North Korea today conducted a 'successful' hydrogen bomb test, Pyongyang has confirmed.
The detonation of the thermonuclear weapon triggered a massive 5.1 magnitude earthquake when it exploded at 10am local time on Wednesday.
Its ignition ends months of speculation that leader Kim Jong-Un had developed such a weapon, which is lighter yet even more powerful than other nuclear bombs.
Source: North Korea Hydrogen Bomb Test Successful ww3 Nuclear tests hydrogen bomb 5.1 Earthquake
Netizen comment
Canguy, Leeds, United Kingdom
Was it just fat boy breaking wind perhaps?
→ PLAINJaneeGIraffee, Daiseeey Deukkingg, United States
I think he likes white-America.
Skyline Pigeon, S.H., United States
The little dictator starves his population, forbids them having any contact with the outside world, kills all those who cross him and when feeling ignored, shakes his chubby little fist and calls for a test of one of his weapons.
mrchingchong, Ping pong chong, Afghanistan
Nah king Fatman just fell of his bed
→ inhocsignovinces, Salford, United Kingdom
That was funny, have a green arrow for making me chuckle.
I am a 1 percenter, Metro Area, United States
Impossible, this cannot be from an atomic bomb. The Democrats lead by President Bill Clinton signed an agreement with North Korea that would not let North Korea develop a atomic weapon.
Dallas, TX, United States
Maybe Kim Jong-Un dropped his burger.
Jake, Boston, United States
Maybe last night was taco night and that tubby little dictator has a case of bumgravy.
lisar, Spanaway, United States
Hope it wasn't a demonstration for ISIS before they place their order.
Jarrod2424, Baltimore, United States
I see fat boy didn't get his Christmas gift.
Obviously another nuclear test . Probably test some new long range misile next week. Rouge State !!!
VKSheridan, Tulsa, United States
Junior upping the ante with an H-Bomb. Not sure how long his neighbors are going to tolerate breathing smoke from his meth lab. About time for China to slap him down before he really screws up the neighborhood.....
sunburst, Auckland, New Zealand
the things we are doing to our planet.. madness
A Gentleman Poster, Kansas, United States
Or, Kim just farted.
GetOverYourself, Big City, United States
IT'S OBAMA'S FAULT ... (He's a mooslum ya know).
TJ, Los Angeles, United States
So the chubby little twerp hasn't had enough attention lately, I see.
Prada27, London, United Kingdom
Well, here comes WW3, I suspect...
Dr Evil, Secret Volcano Lair, United Kingdom
'Man made earthquake', Kim Jong un has probably just fallen off the toilet again.
Morgan Daniels , New York, United States
Koreans are the most arrogant people on the planet. I say pull all US troops out of South Korea and let those ungrateful slant eyes deal with Kim and China, and Japan. -NongShim Noodle Company
→ MonicaD, Washington DC, United States
Must've been dumped by a Korean woman, eh?
→ lifeis, NJ, United States
Nonsense! I've been to South Korea three times to visit my husband who is stationed over there and most Koreans are very hospitable and kind!
permatic, dublin, Ireland
sit down north korea, we're busy at the moment.
Rainbown, Silly, United States
Obama cries! :'( "Why can't we be friends.."
HoKoJoJo, San Francisco
Un's just a little gassy tonight.
The Sarge, Perth, Australia
A nightmare in the making. A mad-brain omnipotent communist dictator, backed by China, with nuclear capability, with a border shared with a capitalist country allied with America.
ZeusNavigator, at sea, United States
"Oh great" I wonder how ISIS is going to deliver that huge oil shipment to N.K. for one of their juicy bombs.
Exoticdreamer, Worldwide, United States
North Korea is a joke! Their leader is pathetic to say the least!
Madhatter26, Cockburn harbour, Turks And Caicos Islands
Thanks for giving North Korea the bomb, Bill Clinton. Between that and Obama enabling Iran to build the bomb, we won't have to worry about climate change!
Benjamin, NM, United States
Obama is worried about background checks at gun shows and North Korea is testing hydrogen bombs. Oh well, just another JV team.
brian50, alora, Spain
Have they got another one to shove up the fat boys ass?
Meh.., No Va, United States
Tell the Marines to bring the paint for the parking lot lines.
BlueKyGirl, glasgow, United States
China needs to real puppet boy in!
Grace8816, whocares, United States
What a bizarre week so far....Not even a full week into 2016.
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