Title: Russian jets flew more than 100 combat sorties in Syria
Author: ANGEL
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Russian jets flew more than 100 combat sorties in Syria Russian jets flew more than 100 combat sorties on Thursday, following 126 the d...
Russian jets flew more than 100 combat sorties in Syria

Russian jets flew more than 100 combat sorties on Thursday, following 126 the day before, after President Vladimir Putin ordered the military to escalate their campaign in Syria.
His order came after it was confirmed the Russian plane crash in Egypt that killed all 224 people on board was downed in a terror attack, which ISIS-affiliated groups claimed responsibility for.

Source: daily mail

Netizen comment 

mwcreed, Jalalabad, Afghanistan
He did more damage to them in two days than we've done in two years.

USA mom, New Orleans, United States
This is a mess!

Catastrophique, Time, Togo
Now THIS is what we're talking about!

pum, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Breaking news ' Western leaders leave talks having consumed lots of food and plonk ' , meanwhile Russia has pounded ISIS into oblivion having tired of waiting for a Western response !

Commonsense, Uxbridge, United Kingdom
And who are ISIS selling the oil to? ..... Assad and his regime. Assad is therefore funding ISIS!

Home Boy, Bideford, United Kingdom
I like the way Russia do business. And in all fairness they did not jump the gun. They waited for confirmation as to how their plane came down. Now they know, their retaliated punishment is on it's way. Go Russia...

codeman, gilbertsville, United States
I guess ISIS is finding out that Putin is no wimp like Obama!

DM Crider, Veganopolis, Bhutan
Lesson: Don't "F" with Mr. Putin.

omarCalifornia, CAlifornia
Who's side is Obama on???? Looks like we might have a new super power. Russia.

Pat Bateman NYC, NYC, United States
This is war. ignore lib lies.

Cleanup Philly, Philadelphia
Can Putin give Obama man lessons?

ewol, Denver, United States
The sun setting over the Mideast, makes you wanna tear up!

Robb Flynn, Brooklyn, United States
I hope that there are no 'civilian' casualties....but a great many ISIS casualties!

YellowHammer, Everywhere, United States
I cannot wait for Obama to leave office . . .

Sensible Visitor, Wroclaw, Poland
Well done Russia, well done Vlad. Cheers from Poland! Time to showthr West how to man up and fight with the enemy!

good guy, Fernandina Beach, United States
putin for president?

Explorer, Chicago, United States
There is truth in not waking the Russian bear. Because once awaken, he will become a monster. We are seeing that right now, and rightfully so. Isis can mock the US, and we will have politicians who will swear that we're premature in our judgment. Not the Russians. I knew that they will respond in such a way that will remove all doubts that they mean business. Mr. Putin has my full support!

Ferbil, New York, United States
Thank you Mr Putin.

A_Believer, Wilmington, United States
Russia could save money with a website set up so people could order and pay for bombs and have them delivered to the enemy.

 → CFC_KTBFFH, New Delhi, India, 13 hours ago
I like that idea...

Lorde Kitchener, Bohi CA, United States
The U.S. military fought from Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima a time frame of about three and a half years. I can't believe in a whole year Obama's military effort hasn't flattened ISIS "strongholds." This is embarrassing.

CFC_KTBFFH, New Delhi, India
Putin has shown the world... You dont mess with his citizens... Join hands with putin... Isis will be history in no time.. Next.. Boko haram

walesdad, Swansea
Well done Russia.

 → Aka, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
Tip of the hat to Putin ,,contributing to making the world a safer place,,,and what is Cameron doing well the BOGRAT is stitching the junior doctors up

CFC_KTBFFH, New Delhi, India
Putin... We Salute you..

FryingDutchman, SouthernCalifornia, United States
Reading this Obama? YOU should have done this a long time ago.

CFC_KTBFFH, New Delhi, India
God will judge the ISIS... But for that they have to be sent to them.. Putin is delivery guy...

Evgeni, kursk, Russia
I am very pleased that you support us in this war against ISIS!

Harif2, Chicago-Il.USA
"ISIS has suffered a third day of heavy losses as the Russians continued their bombing blitz against the terror group." Kind of like when daesh beheaded those American's and upset Obama?Here Here Mr. Putin, till victor!!!

RobertG, Rockville, United States
I see Russia isn't bothering with precision guided bombs. They are just dumping a load of bombs on everything. Good

me, here
So in two days Russia has sent out more bombing missions than The U.S. has in two months, anyone still think 0bama wants to stop lSlS?

nicalaw, Managua Nicaragua

posleen, puyallup, United States
got to love the Russians they don't screw around when it comes to killing their enemies.also they never worry about overspray

Keifus, Around the way., United States
Big boys with their toys, not right either side to kill, how many kids are mixed up and family that has nothing to do with anything except being born there, sad all around

sam, Hyderabad, India
ISIS thought Russia is like liberal west obama' USA.. Now they will realize they messed with the wrong country!

Pete MUFC, Marbella, Spain
I hate Isis as much as anybody.... But This is horrific indiscriminate bombing. This is killing more civilians than ISIS. This is horrendous!

 → Darylmt, london, United Kingdom
Needs must!

 → J.o.e, England, United Kingdom
Half the civilians seem to support IS anyway (judging by the crowds that gather for executions), and the other half probably tolerate them - so it will be no great loss!

 → Dr.RoRo, San Francisco
Haven't you been paying attention? All the "nice" people have left and are now in Germany and England!

 → crisser, Manchester or thereabouts, United Kingdom
I don't see that bombing the oil refineries and the lines of tankers, queuing up to take away the fuel to sell and contribute to the £2m it makes Daesh every day, as indiscriminate.

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