Title: Putin Names United States Among Threats in New Russian Security Strategy
Author: ANGEL
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Putin Names United States Among Threats in New Russian Security Strategy A new appraisal names the United States as one of the threa...
Putin Names United States Among Threats in New Russian Security Strategy

A new appraisal names the United States as one of the threats to Russia's national security for the first time, a sign of how relations with the west have deteriorated in recent years.
The document, 'About the Strategy of National Security of Russian Federation', was signed by President Vladimir Putin on New Year's Eve.

Source: dailymail

Netizen comment 

hayward4591, Los Angeles, United States
What he actually means is Obamadrama is a threat to everyone's security!

ShiningCityonaHill, Seattle, United States
Odd... Americans feel the same way about the Obama administration. Who would have thought we would agree with Putin?

Itszoot_loco, Birmingham, United Kingdom
I gotta say Putin is a real leader

 → ajmandon, oxford, United Kingdom
Real dictator !

 → ANTEK, Nowy Sancz
We have dave , the plonker

illampu, La Paz, Bolivia
Not much of a surprise there. United States have been a threat to almost every country in the world and have been the mother of rogue states before they coined this lable.

James, Seattle
Given US intervention in the Ukraine, a country that is firmly within Russia's natural sphere of influence, I would have thought that Putin is quite entitled to regard the US as a security threat.

Chili dog, Los Angeles, United States
Putin, we feel your threat.its called OBOZO!

give-me-liberty, Florence, United States
Mr. Putin, many of us in America feel that our current administration is a threat to us, also.

ew12344, Manchester, United Kingdom
I think the majority of Americans are ok, it's the loons that put Obama in the white house that are the threat.

jim_m, Boondocks, United States
The US should hardly be considered a threat to anyone. As long as OBAMA is at the helm, this country's leaders are too scared to do anything aggressive. Just ask ISIS.

Sir Biggles, New York, United States
Another example of how well Grandma's "reset" button worked with the Russians. Obama has pretty much thrown our relationships with everyone (except Cuba) down the toilet.

Makesnosense, Roundthecorner, United Kingdom
In Putin we trust

 → BeninGJ, Grand Junction, United States
Makesnonsense: You're a Russian troll. Shame on you.

 → stufftheEU, burnham on seatie, United Kingdom
BeninGJ: You're a USA troll. Shame on you.

Su Yu, Manhattan, United States
Looks like Obama didn't make the world love America after all.....

Addus, Stockholm, Sweden
The American economy is totally dependant on weapons, but without war there is no need for weapons. Without war the American economy would grind to a halt. There has never been a more warmongering nation on our planet.

Mr jolly, Chorley UK
I like Russia!

Cheggerine, London, United Kingdom
SO much respect for Putin!

ThoseWereTheDays, I think UK, United Kingdom
Big thumbs from me Vlad. The only true world leader out there.

Curlylocks, Northern Virginia, United States
There's really no disputing the fact that NATO and the EU have been tipping the balance of power in favor of the West for two decades.

Edward Longshanks, Liverpool, United Kingdom
I think the US are a threat to everyone's security.

LondonMan, London, United Kingdom
America is a threat to the world

 → Mr Bond., London, United Kingdom
The USA has invaded 70 countries since 1776.

Reverie, City in a Garden, United States
And Obama takes credit for making the US the most respected country in the world? Ha! Under Obama, our allies have lost trust and our enemies have made their greatest strides. Whatever Putin is, he looks out for his people and he stands tall among flakey traitors like Obama and Clinton.

Pepper Sanchez, Palo Seco, Costa Rica
NATO and Russia will never go head--to-head. This is why we have proxy wars like Syria. We duke it out in some country which is ultimately inconsequential. We test each others mettle, show our military might and justify enormous military spending. Syria will eventually pass and we'll find another place and another time to fight it out again.

Tim Corder, Bristol, Netherlands
Mr. Putin is rational and objective. Hope Trump wins. He can work with Mr. Putin to the benefit of both countries and many others.

Partizan YU, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Why is anyone surprised? Vladimir Putin is just returning the label the USA gives him. The USA also does that with China even do being best trading partners - because of the issue China and Japan are having over those small islands.

Djack89587, Glassboro, United States
Our traitorous leaders are trying to start world war 3 for their military industrial complex buddies on Wall Street. Russia is the only thing country that stands in their way of their one world government plans .

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