Title: WHO:Bacon, Red Meat May Cause Cancer
Author: ANGEL
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Bacon, burgers and sausages are as big a cancer threat as cigarettes, global health chiefs warned today. Experts are now urging the p...

Bacon, burgers and sausages are as big a cancer threat as cigarettes, global health chiefs warned today.
Experts are now urging the public to avoid processed meat where possible and to have a bean salad for lunch rather than a BLT.

Source : daily mail


Jersey Jets, New Jersey, United States
It's not the meat making us sick. It's the chemicals, hormones, drugs, etc that the animals are pumped with

francis, chichester
Being born will result in a persons death, 100% of the time.

Someone In Missouri, Somewhere in Missouri, United States
I am so relieved to see all the negative comments about this article, and to know people aren't being fooled by such garbage. There is an agenda here, and I don't like it. People have lived for YEARS eating red meat.

Moving_forward, The fork in the road, United States, 10 hours ago
It's not the meat itself it's the crap they add to it, the chemicals they feed the animals. But that's what's happened to ALL our food!

Sandy Beaches, El Segundo California, United States
I'm 81. Wish they'd told me this sooner. Guess I won't be living to 125. Darn!

Shep, Funafuti, Tuvalu
They should do a report on how unsafe the government are making the UK.

Kieran1981, Kotu Beach, Gambia
So if you drive a diesel car while smoking a cigarette and eating a sausage butty you are as good as dead.

Aegius, Boston
Warning: Being alive may lead to death.

natalie, London, Australia
My grand mother was 98 years old when she died. She had had all her teeth, as did my dad when he passed away last year at 87. Both never needed reading glasses. Their motto was, everything in moderation. In fact my granny had had a little bit of a swet tooth, and liked a drop of grapa in the morning, but she walked everywhere, and maintained being positive throughout her life. I have a great aunt in Croatia who will be 100 years old next year, she smokes ( if permitted) a packet of cigarettes a day. Perhaps it is the luck of the draw, or just destiny. In another words, when your number comes up, it is time to say hood bye.

Mom, Anywhere, United States
Newsflash: Nobody makes it out alive! Moderation...

Magda, Paris, France
Hands off my food!

Italiotaota, Palmer Alaska, United States
According to this report Italians should have the highest cancer related deaths in the world . Mortadella - pancetta- prosciutto-salsicce- spalla-salame toscano,milanese, grasso di colonnata, salsiccie di porco,cinghiale ...Can keep writing for the next 30 minutes .

SGinNC, Fayetteville, United States
Food that people have eaten for thousands of years is as harmful as asbestos and cigarettes? Only the most gullible and simple minded would believe such nonsense.

Nate Broadus, OKC, United States
When I read an article like this, it gives me pause. I can't help but stop for a moment and consider the gravity of the food I put into my system. Then I go visit my 92-year-old great uncle who ate meat and potatoes nearly every day of his life and I come to a sobering conclusion. Life happens; death happens; both tend to happen in ways you can't ever predict. So you might as well have the damn burger.

effpc, Craigavon, Spain
The WHO has been infiltrated by you know who. They are in every organisation, from councils, governments and lobby groups!

eva17, California, United States
And tomorrow it will be, bread, muffins and cake. The following day, peanuts, jam and juice. Enough please, these studies are ridiculous. My motto, eat and be happy, life is too short to worry about silly studies

Plagueis, The plane of suck, United States
If this is truly the case, then the human race would have never survived. I bet in a month we will see another article that debunks this one on this very site.

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