Title: At least three people were killed inside the building - one officer and two civilians
Author: ANGEL
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At least three people were killed inside the building - one officer and two civilians Colorado Springs police have captured the gunman ...
At least three people were killed inside the building - one officer and two civilians

Colorado Springs police have captured the gunman who opened fire at a Planned Parenthood early Friday afternoon
He has been identified as 59-year-old Robert Lewis Dear by CBS News
At least three people were killed inside the building - one officer and two civilians
Five police officers and four civilians were shot and injured

Source: dialy mail

Netizen comment 

cobraisking, london, United Kingdom
white conservatives should come out and condem these people

Jenny O, Cambridge, United States
Not all Planned Parenthoods are abortion clinics and it's a choice anyways in this Country so deal with it. You can't force someone to have a baby. If you make abortions illegal you don't think people won't find a way to kill the fetus regardless? Red arrow away but the truth hurts. Sad all around.

Antoinettedarling, Denver, United States
Why is it always my state? Sheesh.

Charles Brownhole, Chattanooga, United States
Funny how Fox News says it's the abortionists you have to watch out for... But as history proves again and again, it's the gun nuts with a religious or moral agenda that end up putting a bullet in your back.

Antoinettedarling, Denver, United States
Why is it always Colorado? It's a beautiful place to live.

icecreamcake99, de queen, United States
Not right, if you against abortion, killing like them is not the answer.

Gpp, Christchurch, New Zealand
Breaking news but not more important than celebrities Thanksgiving Dinner, huh?

Dani, Colorado
Your map shows us almost in Kansas. We're 60 miles south of Denver. This is a beautiful town, with beautiful people. I'm very pro-life, but it's never good to take out your views on the public in this way. This is a very conservative and Christian town. Unfortunately this is someone with strong views and no moral compass in how to handle things you don't agree with. I pray all come away safe.

JïmboJámésRóbbó, NYC - LA, United States
Religion strikes again.

Milkshark, Austin, United States
You may not like it but it's LEGAL in this country!

Partizan YU, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Thought conservatives were pro-life? Guess people don't count unless they are serving the conservative war machine and/or church.

vivivoom, Los Angeles, United States
So - for those that want to eliminate abortion, it's ok to terrorize and kill human adults, but not ok to abort a fetus? Hypocrites.

sxytina, chicago, United States
This not the answer to planned parenthood abortions!!

W-R-H, TEXAS, United States
Against abortion? Don't have one. Mind your own u te r us!

Expat in Cleveland, Cleveland, United States
Planned Parenthood aren't all abortion factories, I will need to go to one soon to get an IUD because I can't afford one otherwise and I don't want to get pregnant!

NannyNannyNanny, Manchester, United States
Surprised this doesn't happen more often

ftk67, Las Cruces NM USA
These shooters probably quote the Bible quite well. Maybe they need to read it and understand it's teaching.

busterUS, Atlanta, United States
Terrorizing and murdering people in the name of religion. Reminds me of another group.

Colin Garnes, San Diego, United States
I've noticed these message boards have become much more level headed in the past few months, before it was almost like InfoWars. I am grateful for that.

gadfly, S FL, United States
I hope you Republican congressmen are proud of your handiwork. Ramp up the fear and anger, and this is what you get. Maniacs, carrying out your wishes to eliminate women's health care.

stirring-it-up, Oz, United States
I'm a conservative and I'm pro-choice. I've raised a child alone and I have a real problem with anti-abortionists who would never consider adopting an unwanted child who is older, disabled, or a "problem" child. If you want to take away with one hand, you'd darn well better start giving with the other!

Wowthissomething, Los Angeles, United States
I hope this end peacefully.Everyone goes home (except the perpetrator arrest them) back to their loved ones to continue to enjoy the holiday season and life in general.

MW, Orange County - CA, United States
They do not know if this has to do with PP or not. He was allegedly shooting at cars and might or might not have just taken refuge in that building. There are civilians injured, but they do not know if any fatalities. 3 cops shot, two are safe, one cop is still down, but they can't reach him yet. 3 people are being treated so far, ambulance is just loading one person up. White male, white beard, hunting clothes, allegedly. They don't know what kind of firepower he has (high powered rifle supposedly). This is all from Fox and associates on scene, just now.

allyk, Somewhere, Australia
The number of Shootings that America has is a national disgrace, unfortunately this sad event is normal and there will be many more lives lost to guns.

Cabora, Denver, United States
Nothing like advocating for life by shooting people!

du Vallon, Midwest, United States, 
It's become almost a weekly thing with some right wing fanatical gun rights Republican blasting away at civilized people. It's seems hypocritical that they are trying to keep out these refugees because "they might be a danger". THEY are the danger. The refugees would never put up the body count that the right wing radicals do.

Toe Nail, Michigan, United States
I like how everyone automatically assumes this is a religious or politically motivated act. Here are some scenarios for you that just might prove it has nothing to do with any of that: A man is angry that his baby was aborted with out his knowledge, some abuser's wife works in the clinic and he has come to gun her down, a disgruntled employee, could be anything really. Hope no one else gets hurt by this!

Cagnazzo, New York
Land of the Free, home of the bullet-riddled...

thisisturok96, Toronto, Canada
Is there truly such a thing as Unplanned Parenthood?

 → Meh.., No Va, United States 
 Yeah, its called a one night stand.

 → StillBill, Michigan
 Are you kidding? Lots of pregnancies are un planned

 → Katie, USA, 13 hours ago
Half the pregnancies in the U.S. are unplanned.

 → napleo, Sydney, Australia
I had 3 kids - none of them were planned ...

Savage donkey, Michigan, United States
Yah, lets kills people to protest about people killing people. When will these ridiculous gun laws in America be removed! Freedom of speech is not freedom to shoot! Hope those involved are all okay (except the gun person).

jjhjjhrehdjh, st.louis mo., United States Minor Outlying
Sad It's, if you don't believe how I believe then I'm going to get you. Stop trying to make your way be the only way. People should live their life's by what works for them, not what you think. Mind your own business.

Ramos Washington, New York, United States
Abortionists should have concealed carry just like everybody else.

Thecrazyscotsman, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Only in America

 → JimDean, Philadelphia, United States
Mind your own business.

 → mike197601, Hereford, United Kingdom
Or Paris...

 → Carey, Carey
Or Austrailia....

 → napleo, Sydney, Australia
Yep - Good ol' UK - the country that takes every opportunity to bag the Americans - UNTIL there is a risk of imminent war - then they come screaming like pigs asking for America to help. Hypocrite!!!!

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