Title: British Parliament approves airstrikes against ISIS in Syria
Author: ANGEL
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British Parliament approves airstrikes against ISIS in Syria Four Tornado jets sent into action from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus within an ...
British Parliament approves airstrikes against ISIS in Syria

  • Four Tornado jets sent into action from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus within an hour of MPs voting in favour of airstrikes
  • Corbyn denied he was advocating 'pacifism' but Labour MPs tore into his refusal to answer France's plea for help
  • US President Barack Obama welcomed Britain's decision to extend airstrikes against ISIS over Syria
  • David Cameron boasted Britain is 'safer' after the House of Commons backed his proposal to extend military action in Syria by 397 votes to 223 - a majority of 174

Source: daily mail

Netizen comment

Chuckling away, Barcelona, Spain
Don´t step up to ISIS, GET ON WITH IT...... NOW!

Usually right. Sometimes, Weybridge, United Kingdom
So the majority of the country doesn't want to but our g0 vernment seals all our fate. We've been doing it for years and in my opinion, it's only getting worse. Russ14 seems to be doing more than anyone us done in a short period of time. There are many countries all involved. I hve a feeling out g0 vernment just want to get involved so they don't miss out when the oil rich country is taken over and the spoils of W4r carved out.

Chuckling away, Barcelona, Spain
ISIS need to be eradicated from this EARTH IMMEDIATELY

Chuckling away, Barcelona, Spain
How we and the rest of the West didn´t get to this point before, I shall never know...

SlippingWithGerrard2, Old Trafford, United Kingdom
Warmongering. RIP to the innocent civilians about to die.

Super-man, Bangkok, Thailand
yes this is great news take that corbin!! hahaha corbyn failed

Friday Thirteenth, Political Correctness Ended
God speed & God bless our hero's!!!!

minandrev, Sheffield

i_dislike_donkeys, manchester, United Kingdom
Bye bye taxpayers money

John, London, United Kingdom
Bomb them and what?They are already Breeding here in England, so what are we going to vote to bomb our country!? Utter clowns!

Jonathan Frame, Fairfax, United States
Good choice in voting for action. It is pure madness to think if you ignore them they will go away and leave you alone. We are in this together.

theliberal2016, mayfair, United Kingdom
Bomb their recruitment centres and training camps - the ones the US, Russia and France missed.

MG Worcester., Worcester, United Kingdom
If we did nothing, who would we blame when it all goes wrong ?

polheg, living Worthing from Derry, United Kingdom
Yeah, Fantastic, Great ........ not

Tommy Tanker, Bedford, United Kingdom
Big mistake!

 → blitz, london, United Kingdom
After 4 years maybe a mistake will show more results.

Sharon, Cheshire, United Kingdom
I personally think that this is a very bad mistake.

The dancer, Hitchin, United Kingdom
No one take bombing and going to war lightly but it was inevitable

john, uk
If they think they're getting beaten, ISIS will simply disappear into normal life and resurface later... You can't beat an ideology...

Russell, Lon, United Kingdom
They want to live in the medieval bomb them back to it!

Ron Pickering, Hobbiton, United Kingdom
God Bless our brave pilots, keep them from harm, and bomb the cockroaches into the dust.

MrsF86, Crawley
Whether you are for or against this, its an awful situation. The world needs to unite to eradicate ISIS. These monsters need to be stopped. I fear it won't be as simple as bombing Syria as ISIS members are every where. The UK hadnt been attacked by them yet as we werent bombing Syria. Now that we are I fear for what they may attempt to do to our country! Saying that, Im sure it would only have been a matter of time before they attacked us anyway. Prayers are now with all those innocent people who will be caught in the crossfire.

Zenith, worcester, United Kingdom
Welcome to WW3 you warongering idiots

othepoorfeminists, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
223 idiots! these people obviously live in an alternate planet!

StarGoose, London, Canada
YES!!! WAR!!!!

 → annoyedonline, Klein Bonaire, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba

 → unsurprised, wilts
Yay? Oh yes. YOU won't be going to war, will you?

Mefinksnot, High Wycombe
Thanks Dave, you've now put a death sentence on each and every person living on this land. You utter ....

melonman, Bolton, United Kingdom
Common sense prevails at last.Respect to the pilots and stay safe.

oldgitfromlondon, London, United Kingdom
If Britain wans to continue to have a voice in the world stage, we will need to take up our share of the responsibilities.

polheg, living Worthing from Derry., United Kingdom
Three names that will go down in infamy : Bush, Blair, Cameron ...............

HannahLewis, London, United Kingdom
The Shock Doctrine

MD, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Time to cut the head off the snake.

 → gary7519, Liverpool, United Kingdom
The snake that America created .

Shaf_h, Manchester, United Kingdom
We should have learnt from the past about going to war and killing innocent people..history is about to repeat itself.

Mcsquared22, Leven, United Kingdom
More innocent blood on the UK's hands.

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