Title: Iranian immigrant BEGS to be kicked out of UK after handing himself in to police
Author: ANGEL
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Arash Aria, 25, said he was desperate to leave because of the ‘rudeness and violence’ in the city.  He told officers he had been in th...

  • Arash Aria, 25, said he was desperate to leave because of the ‘rudeness and violence’ in the city. 
  • He told officers he had been in the UK illegally for ten years.
  • Arash Aria asked to be deported from Manchester (above) to his home nation of Iran.


Anon, London
Go home to Iran then. Nobody is going to stop you but why should we have to pay to send you back? I am sure we already paid enough to have you here!

Hugh G. Rection, In, Antarctica
Don't worry...there are 4,000,000 coming to replace him who don't share his high moral standards.

Geri Atric, DH, Netherlands
What?! He wants to leave Manchester? Streets not paved with gold then? Better inform the thousands squatting in Calais. They all seem to think they're heading for Utopia UK. Haha!

Jayne Edmondson, Melbourne, Australia,
All we need now is the other few million to want to go home!!

Great, goodbye. Go back same way you came

Melody Makhir, Adelaide, Australia
Fact is, he handed himself in so UK funds his return to Iran, rather than paying his own way.

EnglishExpat, USA, United States
Free flight and holiday home. Very resourceful these chancers

already1984, Chonburi, Thailand
so wants a free plane ride home? oh ok .

benidormchica, alicante, Spain
How come he is living in a Tower Block on Benefits I am UK born I do not qualify for social housing What a fantastic country look after everyone But not their own...

Megalina, Australia, Australia
Bye, take a few hundred thousand of your mates with you ... please

pebe, prague, Czech Republic
All he needs to do is go to Iranian Embassy and they should be able to assist. Why should the British pay for his ticket home?

Scot Free, England, Canada
Stick all Dave's Syrians in mankychester - they'll all want to go back home!.

Nixliberalis, Newtown, United States
Is there any chance this fine and laudable sentiment to depart for one's own homeland be made to spread to others in similar circumstances, sort of like a cold or something?

 → sadandtired, Pittsburgh, United States
You should see other sites, they're DEMANDING Germany or they're leaving for Syria. Must not realize Germany is only taking 40k, not the 800k they offered. There are going to be a lot of angry people.

Nigedog, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Seems like one heck of a cheeky ask. Save up and go wherever you choose seems like reasonable.

 → nikkikiera, Udon Thani, Thailand
Save up on your money, is something the pensioners can't do!! How many more 'illegals' are living in the UK courtesy of the British public??

costablancan, benidorm, Spain
can you imagine the scene? 100,000 people leaving Syria, Iran etc and one man wandering back with a smile on his face

valRN55, Hamilton, New Zealand
How did he get leave to stay if it was safe for him to go back? I managed to do a degree, 2 post-graduate qualifications, hold down a job, and pay a mortgage over the last ten years I lived in Britain: why couldn't he do the same. Thankfully my qualifications and hard work not only gained me a senior nursing post, they made it possible for me to emigrate to New Zealand. However I will NOT be coming back to live in the UK. And each time I visit family that decision is reinforced, especially now I am nearing retirement age. Or it might be because my family live near Manchester! The Kiwis can be painfully honest and have no time for whingers, but I have never felt like stranger, or unwelcome. Perhaps that is because I show their elderly and disabled folk the same resect and care that I did my native Britons and do not expect to 'be somebody', just accepted as I am.

Miss Chambers, Rosia Bay, Gibraltar
My guess is that he knew he had indefinite rights to stay in the UK. He wanted publicity to promote his vain photos so he could get a modelling contract. Judging from his photos he doesn't half fancy himself. Am I being too cynical?

Llana, SoCal, United States
I'm from California and the middle class is being obliterated! I didn't realize it was world-wide? Both the Left and the Right are to blame for this travesty! There's no middle ground anymore and it's so sad!

CM, Yorks
Bye!!! Don't come back!!!

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