Around 40 underground routes were found in Sinjar, complete with sleeping quarters, electricity, sandbags, American-made bomb making tools, medicine and copies of the Koran.
Source: daily mail
Netizen comment
Sonny Jim, here, United Kingdom
Rats should live like Rats
Dead_Parrot, Wellington, New Zealand
I'm not doubting for one second they were stuffed full of US equipment, because of course they were, but I am curious what constitutes "bomb making tools" as opposed to just "tools". Are there special semtex pliers, screwdrivers labelled "for detonator use only", or what? Either way, well done to the Kurdish forces for smoking them out.
Syme84, A very dark place, Ã…land Islands
I wish America would stop arming them
CSKA Moskva, England, United Kingdom
Stone age life anyone?
napleo, Sydney, Australia
I was right, I was right!!! COCKROACHES do live underground!! Enough said ..
Bah Humbug, Humbug Scrub S.A., Australia
Smoke them out, and as they emerge eliminate them one by one! I refuse to believe these rats built these tunnels, they were there to begin with-bunch of rodents, not worthy of any other description!
Taff, Stavanger, Norway
Why does modern Arabia contribute nothing towards human advancement?
WSA, Ambala, Spain
They dont deserve to be anywhere but UNDERNEATH OUR FEET!!!!
Sengleaboy, Senglea, Malta
They left the UK, France, Italy, Germany and other European countries to live like rats?? No wonder all are returning back as ''refugees'' and our politicians are laying red carpets for them.
Walnuts007, Bath, Madagascar
Filthy Daesh rats.
I Marciano, Cappuccino, Seychelles
Putin should arm kurds
Malicious Elf, Sol Austan Mani Vestan, British Indian Ocean Territory
Hiding like rats, underground.
Downfall of Society, Dublin, Ireland
They really are like rats but they're only digging themselves to hell.
Taff, Stavanger, Norway
A hosepipe connected to a car's exhaust pipe should sort that lot out.
hereingermany, rightinthemiddle, Germany
What a low life! And yet they want to destroy our civilised Western European society and culture....
Nick Selby, Some Place Lost In Space
It can also be their Tombs too!
Jamesbling, Auckland, New Zealan
What a crap life living under the ground. No wonder they think death is a good choice !
gmarie, eastcoast, Canada
There is nothing "extraordinary" about these tunnels... the most base rodents do this... considering Daesh dirt they would have been right at home. So the allies now know... an empty bombed out building just means "DIG DEEPER"... the rats are undergroun
johndrake, dublin, Ireland
ohny, paris
It would help the Kurds fight if Turkey owned up to which bank iin their country holds ISIS bank haul from Petrol sold to Turkey and froze the assets. Thereby stopping them in ttheir tracks.
Darien, Isthmus de -panama, Panama
Find them and pump gas into them
gmarie, eastcoast, Canada
There is nothing "extraordinary" about these tunnels... the most base rodents do this... considering Daesh dirt they would have been right at home. So the allies now know... an empty bombed out building just means "DIG DEEPER"... the rats are underground.
Bugsy Stratford, Venezuela, Venezuela
Scurrying and living like rats, that's a far cry from their propaganda videos showing towns full of happy people pushing swings and playing with children, etc, etc, huh...?
realistic, cardiff
We will smoke 'em out.
Andy, Zürich, Switzerland
I think this highlights just how weak they are. I suggest we lay off the air strikes for a week, let them come out and then start again.
honisty2, Xinhua, China
Well, we know how they got American weaponry and ammunition...
ONLY OLIVIER, Acapulco, Mexico
Even when their stoopid h o l y book has been found, they gonna tell us that it still ha nothing to do with their e vil c ult !
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