Title: Bill Cosby Charged in Sexual Assault Case
Author: ANGEL
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Bill Cosby Charged in Sexual Assault Case Accused sex attacker Bill Cosby flew out of Philadelphia Wednesday on his $3million jet after...
Bill Cosby Charged in Sexual Assault Case

  • Accused sex attacker Bill Cosby flew out of Philadelphia Wednesday on his $3million jet after posting $1million bail
  • Andrea Constand claims disgraced comedian drugged and sexually assaulted her at his mansion in January 2004
  • The case against him emerged just days before Pennsylvania's 12-year statute of limitation deadline expires 

Netizen comment 

k2comp, Bellows Falls, United States
Readers...don't let a little thing like innocent until proven guilty color your posts

TheLand, Anywhere, United States
About time.

 → Mandy Simmons, Vegas, United States
If he was white he would already be serving time.

Cascades99, Metropolis, United States
Regardless if Cosby is guilty or not, this case not only lacks any serious evidence of ANY kind, but it was already settled in 2006. This new prosectutor is simply trying to make a name for himself on a case that has not yet met statue of limitations. Obvious as day,

penguin4444, singapore, Singapore
the beginning of the end

Sarah255, Virginia, United States
Justice needs to be served. He used his status as a celebrity to abuse women for decades and thought he would get away with it. I hope you rot in jail.

lovethecoast, arcadia, United States
He is a predator. This has been going on for decades....

HotSeatSue, Bay Area, United States
Great news!

 → liz in LA, altadena, United States
Where's his sweet smiling wife now. She must be calling her own lawyers right now. Moving the money.

Sunshiny Day, Usa, United States

Morgan Daniels , New York, United States
load of garbage. load of garbage. load of garbage. all these women are trying to do is blackmail him legally

JennyO82, New York, United States
He can eat all the pudding cups he wants when he's locked away. Sicko.

Dailydip, Beach, United States
Justice finally!

v15, Denver, United States
To imagine that wife standing by him after all these henious crimes is a travesty and shows the caliber really!

jb4u, Los Angeles, United States
His wife is pathetic. She had to know and chose to stay with this waste of skin.

NikkisStillHot, Houston, United States
His wife should be charged with stupidity...

Zola Sky, Los Angeles, United States
I find it deeply disturbing that his wife continues to stand by him.

Faye USA, anywhere, United States
I'm sorry but he misbehaved twice before with her and each time she left. Then the third time she WENT to his home and took the pills he offered? Even if the dude is a slimeball, she got some serious issues.

Lady Jane, California, United States
The TV CNN news is on right now here, and his attorney claims the women just want money. THAT proves that keeping their Cosby fortune is ALL Bill and Camille care about. MONEY. Justice is too slow. Bill will die before dozens of women get justice. The victims do not want money, they want JUSTICE.

cleanheart, manteo, United States
His "wife" is the devil in my opinion. She stayed with this creature and probably knew full well what was going on and chose to stay and keep her mouth shut. Horrible old witch

Normita, San Antonio
This guy is a sexual predator, and he got a free pass for far too long. I also believe his wife knew about his predatory behavior and bears some responsibility ($).

Art Vandelay, NYC, United States
I wonder why a 31 yo woman would go back to his home after being groped twice. Why would she take pills and then have wine with him? She sounds like a complete idiot.

MailBoxer, Land of Lakes, United States
Maybe it's just me but having him confess in sworn testimony to getting pills from doctors and drugging women seems like strong evidence.

Deal Breaker, Southampton, Bermuda
Look at him acting like a frail, feeble old man when his body is as firm and solid as a rock. He looks like he's never skipped a pudding in his life. As for that walking stick, it's clearly a prop because if he put his weight on that thing, it would snap in half. Who does he think he's fooling???

Susie, Ithaca
Interesting the lengths people will go to defend men. 50 women have accused Bill. He's admitted buying drugs to give to women he had sex with. But you would take his word above theirs. Why?

JohnECarson, NC, United States
He will be dead before this is ever resolved in a court room. Once again let this be a lesson to people to stop elevating actors, musicians and athletes to hero status and worshiping at the altar of celebrity. It's all a false image to make a buck. You have no clue who the person behind the PR really is.

Anne Browne, Newport, United States
At last, JUSTICE for these sexual abused women!!! Women's lives matter too! HAPPY NEW YEAR BILL!!!

CJ, Somewhere In the States, United States
Putting on a feeble display like OJ did. He was out and about in NY with his wife and no assistance whatsoever just a month ago.

dmck, ulm, Germany
she went to his home and was attacked and left, then she returned to his home a second time and was attacked and left, then she went to his house a third time. HELLO....after been attacked once why did she return to the house on two other occassions?

VeryMetal, Indiana, United States
He deserves an Oscar for this performance.

Pete, Cincinnati, United States
At this rate, if found guilty, he will be 110 before he serves a day in jail.

pol4383, Toronto, Canada
Funny how he was walking and seeing fine a few months ago....gets to court and he can't walk the length of himself and needs sticks........once an actor always an actor.

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