French jets dropped 20 bombs on ISIS stronghold, destroying command centre, training camp and munitions dump
Bombardment come two days after French President Francois Hollande vowed to strike ISIS in Syria 'without mercy'
Police launched 150 raids across France, arresting scores of suspects and seizing rocket launcher among weapons
French Prime Minister has warned that new terror attacks are being planned in France and other European countries
Source: daily mail
Netizen comment
kus1234, Sydney, Australia
THIS is what we've been waiting for! Let ISIS see what it's like when you play with the BIG BOYS and not innocent civilians!!
Kinkee Pinkee, Laffy, United States
GOOD!!! Bomb them into oblivion!!!
hotticket, Dublin, Ireland
Viva le France. Obliterate.
Dakotajoe, Chicago
Maybe they shoulkd have done this before the attacks in Paris. Why wait?
Greg_73, Brisbane, Australia
Come on Aussies, fly with them!!
kiki, solana beach, United States
So everyone knew where to bomb before but just now decided to do it?
→lean6rtj2, Oklahoma City, United States
We know where to bomb Iran, North Korea, China, Russia...and everywhere else on Earth too. We have even have bombs that make things glow for years.
Fred Flintstone, Yabba Dabba Dooo, United States Minor Outlying Islands
Turn the whole place into pile of rubbles. Wherever ISIS and Al Qeada is hiding, finish them al!
DG4, Los Angeles, United States
Awesome. But one has to wonder why an ISIS command centre and training camp weren't hit before all this?
MangoMan, Singapore, Singapore
Move over Obama, let real men do the work. Vive le France!!
dixie62, Greenville SC, United States
Good! But, what about the enemies within the gates?
Madone2849, Boston, United States
Vive La France! Retaliate like your lives depend on it because they do.
jeff3500, Montville, United States
Now dont stop until nothing is left
anna, london
Go France!
Dirty Harry Callahan, Apache Junction Arizona, United States
If a "key command center" and "training camp" were identified targets (which they simply must have been for some time now) then why weren't they blown off the map weeks or months ago? If France, Britain etc were really serious about this these important targets would be obliterated with urgency as soon as they were confirmed not as retaliation following a murderous attack which we've all been anticipating for months.
Richard, Midi Pyrénées, France
Good, and paying tax in France I know I've contributed to the fuel. Carpet bomb the place.
Mr Facade, Moscow, Russia
My question is , if France knew where the command centre and training camp were already why did they not terminate it before now???????????
→ Too_Much, Waikato District, New Zealand
They got the intelligence from the U.S.
Robert Molloy, Boston, United States
Revenge is bitter sweet!!! Go get'em France. We stand with you!
Purpledaisy12, North Cal, United States
As inhumane as it sounds, USA may come to a time and drop an atomic bomb in Syria like ww2 with Japan. The thing with bullies .. They don't show fear until they see the destruction done to them. The whole 9/11 beheading thing 13 years ago was enough and now it's time to control these terrorizing beasts..
The_Master_Don, Far Away from HUSSEIN Obama, Antarctica
Pity they didn't do this in the first place which would have helped stop IS/al Qaeda in their tracks and stopped the mass immigration. They have also closed the borders too late. Hollande and Merkel must be held accountable.
→ Substance, Melbourne
You are spot on. They should have hit the nail on the head in the early stages. Now they've allowed the creation of something that will be a major European problem forever I think.
Parisienne75, Paris, France
Ouiiii ! You did not expect us to react that fast huh ? You killed our people, we will kill yours. I will have no shame and no remorse . You desere nothing else. We know its just the beginning. But you went beyond our limits. Surrending as you usually say ? No thanks. Say whatever you want about France and our army and our president, but today , yesterday and friday, I am and I was PROUD to be French. Vive Paris, vive la France. Thank you world for your support. Let's go. Ps : Poutine and Obama please fix your...
Douglas Johnston, New York, United States
The Socialist French President has bawls of steel, the American President has... well I'm not sure if he has any.
dmd, Belfast, Ireland
Good. But these terrorists according to media reports came from Europe, with at least one coming to Europe as a "refugee". The enemy is amongst us.
StellaL, Los Angeles, United States
This should have been happening months back, and not just France. All western military
Hmg, Poole
Go in hard and strong.
chris2525, Somewhere, United States
Go get em France! Annihilate as many of them out as possible. The whole world is sick and tired of these murdering extremists.
→ ChloeToU, Reno, United States
Could not agree more! So pleased to know that France is not sitting on their hands and waiting to make a plan. They said "enough of this" and proceeded with what needed to be done. Praying for our good friends in France! Be safe....
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