Title: World leaders scramble to defuse 'monstrous' new crisis over Russia's downed jet
Author: ANGEL
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A 'monstrous' new crisis has begun after Turkey shot down a Russian military plane, sparking fears of a war. Vladimir Putin  has...

A 'monstrous' new crisis has begun after Turkey shot down a Russian military plane, sparking fears of a war.
Vladimir Putin  has accused the Turks of a 'stab in the back', branding them 'accomplices of terrorists'.
Putin has broken off any military contact with Turkey in the fight against ISIS and is deploying a warship, with an air defence system, to the Mediterranean Sea. The cruiser will destroy 'any targets representing a potential danger' to Russian forces in Syria.

Source: daily mail

Netizen comment

Dave benzie, Dubai, UAE
Russia has every right to react however it wishes to both the shooting of the aircraft, and the cowardly murdering of their airmen.

Sl-lion, Colombo, Sri Lanka
We know who booed at the silence for Paris victims.

Welshtaff, Cardiff, United Kingdom
This isn't going to end well, RIP Turkey!

Raija Helena, Riihimäki, Finland
Turkey - you sick filth - you side with Isis and the rest of the crazy-religion lunatics. SHAME ON YOU!

Sydneysider58, Now living in Taree, Australia
Isn't shooting someone helplessly hanging under a parachute contrary to the Geneva Convention? Plus all levels of human decency? Frankly, I see Turkey as an enemy. This is just another violation and time for punishment with compound interest.

Serendipity, Kentucky, United States
I think there is a real problem when we are siding with people who chant "Alah Akbar" at the death of a pilot and boo during a moment of silence for Paris. WTH is really going on?

aliBaba, melbourne, Australia
I cant believe this,,so UK will defend ISIS supporting Turkey against Russia,,so basically UK will be air wing of ISIS??

Dioltas, Lusaka, Zambia
Is everybody totally insane? The stupid Turks shoot down a Russian plane because it crossed a few godforsaken rocks in Turkey for SEVENTEEN SECONDS and suddenly we're all supposed to be up in arms AGANST Russia? Get lost you idiots - shooting down that plane was a pathetic act of vandalism by a nation that has no bloody sense and never did have. My sympathies are with Putin on this one, much as I despise the man.

gerrit, rotterdam, Netherlands

Life in exile, Perth, Australia
So the UK and USA have stated support for turkey, a nation that is buying goods from isis, effectively supporting them.. And the us and uk want to support them?.. Sorry to say but if it was my choice, I'd be supporting putin and Russia here, kindoff ashamed of who my countries "allies" are supporting

njapan, Tokyo, Japan
Turkey, Saudi Arabia....We're backing the wrong sides.

landboss, Texas, United States
I support Putin on this.

 → Mr.Neoprene, Dongguan, China
But your president doesn't support... the worst nation in the word----Uncle Sam....EU was sold out by the US.

HistoryFiend, Dayton, United States
I side with Russia.

bostongrown, boston, United States
I'm horrified that my president pledged to be beside Turkey after this erroneous act. We need to stand with Russia and quit arming the rebels, refusing to take a stand, and creating bigger enemies. I'm disgusted.

Asiafan, Bangkok
So remind me again - which Country's citizens was it who booed the French anthem at a football match after the Paris atrocities - and yet we are going to support them - not in my name ....

hmss, Los Angeles, United States
The good news is that Russia undoubtedly monitors social media and understands how many Westerners agree with Putin/Russia. We see what is going on.

Yo123, South America, Colombia
And the idiot of Obama is calling NATO to support Turkey. What a traitor! Kick Turkey out of NATO they are helping terrorism.

The Crayped Crusader, Wanneroo., Australia
As Britain scrambled to respond, Whitehall sources said up to 12 Typhoon warplanes ¿ designed for air-to-air combat ¿ were on stand-by if Turkey requested assistance defending against Russian incursions. So if Turkey wants assistance against a nation who is attacking ISIS, Cameron is ready do defend a country who, it would seem, is a friend of ISIS. I don't understand the workings of politicians minds. Russia invaded Turkey's air space on a mission that would benefit us all and, what should be a country in agreement with that, shoots their plane down. Now, it seems that NATO sees the Russians doing something like that is a greater threat to us than the ISIS which are ignoring all boundaries to commit atrocities when and where they choose! There has to be something wrong somewhere, its a pity that those in power are too damned stupid to realise it!

rarbit, Southeast, United States
Whatever it takes, Turkey must be kicked out of NATO after bringing the planet to the brink of all out war. This cannot be tolerated. If they want to act irresponsibly, then let them go it alone.

andycapp, Bremen, Germany
And again Camoron chooses the wrong side! It's the Turks who are part of the problem! ....and we shouldn't be getting involved!

CEO4sho, Emerald City, United States
Turkey is a bully of epic proportions. Read up on what they've done to Greece! Russia is the only one who has manned up and actually taken steps to defeat ISIS. What is Turkey doing? Nothing! All those Middle Eastern countries are sitting there doing nothing to stop ISIS; they want the West to clean up the mess. Why the Middle East refuses to help their own kind (hello Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE etc) I cannot comprehend!

noname, New York, United States
As an American who hated the Soviet empire I have no problem with the new Russia, they are not my enemy. The Turks on the other hand have brutalized Christians for over 100 years. My enemy is not Assad either it is ISIS. The president of the U.S. though seems to be on the other team, pro ISIS and anti everything West. If this crazed man in the White House thinks the American public wants a war with Russia he needs to be impeached forthwith!

StillaliveinMexico, Lago de Chapala, Mexico
Why back Tuirkey??? This is insane.

Max Nex, Lugano, Switzerland
Two things alarm me here, first Turkey, a more stupid move is not possible, the Russians are doing a job the Turks have failed miserably in doing, namely fight isis, second concern is how quick Britain is to jump in and say they will back Turkey. David (loon) Cameron are you out of your "call me Dave" tiny mind??

Cliff Stern, Just the Other Side of Midnite, United States
So the Russian jets were in Turkish airspace for only 17 seconds? Fateful error, whether intentional or not. Still, shooting parachuting pilots dead in the air is beyond the pale.

Jenny2013, Perth, Australia
First time I've ever felt sorry for Russians. When will people realise that part of the world is a toilet and has been that way for hundreds of years? You're not going to change cruel, backwards religions and only an idiot would expect to do so.

Sir Brian Williams, New Canaan, United States
Why the bloody hell are we siding with Turkey? Somebody gift David Cameron a brain for Christmas, please. And give it to him early.

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