Title: North Korean girl Moranbong Band Prepare for China Performance
Author: ANGEL
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North Korean girl Moranbong Band Prepare for China Performance Source: daily mail Netizen comment  stumbles, ottawa, Ca...
North Korean girl Moranbong Band Prepare for China Performance

Source: daily mail

Netizen comment 

stumbles, ottawa, Canada
One thing for sure in North Korea -- no fat chicks.

George, Norwich
Just goes to show that what we are fed in the western papers is a total fabrication then doesn't it.

Donnie Lad, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
I think I would rather have been executed than have fat boy slobbering all over me.

bunko, Paris, France
Very cute.

BobRope, Detroit, United States
You see? Western media is just as bad as NEWS and propaganda from North Korea.

cahser11, Dallas, United States
His wife will do what she is told.

crawf, las vegas, United States
They look hot in their little army uniforms.

bunchofclowns, charleston, United States
Fat boys wife is hot

 → Brent, Beijing
I don't think he is a boy.

hayward4591, Los Angeles, United States
Don't think his wife would dare disapprove! He might threaten her with his haircut.

Chris, Washington
Both girlfriend and wifey are right smoking - don't know what they see in Lard Boy, but I guess it's a power thing.

Max, California, United States
She looks like she's been eaten better than most NoKo detainees... I mean inmates... I mean citizens! I'm guessing KJU made a deal with her. "You go on promotional tour for me, I'll spare your life and that of your family, and you'll get to eat 1600 calories/day."

 → Blahmore, Fareham, United Kingdom
You've taken what was originally a made up story, worsened it, and tried to make the whole country's citizens look like prisoners... interesting.

Mr Speaker, Vancouver, Canada
Is that a hat she was wearing or does she have the barber as Kim Jong Un?

common-sense-surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom
Not bad looking girls are they......

nicalaw, Managua Nicaragua
So the propaganda war against North Korea continues to be exposed as more lies.

Michael Smith, Mönchengladbach
Kim could get a job as a judge on a Simon Cowell show he has good taste in women.

 → SheightGeist, i see dead people, United Kingdom
I would rather Cowell is boiled or better still fed to a giant Octopus for destroying culture. We could do Antony Charles Lynton Blair right after! Where's the popcorn? I'm staying in tonight!

schrute, schrute farms Dublin, Ireland
makes you wonder how much lies the west have told us about N.K. perhaps to keep westerners from visiting the country and booming their tourism.

boo boo, gaga
she is hot !

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