Title: Swedish school killer was driven by 'racist motives'
Author: ANGEL
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A masked swordsman who killed a teaching assistant and a boy and wounded two others, all with immigrant backgrounds, was driven by racist...

A masked swordsman who killed a teaching assistant and a boy and wounded two others, all with immigrant backgrounds, was driven by racist motives, Swedish police said on Friday, fueling concerns that refugee numbers were polarizing public opinion in the country.

The 21-year old assailant walked through a school in Trollhattan, an industrial town in western Sweden with a large immigrant population, stabbing the assistant and boy to death with a sword before being shot dead by police.

Source : daily mail


Alan Andrei, Cork CIty, Ireland
surely they most know the ID of the attacker. Why always withhold it?

Momof3girls, la habra, United States
This is so sad. My condolences to the wounded, the family and friends of the teacher, and to everyone in Sweden.

ONLY OLIVIER, Acapulco, Mexico
Looks like a grim place to me !

Raija Helena, Riihimäki, Finland
The security in that school seems to be non-existent - outsiders are allowed to frequent the cafe. That's crazy.

Hkmk23, Toulouse, France
A terrible tragedy.....but just goes to prove that you do not need guns to be a nutcase.....

Sherry S., Memphis_Tn_USA
You send your kids to school never expecting to get a call saying they've been stabbed. Much sympathy to the famiies

Scott, Buffalo
What the hell is wrong with this world?

Jeff Ashby, auburn, United States
They probably will put the attacker through a rehab program and let him go. One of the most liberal, screwed up countries in the world.

BruthaV, Albuquerque
Please take note of the fact that this homicidal rampage was stopped by a good guy with a gun. Guns can be, and are frequently, used for good.

tymarq, Minneapolis, United States
I suggest to people to at least carry pepper spray.. you can get it very easily and it can even be attached to your key chain!

Ash Cigar Gokli, Hilo, United States
The attacker was shot. I call upon the Government of Sweden to exercise restraint.

Kurtiss, East Bay CA, United States
The attacker is currently undergoing surgery? WHY?

 → lovehorses18hands, somewhere, United Kingdom
Because physicians take an oath to treat anyone no matter how heinous a crime they may be accused of. The oath also includes to do no harm. Not treating this individual would be doing harm. I understand your anger, however it is not up to physicians to make this judgment call.

Rocky, Concord, United States
Bernie Sanders keeps saying how he wants the US to be more like Sweden.

bcikasa, Georgia, United States
Well, we know the next steps. Ban Darth Vader masks, swords, long pieces of steel, knives etc... We all know the rules, anything use to kill is blamed for the death and banned.

Wheresoeverimaybe, Landgraaf, Netherlands
So sad, I hope the parents and family are getting the help they need. This could be why I find Halloween a waste of time and money, a bit like America! We don't need it here in Europe. Celebrate the coming of winter another way please.

NothingToLose, Houston, United States
that's NOT a Darth Vader mask, bring in Star War just to sensationalize is a cheap trick.

T. Hutchinson, San Francisco, United States
Where's the sword control people?

Danny Rose, los angeles, United States
A maniac with a sword. A maniac with a gun. A maniac with rocks. The maniacs must be weeded out. Taking guns, swords and rocks away from everyone? Only good sense to a Marxist.(one of the first requirements)

Ben Garrison, Westchester, United States
Doesn't look like a Darth Fader helmet from that blurry picture, looks more like a german Stahlhelm with a gasmask.

zlato99, Charlotte, United States
See, guns don't kill, people kill.

Blitzkrieg, California, United States
What does "right-wing" even mean nowadays? Even ISIS is right-wing with their intolerance for anything that isn't ISIS.

JLOW, Lake Charles, United States
So what have we learned here? How do you stop a crazy person with a sword? A gun. You're welcome for the enlightenment my liberal friends.

James909, Florence, Italy
Sweden is a country that has changed a lot, used to have a perception of being a fantastic place to live, but knowing people from there and seeing what a lot of Swedish people say about the country, it no longer is.

Ramusient, Rockall, United States Minor Outlying Islands
looks more like a swat helmet or possibly a wwII replica one and a paintball mask than darth vader.

Senator .SmellyPants, San Antonio, United States
National Socialist German Workers Party. Why are they always associated with the "right-wing?"

nyr1940, Point Pleasant, United States
That's Sweden? Where are the Swedes? Looks like another fundamentally transformed society.

Poppy cake, Richmond, United States
Europe needs to deal with its immigrant crisis, the whole world cannot move there. What about the gulf states or Japan taking in some of the overflow, why must it only be the west that is responsible....?

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