Title: Martin Shkreli Arrested On Fraud Charges
Author: ANGEL
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Martin Shkreli, 32, has been arrested on charges of securities fraud and running a Ponzi scheme to pay off debts from an old company I...

  • Martin Shkreli, 32, has been arrested on charges of securities fraud and running a Ponzi scheme to pay off debts from an old company
  • It is also alleged he illegally used stock from the biotechnology firm he owned, Retrophin Inc., to pay off debts related to MSMB
  • Retrophin and its investors suffered a loss in excess of $11million because of Shkreli's scheme according to United States Attorney Robert Capers
  • He earned the moniker of 'most hated man' in September after raising the cost of an AIDS and cancer drug from $13.50 per tablet to $750 overnight
  • MSMB Capital Management was founded by Shkreli in 2009 and shuttered in 2012, the same year Retrophin was founded and Shkreli became CEO
  • He was released on a $5million bond after bring arraigned in federal court on Friday
Martin Shkreli Arrested On Fraud Charges
Source: daily mail

Netizen comment

grazario, Plano, United States

americanpatriot, Indianapolis
It sounds as if he might reap what he sowed

calliecallie, Oklahoma, United States

Nep7, California, United States
YAY a feel good story in the morning

yyz, Vail, United States

noodles10, London, United Kingdom
I find him really hot

 → newyorker2003, new york, United States
You need to get your eyes checked!

ThisRightHere, New Martinsville, United States
YES!!!! Finally!!!

IPhone8, Portsmouth-New Hampshire, United States
Greed does not pay. Good Riddance!

kaye, Los Angeles, United States
His Taylor Swift comment is horrible and disrespectful to her

Jersey Jets, New Jersey, United States
Standing ovation

RR, San Juan, Puerto Rico
It's about time life give him a lesson.

not-easy, Arlington, United States
He is the real Grinch.

Golem9, Industry, United States
He is too effeminate to be taken seriously as a villain. Not to mention he is low on the DM infamy scale compared to that guy who shot Cecil the lion.

TrueGrit, Missouri, United States
Yea, well now he'll just double the price of the pill.

Charles Duc, placentia, United States
For those who are celebrating, think about what the government has done...they have taken on a campaign to rid capitalism from the USA...what he may have done is atrocious, but the government does worse , taxes, more taxes, laws more laws on top of other laws..forcing us to buy health insurance...and this guy is bad...for all that didn't know, there is another guy who makes the drug and sells it at cost to make it....

jennifer38, Baltimore, United States
Thank you, Santa! Just what we all wanted for Christmas!!

Sagon Penn, JacksonHole, United States
He might need "Daraprim" where he's going... Hope he can afford it.....

latorsha, Memphis, United States
You don't go against the FED...EVER!!!

jim, goldendale usa, United States
Bust the Federal Ponzi Scheme then get back to me.

bob c, long island n.y.
like Jackie Gleason would say, How sweet it is.

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