Title: One of 2 Russian pilots rescued by Syrian army
Author: ANGEL
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One of 2 Russian pilots rescued by Syrian army One of 2 Russian pilots rescued by Syrian army Putin called the incident a 'stab in ...
One of 2 Russian pilots rescued by Syrian army
  • One of 2 Russian pilots rescued by Syrian army
  • Putin called the incident a 'stab in the back by accomplices of terrorists' and accused Turkey of supporting ISIS
Source: daily mail

Netizen comment 

Miss Calculated, London, United Kingdom
Russia expects everyone to be frightened of them, they're not.

Neil, Melbourne, Australia
I have viewed quite a few posts here and elsewhere. It appears that generally the Majority are against Turkey, Cameron and Obama as exceptionally week leaders. France and Russia doing the right thing. The Middle East irrespective what country, again the majority is fed up with them. Even Israel the majority appear to be softening towards them. Nato is s in a conflict of national interests and the UN is a farce.

chasethefaith, MIDDLESEX, United Kingdom
Is this the end of Erdogan ?

Valeria11, Sofia, Bulgaria
Erdomuz is a goner.

jamesbucklands, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Zaky, London, United Kingdom
Putin and his gang need to bomb ISIS not the innocent people in Syria. They bombing people who want Assad out so Russia can control Syrians oil and gas. Russia would only achieve that by keep Assad in power.

Fatlad80, Ramstein, Germany
This is going to get messy

biglurve, nice, France
I wouldn't like to own a kebab shop in Moscow! Eeeekkk

Hamm72, Waterford, Ireland

Mike, Scotland, United Kingdom
Well done!

Karen Stepanovich, Rostov-on-don, Russia
After all of this, and not only of this, Turkey want to become a EU member?

Death itself, Hellholt, Netherlands
I'm not protecting Turkey, but the Russians bomb people that can't fight back. I'm not glad this happened, but I also don't feel sorry for the pilots.

Andrew BruceHeron, Carlow, Ireland
War on turkey please . They should not if shot down the Russian plane regardless. It shows they do not warrant being in European union.

Bavarian girl, Passau, Germany
Thank God he did not fell into the hands of these Barbarians ...

Johnnyboy, Leeds, United Kingdom
Well done Russia! The real world police.

Serra sarac, ¿stanbul, Turkey
i wish putin bomb erdogans palace in ankara we are anti erdogan people need to be rescued in the country:(

SwissMiss, Zurich, Switzerland
Thank goodness he wasn't captured by those barbarians!

voice of reason, Singapore, Singapore
Hope Putin doesn't get into a fighter jet clad only in tiny briefs (for the photo op), and sparks WW3.

Sam Huston, Dominion of Canada, Canada
It's ironic that the Nobel Peace Prize recipient bungling around the White House may be responsible foe kicking off WW III. That the lilliputian hasn't been removed from office is a testament that the US Republic is broken. Hopefully Trump will be able to fix it.

Mish Tish, Melbourne
I imagine most people don't trust Turkey OR Russia. Awkward.

Koalamaiden, Budgewoi, Australia
Struth. It seems two centimetres over then out. Turkey is on the ball, what is horrible is the two pilots, then the helicopter crew. Free Syrian army, Syrian army, then the others- the place is a mind field of seperatists or loyalist. And they shoot then ask questions. The pictures of the pilot was gross-

exlondonernowhappy, dublin, Ireland
Turkey needs to be part of the solution and not part of the problem in this war of the times. Sometimes uncomfortable bedfellows have to be taken in a time of strangeness. .which is what this time is. .

Farrington, Essex, United Kingdom
Welcome to WW3

Bristolbeau, Bristol, United Kingdom
I stand with Russia!!

redrobbo, perth, Australia
Maybe speak Russian next time & they might have a clue what you are talking about - also how are they to know the pilots were receiving the communications? Amateurs!

John, Geneva
Good news. Glad he made it to safety.

Sam Huston, Dominion of Canada, Canada
Shooting at aircrew in parachutes who have ejected from their damaged aircraft is a war crime, the same way shooting at torpedo survivors in life boats is. Look it up.

poppyflowers, Sydney, Australia
I am so happy the remaining pilot is now safe. Well done Russia. As for the Turks I wonder how their game of Russian Rou let te will turn out.

Mike, Dalian, China
Great news! Well done!

Nefertiti, Akhetaten, Egypt
' We are just defending our security and the rights of our brothers,' Erdogan said.' Yes, their brothers in Daesh/ISIS! NATO might want to be aware that the majority of the people in its member countries are not on Turkey's side in this. Never mind the spineless 'leaders' - you are all supposed to be there to serve us, and we are saying back off from Russia on this.

AyanB, Hooghly, India
I hardly doubt if Turkey was not part of NATO, they would have dared throwing a stone even if the Sukhoi had landed on Ankara airport. Shooting someone mid air on a parachute is gross violation of war protocols. This might add a minuscule of relief to the tension. Violation of air or water space is not desired, but retaliation at the drop of a hat is either childish or a blatantly motivated tactic.

MySunnyShine, Adelaide, Australia
He was VERY VERY lucky. Thank goodness he is safe and well!

George Mach, Moscow, Russia
Thank you, brave syrian friends!

USA mom, New Orleans, United States
I am very happy that he is alive and well. Now, please will all world leaders act like adults and think of their children and grandchildren and calm this all down?

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