Title: Global powers condemn North Korea’s nuclear weapons test
Author: ANGEL
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The United States and other global powers sharply condemned North Korea on Wednesday, vowing to punish it for conducting a fourth nucl...

The United States and other global powers sharply condemned North Korea on Wednesday, vowing to punish it for conducting a fourth nuclear weapons test. But it was not clear what more the world could do, short of war, to a country that for years has been impervious to international isolation and sanctions.

Global powers condemn North Korea’s nuclear weapons test

Netizen comment 

1. [ned stark42] If George W. Bush was compelled to invade ANYBODY in 2003 over WMD's, maybe it should have been the country which actually had them, North Korea, instead of the country which didn't, Iraq.

2. [DavidM in Cal] "North Korea says it has tested its first hydrogen bomb."
I'm going with "Liar, liar, pants on fire" for this one.

3. [TimTEC] So while Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld were invading the wrong country and getting 4000 American soldiers killed for nothing, they let North Korea go full nuclear. And now you expect Obama to clean up the mess? Conservatives are all hysterical about Iran, who has no bombs, but not a peep about the real nuclear threat. Where was the GOP hysteria when it really mattered?

4. [r56663219] This isn't about which party caused this problem, ALL parties struggle to work with this xenophobic, know-nothing, power-hungry, control-the-populace-with-fear, go-it-alone-and-allies-be-damned country. It's a good reason to not let our country go down the same path.

5. [USMC1954] No matter if it's true or false, it must be Obama's fault.
I'm sure before the week is up there will be some kind of blame cast at Obama by one or more of the clown bus.

6. [The Penquin] If only Bush and Cheney were back in charge. Those were the days when North Korea feared and respected America. I think the president's fighter ace costume played a big part in that. And the Bush administration's military victories, of course.

7. [DaveinDallas] It's amazing that many of the posters below seem to think PRNK is a more reliable source for information than the White House. It really a sorry state of mind to be in when anybody would take the word of that crackpot regime over the findings of our experts.

8. [bestchoice] North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un makes many unbelievable, provocative statements. For some reason he reminds me of Donald Trump.

9. [PennyWisetheClownRedux] Let's see if i can take a wild guess on what is going on in the dwarf kingdom--peers into crystal ball and see's that winter is setting in and the dwarfs screwed up their grain harvest again and see that it is time to blackmail the west (again) into giving them food aide to keep their population from rebelling. My crystal ball also says that they do not have the technology to create a hydrogen bomb and used up one of their nuclear weapons to blackmail the west.

10. [K_Kaprow]

11. [4blazek] Whether N Korea did test an H-bomb or not it is unlikely the American people will know until it is late in the game. The reason, who is the least trustworthy? N Korea or the Obama Administration...

12. [Jarhead1979] We need to send Ambassador Rodman over there immediately.

13. [TomSixGunDrawHombre]
Put Barak on TV to cry about it.

14. [ITBFAN] China could end this tyrannical punk's rule very quickly but fears a unified, pro-US Korea. The tyranny in the North and Kim's dangerous nuclear games will continue so long as China plays its short-sighted policy of keeping this regime on life support.

15. [Mrwsmith] We should take thousands of buckets of Colonel Sanders finest KFC to the DMZ and use really huuuuuge fans to blow the smell North. This could produce millions of defectors. Problem solved.

16. [Delong] But Obama cried to make felons out of fathers who give hunting rifles to their daughters and sons. Such is the liberal priorities.

17. [Petronius_Jones]
The Chinese are outraged about this and stepping back a bit and letting Beijing handle it for now is probably best. Don't forget that China was so angry about the last North Korean test that they voted with America in the UN Security Council for sanctions on North Korea that were supposed to make new tests very difficult for Kim. For whatever reason, he's willing to make his only real ally very very angry. His missiles can't hit America. They can hit Beijing.

18. [KillerAngels]
Bubba gave North Korea nukes.
B. Hussein will give Iran nukes.
Irrefutable facts.


20. [Giedi Prime]
"North Korea has the H-bomb because their leaders are smart. Our leaders are stupid, that's why we don't have an H-bomb." Trump

"Eh, sir, there's no proof they have an H-bomb, and we've had one for half a century."

"You're fired."

21. [nophonycons_CA] If you let the GOP into this, you might actually get N. Korea to launch an attack on South Korea, and kill a few million people. Now that will be par for the cons' and GOP course.

22. [TomSixGunDrawHombre]
The US continues to be defeated by "strong" nations like Afghanistan's goat herders.
Quite embarrassing, actually.

23. [Spencer99] i blame global warming for this, just like what happened in paris. if we reduce carbon emissions, we will stop nuclear proliferation.

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