Title: Annonymous Takes Down ISIS Twitter Accounts
Author: ANGEL
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Annonymous Takes Down ISIS Twitter Accounts Anonymous have stepped up their campaigns against the Islamic State One group claims to h...
Annonymous Takes Down ISIS Twitter Accounts

Anonymous have stepped up their campaigns against the Islamic State
One group claims to have suppressed over 10,000 social media pages

Source: daily mail

Netizen comment 

caroline, A nice one, United Kingdom
Keep up the good work!

Temi, atlanta, United States
good news

CommonSense, Geez, United States
Now this is how hacking should be done!

Frank Acree, Goldsboro, United States
And with this single act, these hackers have probably done more to stop their terrorist intentions than Pres. Obama.

Mike Auck, BX, United States
Good! How are hate and terror websites even allowed online in the first place? Can't we connect the ones and zeros? Seems to me that if the NSA and other world government agencies can see what innocent citizens do online on a daily basis, it can't be impossible to find these guys. If I were in control, I'd track the servers, triangulate coordinates and release weapons. One or two locations is al it will take. They'll get the message.

Reailyn, Earth, United States
Thank goodness Anonymous are finally doing something! Only if they could pin point all of the pro-ISIS users so that they're all arrested.

sobergilmore, Minneapolis, United States
Love it. Keep it up Anonymous!

Moni2, Nashville, United States
NICEEEEEEE!!! Keep up the good work!!!!

Butterflyz, TopSecret, United States
My heros.

Marcy5, USofA
Why couldn't our government do this???

Gallifreyan, New England, United States
Great. Now go check out PlayStation 4.

joanie1018, New York, United States

Warrior2u, okc, United States

Kiwiabroad, Vancouver, Canada
Good job! But You've got to wonder why government intelligence agencies weren't able to do this already?

imskipinout, Overland Park, United States
Well however you are ( Anonymous ) guys / gals ( people ) Please keep up the good work -- Keep blocking there com's so they can not communicate !!!! -- I am all for you doing this good deed - ***** 5 stars !!!!!

W-R-H, TEXAS, United States
Terrific news! People, if you see something, report it immediately.

Hamilton2015McLaren, London England, United Kingdom
Well done.

wallstreetwoman, new York, United States
Thank goodness for these guys. I think all these countries can use all the help they can get against the fight with Isis.

miguel, los angeles
How did our governments not do this already? Why do they let them even have accounts?

Janessa, Cypress Hills, Canada
Good on Anonymous! Problem is in a month there will be thousands more accts to disable. But thankfully even a slowdown will help immensely.

Meeshame, Las Vegas, United States
I wanna work for Anonymous .

Pugs4life, East Coast, United States

Junior73, Dallas, United States
I love these guys. This is hilarious, and at the same time, constructive.

Steven, Gig Harbor, United States
These guys are just flat out impressive. No bullying, no showboating, no name calling, just 'get to the point' people wasting no time for trash talk.

kaumudis, mumbai
You guys are simply awesome. Keep up the good work !!!

ManWoman, kent, United Kingdom
Big wow. Faceless cowards.

Imogen66, Manchester, United Kingdom
This is how to get them, take away their voice!

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