Title: Russian billionaire unveils his £260m superyacht which is 300ft high, has eight floors and an underwater observation room
Author: ANGEL
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The yacht has been built for Russian billionaire Andrey Igorevich Melnichenko out of a German shipyard At 468ft in length, with ship m...

  • The yacht has been built for Russian billionaire Andrey Igorevich Melnichenko out of a German shipyard
  • At 468ft in length, with ship masts nearing 300ft high, 'Sailing Yacht A' is the world's biggest sailing ship
  • Mr Melnichenko, whose net worth is estimated at £6billion ($9billion), founded the fertilizer producer EuroChem 

While most of the superyachts that are for sale have plenty of miles behind them, Balista has never been used by its current owner

Can sleep as many as 12 guests in five staterooms and currently based in Antibes, France, the vessel is 46 metres (150ft)


cynic12, london, United Kingdom
Stolen from the Russian people..

Baz, hyde
Ah! so that's how socialism works. No wonder they fought against capitalism

Lauren, Australia
And the Russian Royal family were murdered for the likes of this.

John Mcdermott, Montmorillon, France
Eight floors? I always believed ships had decks - and travelled at knots, not miles per hour.

FooFooB, Middlebury
For a socialist country he seems to have amassed a huge fortune. I wonder how? Oil? Sponsored by Putin? Stealing from the Russian people and parading it around while many starve or struggle to survive. Putin is becoming a Stalin.

tia_darcy, Bristol
...and is uglier than a floater in my toilet.

Trolly, under a bridge, North Korea
And who says crime doesn't pay?

 → Feddup, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Banking is a crime? There are plenty in the West who do exactly the same.

KatieBaker, Marietta, United States
I am disappointed that with over 400 billionaires in this world - not one of them has decided to become Batman.

Fintan Oflaois, Portlaoise, Ireland
Meanwhile hungry children beg in the streets of Putler's native St. Petersburg and one in three hospitals in Russia lacks running water. They're fairly new to capitalism, but they sure know how to practise it in its purest, most brutal form.

 → Mila M., Washington DC, United States
Stealing and money-laundering is not a capitalism.

Rassum, faxe, Denmark
what an insane waste of money. imagine how many peoples lifes he could have changed

 → Blue Note Sailing, Kiss my clogs, Netherlands
He could give money to the faroe islands. So the poor people can still slaughter whales like Denmark

TruthyOne, Brooklyn, United States
Extravagance like this can only be gained upon the corpses of untold numbers of poor people. Think of the cost to your soul before coveting such filth.

Babbling Philosopher, somewhere, United States
I'll repeat a famous movie line: Those who say money can't buy happiness apparently don't know where to shop.

Mikey1066, Kandy, Sri Lanka
Yes and one day it all has to be left behind as the owner goes through the same door we all pass through..completely equal and quite naked Lols.

Snaggletoof, My Cave, Albania
According to my husband, the two happiest days for a boat owner, are the day they buy the boat, and the day they sell her.

Isabelle aka Belle, the globe, United Kingdom
Meh...when he eventually dies, despite his ostentatious boat...he'll either rot in a grave or be cremated just like the rest of again meh!! In life we may have economic inequality but in the end, we all end up the same.

 → akjim99, Palmer
Ah yes, but what a fun time to be had while he's alive. In the meantime, we'll keep working in order to pay taxes so the government can take care of those that refuse to help themselves.

Davidnz, Auckland, New Zealand
Confiscate it, sell it and give the proceeds back to the Russian people from whom the money was likely taken in the first place.

Merganser, Toronto, Canada
A man's worth is measured not by the size of his yacht but by his attitude toward his fellow man/woman, by his integrity, honesty and ability to remain level-headed in the face of a crisis.

jollyone, White Rock, Canada
I wonder if Aleksandra would be snuggling up if the dude was p i s s poor.

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