Oxford University has offered a compromise to students who are calling for a statue of an Imperialist to be torn down by suggesting a sign is erected saying the college does not share his views.
Oriel College has come under fire from student campaigners who say 19th century colonialist Cecil Rhodes, the founder of Rhodesia, was racist and his statue should be removed.
Source: daily mail
Netizen comment
Derick, Durham
There should be NO COMPROMISE! If the so called students do not like his statue or name plaque, THEY SHOULD LEAVE! I despair for our once great country when I see the miscreants who pose as students and think that they are supposed to be the cream of their generation! If they are the future, God help us all!
Michael, Manchester, United Kingdom
If these "students" are so offended by the "violence" of walking past a statue, they are unfit to attend ANY University as they are clearly far too immature for the rigours of academic life. The option for these kindergarten wanabees should be simple. No Statute, NO FUNDING... EVER! They, like too many hypocrites on the childish left are quite happy to take the money provided everything is arranged to their satisfaction. Perhaps they would be happier with statues of Mugabe, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot, real left wing heroes?
Davie, Wisbech, United Kingdom
So they don't want any more more sponsorship from the Rhodes Foundation or any more Rhodes scholarships . And should demolish the College built with his Money . They should concentrate on Study and leave the politics to the Grown Ups !
Peter Ex-Artillery, Manchester, United Kingdom
I have a better idea. Tell the uppity students to either leave, or shut and study.
KayT, Newcastle, United Kingdom
"Like Alfred Nobel, Rhodes was a complicated man who left his wealth to create an important institution that makes the world better". A comment taken from the website for Rhodes Scholarship applications. I would assume that Oxford is not going to get rid of these prestigious scholarships so how about telling your students to acquaint themselves with the full history and then recognise that as history moves on, so should they!!
lucie22, Nottingham
I have a relative who lives in an English village called Rhodesia. No-one there has ever thought of protesting to change its name because frankly they've got better things to do. History is what it is, you can't prettify it to suit current tastes. Leave Rhodes where he is and accept we are thankfully living in a more enlightened era.
DPT, Ayr, United Kingdom
Same bunch that are acting up over Jeremy Vine and his man-flu comment?
OldEtonianGdsOfficer, London
Down with Nelson's column then - he wasn't too PC either!
Sandy Brown, London
Gosh it is just History. I mean get on with it. Get a life. Who cares. What a fuss about nothing. Take it down or leave it alone. What a huge amount of fuss over nothing.
Gp, Sydney, Australia
How dare somebody who lived 150 years ago have different views to our own! We must ignore all the good he did, and scream loudly against him because he lived in a different world to ours and was a man of his time.
Hello, St, United Kingdom
I am of Irish descent and find the statue of Oliver Cromwell offensive, will the SJWs demand it be taken down?
MisterKnowitall, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
I demand we sue the Italians for the Roman occupation of UK, and the Scarwegians for the Viking stuff, have you seen Rhodesia recently, they are starving and broke, I lived there in the 70's and it was a very rich country and I mean the locals also with good jobs and conditions, ask them now which they prefer, I have, Cecil was a man of his time and brought prosperity, maybe you prefer a statue of Bliar or Mandy, that's why we have no industry, but how do they live now,
JimArcher123, Leeds, United Kingdom
The pic above does not have one Black African face. This is a case of , "i want to be offended " " I need to be offended " merchants whose parents have failed them in preparing them for the Adult world.
Paul, Once United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Leave the bloody thing alone!! If some of the students don't like it then they're free go clear off and go somewhere else!! Stop this constant kowtowing to the PC liberal haters of everything, before they eradicate everything that doesn't fit in with their nasty warped version of their perfect world where even history is undone!
immad, portsmouth, United Kingdom
Why Oh why do the Cowardly English act like this as no where else in Europe does this happen.
ZardozReturns, london, United Kingdom
My suggestion, tell the students where the highest cliff in the are is.
propero41, POOLE, United Kingdom
Why does the university even talk to these people. history is what it is, we should not feel guilty about it. the university should charge anyone who wants the statue down 10x cause they wouldn't want the students taken advantage of the university's history
I.see.through.you, Norwich, United Kingdom
Pathetic of the college to try and compromise with the narrow-minded bigots who have no understanding or appreciation of history.
bobajob, morecambe, United Kingdom
Cowards. If the students don't like it, then send them down.
Artnsan, manchester
Could you kindly add another sign which says The nation is sick and tired of fascist students and what they think.
Dr.Amy, West Chester, United States
So, why not return all his money at the same time? He must have descendents of siblings or cousins who would love the money. Or why not return all the money to South African countries? If you blatently dishonor a man then it is hypocritical to keep his money.
Chris N, Bristol, United Kingdom
Don't pander to these idiots who have a brief, temporary connection with the college. Tell them the statue and plaque will remain in place, but if they are pathetic enough to feel threatened - and I don't believe it - they can leave. Many politicians and soldiers did bad things during the Empire, but they're part of our history.
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