Title: Outrage Over L.A. Schools Closing While New York Calls Same Threat a Hoax
Author: ANGEL
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Outrage Over L.A. Schools Closing While New York Calls Same Threat a Hoax The threat that shut down every school in Los Angeles on Tues...
Outrage Over L.A. Schools Closing While New York Calls Same Threat a Hoax

The threat that shut down every school in Los Angeles on Tuesday was a hoax, according to a House Intelligence Committee member.  
More than 640,000 children were ordered to stay home after the district's superintendent received an email from a self-professed extremist Muslim jidahi threatening to attack schools with bombs and rifles.
LA police, school boards, and politicians even stuck by their decision after New York officials highlighted major flaws in the email - such as the misspelling of 'Allah' with a lowercase 'a'.
Finally, almost six hours after SWAT teams descended on the county's 900 campuses, a House Intelligence Committee member has told the Associated Press the email has been ruled a hoax.

Source: daily mail

Netizen comment

Freedom for Refugees, Life In Prison, United Kingdom
Kids will do anything to get a day off school

I have lady parts, Washington DC, United States
Better safe than sorry, but it's finals time... Sure makes you wonder after reports in other school districts of kids calling in bomb threats to get out of taking tests.

Goodjob, London
Check Donald Trumps most recent calls ... wouldn't surprise me!

Elaine, Los Angeles, United States
Why is it always in instances like this that right-wing trolls come out of the woodwork bashing citizens and politicians from their own country instead of joining together to fight the real enemy.

TheRealTrump1001, Brandon, United States
Let me guess ISIS. And there are still those who want open borders.

Michelle, Long-Beach_CA_USA
Homeschool rules!

John, Lincoln, United Kingdom
More votes for a certain American Politician.

Rave.On, NYC
Is this the way the world will live now? So sad. Glad they took early action to be safe.

USA mom, New Orleans, United States
Anyone who would harm a child is the lowest of human beings. Sub humans really.

tangerinedream, Dry Heat, United States
This is exactly where the terror suspects want fear. I a m not saying they shouldn't have sent them home..not at all..It is just our way of life is changing.

Mangelina, L.A., United States
Very scary. I hope they figure out what's going on and everyone is safe.

Crazy train, Htown, United States
Thanks a lot Obama for destroying our country, this is now our new normal!

pandora, los angeles, United States
This is a pretty big deal. We're not talking about one school, we're talking about an entire district -- all grade levels, all schools in the entire city of LA. You don't make that kind of decision lightly.

STARFALL, San Diego, United States
Yes let's bring in a million Syrians. My god what have we done to this country. How did we fall this far?

Murph, arnhem, Netherlands
Something major will happen in the run up to Christmas in a major European city. It's inevitable given how weakly and foolishly we've dealt with the threats upon us and within our midst.

lena, san diego
You'll find Obama on the golf course, let him know the developments please.....

eljefemidioluzverde, Oklahoma City, United States
Pray for Peace. End of Days

laurengmt, Las Vegas, United States
Maybe this is a diversion from something else they have planned. All law enforcement is caught up in this one threat and not available for other problems that may arise. Who knows? What a mess.

Trac49, Rochester, United Kingdom

Lost In NY, New York, United States
Barack Obama's enormous failure on display. His tenure is a train wreck. He lies daily, hourly, etc., trying to maintain the most absurd PR image game. It is a bad joke. Obama lies, people die. Yes we can.

Elisabeth, Paris, France
Now that is worrying. The authorities are correct to take no chances.

Kat, NY_ NY
It breaks my heart that we baby boomers have to watch our children and grandchildren live through these very disturbing, violent, turbulent times. I don't think they'll ever know the freedoms we enjoyed growing up or the security we felt. Yes, we lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy's assassination and the Viet Nam war played out in our living rooms on the nightly news, but nothing as horrific as this hellish brand of terrorism we are now experiencing. Maybe this "one world" concept wasn't such a great idea after all. Peace of heart to all during this holiday season.

love a bluey, malaga, Spain
Trump is right.

No_Spin, Tampa, United States
But Obama said only 2 weeks ago he had IS contained !

AmishHipster, Pennsylvania, United States
Of course its a hoax. When was the last time ISIS emailed in a warning before an attack?

cassie08, Alicante, Spain
Trump appears to be right then

rose shaw, Derby, United Kingdom
It is time for Americans to support Mr Trump

BoRainier, Washington, United States
Deep inside, we know that something bad and big is about to happen in America, we just don't know what or when,. But, we know for sure that our government is not taking it serious.

cmjaz, Phoenix USA, United States
I'm sure the LA super knows that it's likely a hoax but decided not to take a chance. Good for him

Guest000001, Old Pueblo, United States
and there are still people who don't understand why Trump's poll numbers keep going up.

geebee67, Cleveland, United States
At first, I thought it was an overreaction but if there was some type of attack the superintendent would have been crucified for not closing the schools.

sharon1, Bronx, United States
Why are people so quick to criticize? After Paris and San Bernardino, I'll tolerate an over reaction to the threat. To me, thats better than making an assumption than doing nothing preventive.

Bootcamp Hiking, New York, United States
Enjoy Hawaii Obama !!

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