Factoids, VA, United States
If one person would kill one rat the problem would be solved.

Ah ha, Here, United States
The biggest rat NY has to contend with is De Blasio.

procholliday, Amelia, United States
sorry, a reflection of the health of the city...

Steve in Texas, Roscoe, United States,
Time for a cash bounty .....

RAG READER, Sydney, Australia
2nd story this week,just go to city hall and leave a few rat traps

du Vallon, Midwest, United States
I have lived in several large cities, some of them notorious for rats. I can't imagine any city in the world being worse than Baltimore. Not a single resident goes a day without seeing several, and I once saw ones as big as an average sized house cat. Miami spends a fortune keeping their's under control, and I would hate to see what the situation would be if they didn't. The city that had the most effective battle against them that I've seen is Chicago. On going battle, but they never give up. Probably the harsh winter helps. The two things that have to be done is constant trapping, especially in allies, and to keep the trash situation under control. I've never lived in New York, but the times I have been there, the trash is abominable. They will never get control of it until they provide enough dumpsters, bump up collection and pass laws about sealed containers. Street corners stacked with garbage bags, as I have seen every time I've been there, will guarantee whole new generations.

McFLY007, HOLLYWOOD, United States,
New York=the toilet of America.

 → Mike, Texas
The same could be said about Hollywood.

Barry Trainwreck, Arizona, United States,
Hillary has a plan....register them to vote. They will be DemocRATS. All of them.

CherryBlossom18, New York City, United States
Yeah with the biggest rat in NYC being DeBlasio

Sir Talbot Buxomly, Mansfield. Ma., United States
As long as they reliably vote Democrat, they'll never get serious about eradicating them.

H J, Crumbling States of Obama, United States
the biggest Rat of all is in charge of the city. NYC is slowly but surely returning to the bad old days under de Blahhhhzio.

CrystalsRae, Aurora, United States
This is what happens when you eradicate natural predators and build concrete on every available plot of land.

Chili dog, Los Angeles, United States
There grand RAT is sitting in the Mayors Chair!

2 million rats, 8 million people. Probably more "undocumented" people than rats in NYC

LawdHelpUsAll, Massachusets, United States
Course they're taking over. Anyone who's ever walked down a NY sidewalk knows why; the restaurants leave food in feeble bags, dotted all down the sidewalk, it's a veritable smorgasbord for them - woe betide any human that comes between a rat and that fresh produce. Kangaroos would screech and run in the opposite direction if they ever came across the rats n NYC, they're so big and aggressive.

uL K, US, United States
Oh look DeBlasio, Schumer, Bloomberg, and their supporters

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