Summoning the memory of nearly two dozen children killed three years ago in their Connecticut classrooms, President Obama said Tuesday he was pressing ahead with new firearms restrictions unilaterally because the level of gun violence in the United States has robbed so many Americans of their basic right to gather safely.
Source: washington post
Netizen comment
1. [yankeehord] I agree with the president. As for the NRA their argument for more guns to counter the "Bad guys", well the US already leads the world in guns per per person. Are we the safest country in the world as a result?
2. [Anti-theocracy] Executive action is legal and constitutional. Obama has signed less executive orders than Bush and 150 less than Reagan. Con's are too caught up in their hatred to understand that this is not even the slightest threat to your 2nd amendment rights, but necessary, common sense steps to trying to reduce gun violence in America. Conservatives continue to display that they are immoral, pro-violence, anti-life, and not willing to try and make this country a better place.
3. [CountryRhodes] The President showed genuine emotion. This is foreign to those who think tweeting "thoughts and prayers" to victims of gun violence is sufficient.
4. [JimNJ] President Obama is right. Most of Congress has no courage. They are hostage to the NRA.
5. [Italian Rose] You know reform is needed when it is a fundamental right to own a gun in America but Health Care is only a mere privileged. Sounds like the two need to be reversed.
6. [jax75420] Anybody so devoted to guns over humanity that they would move to block even these minor piddling half-measures reveals themselves to be an inhuman monster. We need FAR more gun control than this in this country, yet the ogres in Congress who are either paid goons for the NRA or true-blue gun fetishists prevent it decade after disgusting decade. If 9/11 were done with massive gunfire, they'd probably have proposed gun restrictions for Muslims only, because everyone knows good ol' 'Murrikan Patriots would never ever attack innocent people with guns (well, innocent Americans - innocent foreigners are free game as long as you're in uniform.)
7. [tack1980] As someone who is an avid shooter and a conservative...
These measures don't bother me in the least bit.] Personally, I think if you can't pass a background check to get a job, you have no business owning a gun, a knife, or a sharp object for that matter.
As long as someone isn't tracking my specific weapons or keeping tabs on me in some unconstitutional database, which currently isn't happening despite what some people will tell you, I'm fine with it.
Furthermore, the amount of people on both sides of this argument who have no clue what they are talking about, astonishes me a little. The far right is convinced that the government is out to disarm them and the far left can't tell the difference between semi-auto and auto, or a magazine and a clip. Education on a subject your passionate about is a must people, especially on something important like this.
I have no problem making or enforcing laws that will keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of violent criminals.
8. [BloodyColonial] Gun nuts employ a very clever rhetorical strategy: they say incredibly stupid things, so stupid that intelligent people quickly give up trying to reason with them and go back to whatever they were doing before they tried to engage in thoughtful debate on an issue.
Sadly, it actually works. Public 'debate' in this country is never stupider or more maddening than when the issue is guns.
9. [richard wolff] Honest to god comment sections like this make me ashamed of my country. Our president did something good that will in no way impact any of you (except those incapable of clearing a background check) you still spout such incoherent and hateful rhetoric.
Truly sickening.
10 [tunkefer] All you have to do is read some of the posts below critical to Obama's action to realize that the radical pro-gun segment is not only completely devoid of evidence and logic for their position, but really off the deep end.
11. [NewEnglanderBoston] Good for the President!!! His Order isn't unreasonable but will be fought by the GOP. Guns in our society are a curse we have earned.
12. [Interstate36] 89% of Americans agree with the President.
Sorry wingnuts, your in the bottom 11%.
13. [Pure liberal] The mass murderer in Connecticut did not get his guns at a gun show. Connecticut law actually stopped Lanza from buying a gun, he tried. So he used his mother's guns.
Obama is a propagandist using emotion to push an agenda of eventual confiscation, like Australia. Hillary will pick up that torch if she is elected.
14. [ridgeview135] President Barrack Obama my family adores, respects and loves you for all that you have done for America. You are awesome my friend!
15. [Browe1] And the academy award for fake crying goes to barrack Obama
16. [BlackPitForPuppeteers] If this doesn't show you what a failed president he truly is, then nothing will.
17. [angie12106] Don't worry gun nuts - you can still snuggle with all your guns.
18. [Exempt_DC_Residents_From_Taxes] Register and track every gun and require liability insurance for them all. That'll calm things down quickly.
19. [Barry Elmolino]
Quiz question: Who was it who gave "assault weapons" to Mexican drug cartels?
a) The NRA
b) Barack Obama and Eric Holder
20. [AustinGentleman] I liked what the President said and support his ideas.
I just wish that he would have done this a long time ago.
21. [Gussie Fink-Nottle] Obama snivels like a little girl on national television.
Gawd what an embarrassment to the nation.
22. [Jack Parkert] You know what's really pathetic? Obama's gun convictions are down 40% since Bush. Obama has an agenda. But law and order isn't it.
23. [TPRTYR] I bet Vlad is enjoying Obama's blubbering like a school girl.
24. [support and defend] So; A guy who says phooey to the law and sells thousands of guns to ruthless drug cartels now wants background checks?
How hypocritical can the left get?
25. [razelme] Why should the majority of the country let gun manufacturers and their ho's in Congress drive this train? Good for the President for stepping out and taking the first steps toward more regulation of guns. The second amendment is only one amendment among many and an appendage to the body of the Constitution. It is not the be all and end all.
26. [JohnathanGruber] He had the Senate, the House and the White House for 2-years but this wasn't important then. Why is it now?
27. [S MedLee Butler] The liar-in-chief referred to himself 76 times in today's propaganda address. Does Obama have a mental disorder? How does the Mayo Clinic describe "narcissistic personality disorder"? "Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism." Yep, sounds just like Barry.
28. [Rotomac7] Gun shops already do background checks. What is the great harm to america if gun shows also do the same process?
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