Title: Did Merkel cover up Volkswagen scandal?
Author: ANGEL
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel, pictured in 2013 with Volkswagen chief Martin Winterkorn who resigned yesterday, is said to have known ...

  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel, pictured in 2013 with Volkswagen chief Martin Winterkorn who resigned yesterday, is said to have known about the car company cheating on emissions tests
  • The German Green Party said Merkel and her government knew in summer about Volkswagen rigging emissions tests but that ‘tricks and deceits’ were ‘accepted with a wink’
Source : As car maker's boss quits, German leader accused of accepting trickery 'with a wink'


G C D, Manchester, United Kingdom
Dangerous woman!!

Druvis Eglite, Cesis, Latvia
That woman is devil herself, German economy rider. It makes feel Germany is turning in China. Poluting for economy, bad planing with shaby dealings and decisions.

Janessa, Cypress Hills, Canada
What Merkel thinks and says everyone else is supposed to gasp in awe at her brilliance...deluded woman.

all smoking mirrors, Dublin, Ireland
Mrs Merkel has run the EU like a manufacturing company, all German products to be sold in countries like Ireland , Greece and Portugal , all monies to be advanced with interest by German banks and Bondholders , as much as you want and then some , when it all falls flat all monies to be paid back with more money borrowed from Germany with more interest, she knows everything that's going on, she invited millions to come into Europe then shuts the borders so they can't get in, the woman is a power hungry menace. By the way where is she ? No sign of her for 3 weeks , not like her to have a low profile ..wonder why

Mutinyonthebounty, Oxford, Turkey
Though she is despised by many Germans she seems to be oblivious to the fact. One might say, "Ignores" it.

Myelencephalon, Auckland, New Zealand
Frau Merkel has her fingers in just about every other pie in Europe so its most likely true.

Lord Lyons, Singapore, Singapore
More sleaze politics from Germany, first human trafficking now this...

Dave, La Mesa, United States
Obama is going to do to Volkswagen what he did to BP: sqeeze them until the pips squeak.

Plotty, Northants
Is nobody going to wake up to what Merkel and Germany are trying to do? Come on they've caused 2 world wars already.

hobo9498, Wakefield, United Kingdom
Pigeons have come home to roost. The illusion of Germany being brilliant engineers and pharmaceutical geniuses came from the fact that they employed slave labour and used human experimentation to get ahead. I guess the underhanded tactics never actually went away. We should of hobbled them to stop them destroying Europe for a third time.

Mutinyonthebounty, Oxford, Turkey
Nothing surprises me about Angela Merkel, her and DC are like Siamese twins!

Calgacus Texas, Texas, United States
Thanks to Angela, VW can pick up their market share with all of the new "Germans."

Stan Dieks, Taichung City, Taiwan
How many of those abused Syrian refugees could we house in the abandoned, empty factories of VW?

Koonhunter, NYC, United States
I ZEE NOSTHING, I HEAR NOSTHING, I KNOW NOSTHING. Ah what a sweet lil commie she still is, brought about the end of Europe, how easy it would be for the Russians to just roll in .

Liza, Athens, Greece
Keep away from all German products!

 → Anzak, Düsseldorf, Germany
Yes, only purchase products from Greece... Oh, wait, I need somethings other than olives and yoghurt....

 → Anzak, Düsseldorf, Germany
And holiday stomach bugs...

all smoking mirrors, Dublin, Ireland
Is this German precision engineering Angela ? you have frightened the male Prime Ministers in the EU for years , gibbering wrecks ,all of them in your presence

kenpark, DC, United States
That b knows something. Between this and her open doors policy, Frau Merkel has sabotaged Germany's economy and society. Hopefully she won't be in charge after the next election. Also, very interesting Q/A at the bottom- refreshing to see a well-researched, decently written article in the DM. Kudos!

AmericanPatriot, Beverly Hills, United States
The results of the US test group who discovered and documented this serious problem were publicly published all the way back in 2012 about 3 years ago and VW even discussed the results with that group back then, so why is this any sort of surprise to anyone now?

Alvelon, Melbourne Australia, Australia

Stan Dieks, Taichung City, Taiwan
Don Panoz Founder, Deltawing Technologies (A Racing Car producing company!) He is the founder of: "The International Council on Clean Transportation" Which is supposed to be: "is an independent nonprofit organization" These are the people in charge of monitoring other car companies. No wonder we are where we are. This Defeat Device was already used in 1998. Caterpiller got fined for it. The VW study was already presented 1.5 years ago, in front of VW and the press. Nothing was done. Naturally, in a dog-eat-dog competitive car industry, all other manufacturers knew about VW's tricks. You think none of these multi-billion corporations ever wondered why VW's diesels were achieving what nobody else could? They never checked? Right. This very fact leads to conclusions far bigger than the "free press" dares to touch upon.

Anzak, Düsseldorf, Germany
Mr Obama used to be the cause of all the evil in the world. Tag, you're it. Mutti.

Melen Colia, Somewhere, France
What is the point in dishing out laboratory results for emissions and fuel consumption, we don't drive in a lab, we drive on the road. The car industry as a whole needs stop fudging numbers and be truthful about their product performance.

 → AmericanPatriot, Beverly Hills, United States
Three diesel vehicles were tested in the University test which uncovered this problem in 2012. The VW Jetta, VW Passat, and BMW X5. The BMW X5 passed all tests with flying colorsandwith emissions well below their stated manufacturer results. The VW Jetta and Passat both failed totally with emissions from 15 to more than 30 times the manufacturer's stated results.

Calgacus Texas, Texas, United States
Angela is now putting the volks back in the wagen.

Dave, La Mesa, United States
Obama is going to do to Volkswagen what he did to BP: sqeeze them until the pips squeak.

Tom Magee, South Florida, United States
I doubt we will be seeing Merkel for much longer. Not over this though. The whole flooding Germany with aliens thing.

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