Title: US South China 'Flyby' Incenses Beijing
Author: ANGEL
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US South China 'Flyby' Incenses Beijing China has once again complained a US military flight flew near the South China Sea arti...
US South China 'Flyby' Incenses Beijing

China has once again complained a US military flight flew near the South China Sea artificial islands that the country claims is part of its territory.
The Pentagon said on Friday it was looking into the complaint and added that the US regularly conducts training missions with B-52 bomber planes throughout the region.

Source: daily mail

Netizen comment

[IDontBelieveIt, Earth, United Kingdom]
man-made islands? say no more?

[Coxon Brewster, Sydney, Australia]
All China do is whinge, while covertly taking over the world. So sneaky and deceitful.

[Evan, Cleveland, United States]
After years of Chinese "accidental" theft of American intellectual property and hacking into our systems I really don't care.

[Spinning cat, Beijing, China]
See? When it's the USA who is bullying others, you guys can always find excuses and turn the table around for them. My dear Americans, according to your president Obama, who said last month: "Turkey, as a country, has every right to defend its borders". So now you only got a complaint from China instead of a war-prompting shoot-down, and suddenly you are the big boss? Man-made island or not, the South China Sea is Chinese territory, legally verified by UN dozens of years ago. It's one thing you don't agree with the UN, it's quite another to ignore international laws and disrespect another country just because you don't like them.

 → [Expat Pom, Perth Australia, United Kingdom]
Russia breached Turkish airspace, and I find it ironic that someone from Beijing lecturing about international laws and disrespecting another country. China and it's allies regularly do the same things and worse.

[Lucky Pozzo, In, Antarctica]
Some one has to stop them and soon, but it won't be Obama or Clinton. Either Trump gets elected, or the rest of the world will have to grow a pair.

[CanaryCanary, USA, United States]
It's preposterous you can 'claim' an ocean.

[Ren, Portland]
Oops..I used to fly my plane over the sea but now China built an Island over there so it's further to the left until the whole ocean is out of bounds.

[Motorman, Detroit City]
If it's called the South China Sea, then surely it's China's? Otherwise why not give it a non possessive name.

 → [Expat Pom, Perth Australia, United Kingdom]
Just because it shares the name with, it doesn't mean it belongs to China. That's like saying the Indian Ocean belongs to India, the Timor Sea belongs to East Timor, the Irish Sea belongs to Ireland or the English Channel belongs to England. How simple are you?

[Jackamo1, Melb, Australia]
Testing the waters can be a risky business with dire consequences for all, if one party pushes to far.

[Nic Crovaix, somewhere, Australi]
They figured it was safer than flying over North Korea.

[David, Northwich]
USA or school yard bully?

[Yusuf M, San Francisco, United States]
Obama is so mad at ISIS, he's threatening the use of military force against China.

[rfgbn, bhyrt, United Kingdom]
Is there a single country in the free or any other world the US hasn't invaded or antagonized? Simultaneously poking Russia and China with a stick is inviting a war the US will definitely lose if Russia and China align.

 → [NO Name, California, United States]
Have you taken history class yet?

 → [Michael-3245, Seattle, United States]
Do you think the US doesn't have the right to fly over international waters?

[justin.fuller, Metro Manila, Philippines]
The space concerned does not belontg to China and they are squatting illegally!

[raridashylightpie, los angeles, United States]
Good job Obama! You showed them who's boss

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