Title: Pope Francis arrives in America
Author: ANGEL
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The 78-year-old pontiff landed in Washington on Tuesday at 4pm for his first visit to the US Source :  Pope Francis arrives in America ...

The 78-year-old pontiff landed in Washington on Tuesday at 4pm for his first visit to the US

Source : Pope Francis arrives in America


W-R-H, TEXAS, United States
Welcome to the United States Pope Francis!

annieb, Birmingham, United States
I really like this pope. Upon departure from the airport, I love that he drove off in a little Fiat, not a limo.

Benjamin, NM, United States
Jesus is the Light of the world.

W i l d e s t, D r e a m s, United States
The whole Obama family look to be so relaxed and happy and quite jazzed to be meeting Pope Francis. Bienvenido, Papa Francisco!!

Papillon, Green Acres, United States
Welcome Pope Francis to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave! God Bless America, in God We Trust!

USA mom, New Orleans, United States
I support and share the Pope's views. The greedy are the cancer to society. Their greed and selfishness has caused 99% of the world's problems.

Emma, Somerset, United States
He is improving the lives of so many by showing the depths of forgiveness the Pope and the Catholic Church will extend, and the level of acceptance of those living any type of 'alternate' (according to the Catholic Church) lifestyle or those living in the fringes of society. I'm not Catholic, but I commend him for stepping, if not whole-heartedly leaping, into the present century.

usnavymom48, milwaukee, United States
Some people on DM always seem so hateful no matter who they are talking about. This man talks about love and kindness. So I guess I can understand If some of you hate everyone someone who talks of love would upset you.

JR, Dallas, United States
This guy Is just a man, appointed by another political machine. Sorry to have to tell you this. He has no special powers. He is no closer to the lord above than you or me.

nottoohumble, Heartland, United States
Why is granny there? I'm really tired of seen Michelle's mother everywhere. Also, one would think that after 7 years the first daughters would have learned something about protocol, but, obviously not as they walk in front of the Pope and the President on their way across the tarmac. Pathetic.

Lesley, Perth, Australia
He says America should serve humanity. He should be shown the cost to American tax payers to social security, the cost of the military to keep the world a safer place, and the cost of financial support in the billions to other countries etc. The Vatican rakes in billions, why doesn't the Pope look at his own turf...typical socialist who live in glory while the poor pay for their grand lifestyle.

 → LondonLadyKay, Ohio, United States
Pope Francis has removed bishops and cardinals that are not living in austerity (how about the german bishop that lost his seat!) He thoroughly practices what he preaches and is trying to clean up the Vatican bank by removing officials and getting more transparent.

 → Lesley, Perth, Australia
LondonLady...The Pope has fired a couple of people...this is austerity for the Vatican? You don't address the fact that he is in another country which is, amongst the rest of the western world, the bread baskets of the world!

Chris Mackey, Cravon Manor, United States
If he wants to help the poor, let him open the coffers of the Catholic church, and try melting down some of those golden crosses. Those are just symbols, and one is supposed to worship God, not symbols, regardless of what they are, so the church doesn't need those. Just saying, since the Pope feels good enough to share his views about everything else.

Debstwinl, Lancaster, United States
I cannot believe how disrespectful of the Pope and the President people are being.

suse864, San Marcos, United States
Catholic school children chanting "ho-ho hey-hey welcome to the USA" and T-shirts with his pic on them, can't get more American than that. Welcome to the Pontiff and what a nice touch of the stars & stripes and Vatican flags waving out the cockpit windows....

Professor101, Somewhere watching, United States
Ah, that's much better. It's nice to see Obama's daughters wear an appropriate hemline for meeting a dignitary for once. They look very nice. I'm glad to see the first family greet the Pope all together for his arrival. It is refreshing to see this president show respect, albeit outward, towards a Christian for once.

Haris, Somewhere-out-there...........,
I find it VERY disrespectful that you SPLATTERED Kylie's A$$ DIRECTLY under the article about the Pontif's visit to the USA.....WTH DM????? I am NOT a religious fanatic NOR am I Catholic BUT this is just toooooo much Kartrashian exposure .... Her a$$ is TOTALLY photoshopped and FAKE BTW...just like the rest of the clan's....WHY haven't you posted an article about HOW different she looks nowadays and put some pics side by side..oh and how about you get some plastic surgeons to comment? She's had her entire BODY and FACE redone....nothing special therefore.....

he seems like a friendly good man, I am not a christian but I like him

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