Title: Jihadis sneaked into Paris via Greece by posing as refugees
Author: ANGEL
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The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night’s attacks in Paris passed though Gree...

  • The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night’s attacks in Paris passed though Greece in October, a Greek minister said
  • Ahmed Almuhamed, 25, believed have been in terror squad at the Bataclan concert hall before blowing himself up
  • French police revealed his Syrian passport was found on a bomber's body who registered as a refugee in Greece
  • A second passport, from Egypt, was found on the body of another bomber who took part in the Paris terror attack

Source: daily mail

Netizen comment 

VDog, London, United Kingdom
Merkel opened the flood gates, makes you wonder how many more wolves are hiding in the flock.

unvisible man, England, United Kingdom
The world's media should be asking questions of Merkel in the wake of this revelation, yes?

MG Worcester., Worcester, United Kingdom
Time we stopped taking notice of PC idiots, it costs lives, our lives.

Purrfect, London, United Kingdom
they are sneaking in as immigrants and are here already, shut the doors

The_pedantic_one, Mönchengladbach, Germany
Merkel, you've got a lot of answering to do.

morningdelights, London
surprise surprise!

Roger, Rostock, Germany
Merkel - are you reading you stupid woman?

Marc., Java, Indonesia
are those clowns in power going to do what the people want now or give us the usual blah blah blah .

mike, Tokyo, Japan
Open the gates and this is the result. Congratulations on the fantastic European dream.

Loca, Perth, Australia
So scary...... I understand some people need to escape from Syria but it's safe for the rest of the world not to allow Syrian refugees into Europe

MyNameisTL87, Charleston, United States
No better security? Come on, France!

chris, sao paulo
Everywhere the USA and GB interfere there are explosive repercussions. Should have shut up, stuck to looking after British people and left Assad and Hussein to deal with the fanatic barbarians that infest their countries. Hussein has gone, and look at the mess now. Putin told the USA and GB not to interfere with Syria's government, and now look at the carnage, the mass migration, and the constant threat in major capitals. The victims are always the citizens, and never the unbelievably dumb politicians, especially those thick idiots in Washington who can't win a single war they enter into despite all their trillions of dollars worth of firepower....constantly beaten by a few thousand barbaric fanatics in cars, trucks and buses using old weapons.

 → roger, wales, United Kingdom
Your mate Putin loved Saddam, Gaddafi and Assad because they were three of his biggest customers. The whole middle east is a tinderbox and always has been. What do the russians do, sell them billions in guns and missiles. If you took all the russian and soviet made weapons out of the middle east they'd be down to pretty much poking each other with pointy sticks and slingshots!

Rubyjas, Bridlington East Yorkshire
And Europe is opening its doors to these immigrants without really knowing what they are letting in. Every country in the EU must stand shoulder to shoulder with France right now, close their borders, tighten security until it hurts and make it clear we will stand united against their evilness. We have to act whether we want to or not because next time it could be any of us if we dont. My thoughts are with the families of the victims

fs87, Newport, United Kingdom
How did the passport survive?

ony25, dijon
thank you Frau Merkel from France

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