Title: 'Dislike' button coming to Facebook
Author: ANGEL
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Founder Mark Zuckerberg has said: Facebook is to add a "dislike" button to its social network Source : bbc comments ...

Founder Mark Zuckerberg has said: Facebook is to add a "dislike" button to its social network

Source : bbc


1. ratatat tat
What would be better is a 'heart' button to express empathy, rather than a thumbs down.

2. Old Father Thames
'Dislike' button coming to Facebook
Where's the 'I dislike Facebook' button?

3. The March Hare
The BBC is one up on them,isn't it. The Guardian doesn't have a down arrow either.

4. Jernarta Meen
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20. Posted by Templar
4. Jernarta Meen

'Dislike' button coming to Facebook

Followed by a rash of teenage suicides, no doubt.


Worry not.

There will also be a link to counselling services for anyone so cruelly slighted

Could we also have a politically correct drivel warning button for HYS

I understand that North Korean Facebook has a very interesting button.

5. Posted by Puckshark
Finally a quick and easy way to respond to all the Corbyn supporting posts I've been seeing.

Will save a lot of time. Thanks Facebook!

6. Posted by Normanobe
How does thumbs down indicate empathy?

7. Posted by Vampire
This is clearly front page news.

8. Posted by Fishermans_Enemy
How about a like and dislike for BBC journalistic content/articles such as this? I abhor Facebook, but i would like to implement the Like/Dislike button on articles such as this.

13. Posted by phantomwhite
This is good. It means that people who post far-left nonsense all day can finally have their bubble burst by knowing that not everyone agrees with them.

14. Posted by Ronnie
Thanks Facebook. Now I can dislike the various attention seeking posts that only the "What's up Hon?" brigade can only cater to.

16. Posted by Seagull
To avoid being hung, drawn and quartered by the social media police, he describes a 'dislike' as showing 'empathy'.


I must remember that the next time that some one calls me an obnoxious little s**t.

17. Posted by Broadbentus
As a youth, I would like to weigh in here. Not only will this button be abused, for reasons known as "banter," it is screaming out 'pointless.'

23. Posted by dvno
How exactly do they plan to distinguish between a dislike expressing empathy, and one intended as down-voting / disagreement?

Besides, I think there should be a dislike button for expressing disagreement. Sometimes people say quite silly things and in those cases it is quite right that they are down-voted.

24. Posted by MrCheapKills
This is good. It means that people who post far-right nonsense all day can finally have their bubble burst by knowing that not everyone agrees with them

26. Posted by cmac
A negative button on a social media site ? Stupid thinking and will no doubt lead to people being charged or being accused of certain things. If you do not want to offend then better not press it. I, for one, do not use it or twitter or any other social media. It has its uses but not for me, thankfully.

31. AceModFace
Oh wow! This will be such a relief for me; I had started to think that all my friends on Facerbook were just a bunch of sycophants, who like everything that I post on there; now, at last, I will have true..........Oh who gives a............

34. iDominic
Hopefully, it'll be complemented by some sort of algorithm that detects fake accounts, and trolls, too, and blocks them.

Facebook can be lived with, as long as it doesn't take over your life, but it's prime activity is to collect metrics about its users and sell that data to advertisers.

There's so much naivety about Social Media, and what you give away.

eg the Jenson Button robbery.

35. imemomeme
Oooooh look the beeb can open a comment section in the evening, if it is going to earn them some advertising dosh that is.

36. Ox Cart Commuter
There are going to be a lot of tantrums, burst bubbles and crying to come.

"Oh, noes! 3 people down-voted my selfie!...boohoo..sob!"

38. J Workerbee
Facebook is the new nicotine, the constant need to refresh the news feed!

Plus the needey who are excited by the number of likes they get, off set by those who fall out because suchabody didn't like their post.
Tiresome profile pics holding an alcoholic drink
The, I'm tired,bored, lonely.
The I'm having such a great time I'm missing the event & not actually speaking to everyone here...

41. Judean Peoples Front
Do not underestimate how much Facebook is a part of peoples lives now. I hope this is tested and if there is an adverse reaction it is amended to a heart type symbol to add empathy to a ‘sad’ story. Thumbs down may lead to what this represented in the Gladiators Arena.

46. stuloveslager
Templar your dark humour is so refreshing!

I would like to know when faceberk will introduce a generic dislike button about the whole site which can be pressed without registering for that moronic data trawling monster.

48. Sue
I have just closed down my Facebook account because one of my 'friends' has supported a racist group on it and I was thoroughly disgusted and stated so.

49. U16060513
1000s of potential terrorists swarming all over Europe and the BBC reports on this!

50. Barney McGrew did it
what's facebook?

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