San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan urged residents in the area south of San Bernardino Avenue and west of Mountain View to shelter in place with their doors and windows locked and secure.
Netizen comment
Ralph Brown
Another day, another mass shooting. I wish we had a Congress that cared.
Mar Wilson
Mr. President, THIS is what passes for normal in our country today! It's not even the lead story on the main. We're helpless out here in the real world and at the mercy of these unhinged minds. In seven years, not one gun has been taken from anyone who has a legal gun in this country but the anti-gun control folks still insist the "Obama is going to take our guns!" In the interim, we have our do-nothing Congress voting to repeal the ACA for the umpteenth time. We so desperately need stricter gun control. We're losing so many innocents!
Matt Nicholson · Fort Worth, Texas
Government assistance/healthcare facility. Sonofa... HOW MANY MORE??? And NO! It's NOT the LIBERALS doing this!!
(This may be an actual terroristic event.... but it still isn't us danged liberals!)
Terry Underwood
This is the America 2nd amendment purists want.Congratulations!
Ken Seeber
The NRA, GOP and Fox News would like you all to know that now is not the appropriate time to discuss gun control.
John Lisa · Towson University
Must be Wednesday.
Leal Lee
Gun-ban. That second amendment is biggest bull. Period. We need another president like Pres. Obama to take care of this mess.
Michael Laurence Nelson · SOHK
Was this a good guy with a gun that turned into a bad guy with a gun or a bad guy who got a good guy to get him a gun to be a good guy and then turn into a bad guy? Or was he just a gentle loner?
Sean Murray · Sandy Hook
I was really hoping that Sandy Hook would be a turning point, the day we woke up and did something. Instead its now just a reference point used to count mass shootings and school shootings. Sad.
Steve Scearce
The gun manufacturers' stocks will go up. More terrified people will buy guns and ammo... and the mass killings will continue. Sanity was seen boarding a plane for someplace else. Someplace that has reasonable gun control laws.
Robert Ross King · Fort Worth, Texas
2nd Amendment refers to a well-regulated militia. The pro-gun folks need to get serious about those militias. Gun ownership is only half the story. Tell us which militia you belong to, who the officers are, what the regulations are. Then we can talk about letting you have a gun.
Bob Cbecker · Winding Boy at Moonlight Bunny Ranch
We are the laughingstock of the world and it is well-deserved.
Michael Hebert
Hey, you gun lovers out there. Here's another one that you own.... and that is increasingly owning you.
Alyssa Vetter · Waukesha, Wisconsin
What is as horrible and disturbing as these shootings are, is that I'm not that surprised!!
How did our wonderful country get to this terrible point????? (Way too many easily accessible guns floating around is one of the answers!)
Nathan Ward · Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
If the GOP really wants a database to keep Americans safe, they should register every angry white guy. THOSE are the true terrorists in this country, not some immigrants or refugees.
J Miguel H Abad
Why can't we do gun ownership like you own a car. You have to be a certain age to begin your training. You have to pass certain test. Then you have to get insurance for it! Please let me know what you think.
Jennifer Vizzo
As long as the NRA owns our Congress, we will never get sane, sensible gun legislation. What a travesty.
John Beazley
And Congress is worried about Syrian refugees. LMAO
Louis Matthee
Looks like ISIS has nothing on NRA.
Rich White
House prepares to vote against Obamacare for the 57th time.
Michael Ohr · Washington State University
More murders...more sales of weapons...more money to contribute to GOP candidates. More GOP...more hate...more murders.
Merkin Muffly
Not All Republicans are Radicalized Christians but All Radicalized Christians are Republicans.
George Beier · UC Berkeley
Please, Hillary Clinton. Win this election and take all of the guns away. Maybe we could have "gun libraries" for hunters to use guns on hunting excursions. But all of the rest of them -- destroy them. All they do is kill people. We need to radically change the course of violence in our country and world.
Eric Brown
It's a pretty sad day for my hometown, BUt it is even sadder to read all the comments who with absolutely no facts, blame republicans and the NRA.
Neil Ritz
This is not an issue addressed with stricter gun control or forced tolerance. Nope, we need to address it by strengthening the 3 pillars that make us great as a nation: the family, the church, and the small business. All 3 of these are under attack and they're quickly eroding.
Snap Soap
Gun control? Wendell Pierce nailed it recently. Get all the young black men and women to join the NRA and get a gun. Conservatives will push for gun control yesterday. Seriously, this needs to happen. We'll get gun control legislation with 100% probability.
Sam Morey · University of Pittsburgh
Think the founders would have included a 2nd amendment if they knew assualt rifles would be privately held, instead of flintlock rifles?
Vlad Box Rojas · Cinematographer at VladBox Films
Time to round up the white terrorists?
David Ahearn · Works at Self-Employed
...if this turn out to be white males, republican, Christian ammosexuals terrorist the NRA and the fear mongering right is responsible!
Niya Watson · Sacramento, California
Not sure any gun controll measure could of stopped this. They are looking for multiple shooters. California has Strict gun controll laws as it is.
Shaun Harrison · Works at Project DC Events
Its an Autism center for the disabled. What is wrong with people.
Steve Miller
They're reporting there are possibly 3 shooters who are being described as white males. Here is my question: given that the media tends to focus on "mental issues" as a cause whenever there is a lone wolf white shooter, how do you think they will work in the "mentally deranged" angle, if it turns out there are 3 shooters?
Perhaps they will try to convince us that YES it was 3 bodies, but they shared 1 brain that wasn't well. So it can't be terrorism!
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