Ben Carson argued Sunday that abortion should be outlawed in almost all cases, and he likened women who terminate their pregnancies to "slave owners."
"I'm a reasonable person, and if people can come up with a reasonable explanation of why they would like to kill a baby, I'll listen," Carson told host Chuck Todd.
Carson said that an abortion to save a woman's life is "an extraordinarily rare situation," but one where "there's room to discuss" terminating pregnancy. But he would give no leeway to a pregnancy that resulted from rape or incest.
“Rape and incest I would not be in favor of killing a baby because the baby came about in that way," he said, adding that there were "many stories of people who have led very useful lives who were the result of rape or incest."
Source : washington post
Is he for real?
Wow... this guy is insane. Is that all it takes for stupid Reps voters to like someone. The crazier the better.. according to stupid Reps voter. They talk about freedom... in the sense of their freedom only. I wish a Reps would try to make my daughter have a Ted Bundy's baby.
Alan Lewis
Dear Ben: Number of armed, organized Jewish resistance forces killed in Warsaw Ghetto uprising: 13,000. Number of Nazi soldiers killed: 16. Of course, that's just media bias.
The legality of abortion is an issue of profound consequence for America. Like slavery in our nation's past, we are being tested on the earnestness our nation's professed commitment to the most fundamental of the values upon which our nation was founded - an inalienable right to life.
Female slaves had no control over their own bodies; without abortion rights, no woman has control over her own body. So there is a valid comparison with slavery.
James DeVries
As soon as he advocates putting stocks back on court house lawns, the man has got my vote. And if he promises red letters or branding on the forehead, of people guilty of crimes of moral turpitude, or anything that offends strict Calvinist reformed, I'll be out there campaigning. We will emasculate the opposition!!
Johan Kartoffel
Carson says women should be forced to have babies that are the result of rape. He says there are, "many stories of people who have led very useful lives who were the result of rape or incest." How many horrible stories would there be about women forced to have a rapist's baby?
the only black man that had some kind of chance at successfully running as a republican was Gen. Colin Powell...and he quit early because of the death threats from his own party!
Yep. If Thomas Jefferson didn't allegedly rape Sally Hemming, there wouldn't be a bloodline of people Carson could hate.
Why can't Carson say it this way: "Any man who rapes a woman, makes a woman a slave, of which according to the law, all men who break such a law must go behind the bars".
The Dancer
I wouldn't let Ben Carson anywhere near my brain, with scalpel or ideas.
kora D
Oh Canada, will you be ready to accept all of us "refugees" IF either Trump or Carson should become president of the US? I for one will leave immediately!
It seems that Carson has two concepts he applies to everything he doesn't agree with. It is either Nazi or slavery or maybe both.
Love how liberals channel their inner gestapo when conservatives make provocative arguments yet applaud when liberal progressives make equally provocative arguments like Bernie Sanders does on a daily basis. Just goes to show how the liberal establishment support the free and open exchange of ideas - only when those ideas conform to the progressive orthodoxy.
The fact that he is resonating with the right wing should tell the rest of the electorate something, they are implacable about abortion. The linking of slavery and abortion is ridiculous. They just believe that a woman is just a vessel and has no rights unless a man bestowed it on her.
It's a pattern - Carson makes an outrageous remark, a public outcry follows, reporters inform him his remark is NOT factual.
Carson responds...."well, that's what I believe."
And Carson supporters cheer. sigh
True Capitalist
He sounds like he's stoned half the time.
Carson is a "Uncle Tom".
Actually, forcing women to have children is slavery
Ben just knows if he says something outrageous, he gets free media time, and a certain percentage of the GOP base likes it. No Muslim Presidents, Nazis and guns, slaves and abortion. I wonder what outrageous statement he'll come up with next? I'm sure the campaign is hard at work for that.
His stated position on abortion with no exceptions is not consistent with Seventh Day Adventist teaching which would allow exceptions for rape and incest. Not unusual I guess to break from your church's position.
Not surprising from Carson, as several, if not most, of the GOP candidates share his view on Roe. As far as dictating to doctor's, remember the GOP passed a law that a physician cannot not discuss gun violence with a wounded patient. That should be challenged in front of the Supremes sooner than later.
Let's review. Benny has insulted Muslims, Jews, Gays and Lesbians, and now women. "Slave owners?" Really. Yes, Benny still has the most fundamentalist-racist vote, but that demographic is small, insular, and will have no impact on the 2016 election.
Honestly, you couldn't make this $h!t up if you were writing a fictional script for a horror movie where the plot was about the GOP candidates all being inhabited by intellectually challenged zombies from an unknown planet outside our solar system....
Michael L. Hays
Carson says, ""I'm a reasonable person, and if people can come up with a reasonable explanation of why they would like to kill a baby, I'll listen," Carson told host Chuck Todd.
OK, listen to me. Have your people call my people, and we can arrange a face-to-face.
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