Title: As Volkswagen scandal issues, CEO's future in doubt
Author: ANGEL
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The devices were fitted to the engines of models such as the VW Golf They gave false low readings that meet strict rules on toxic emiss...

  • The devices were fitted to the engines of models such as the VW Golf
  • They gave false low readings that meet strict rules on toxic emissions
  • Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn said that the devices fitted to the motors of the company's cars 'go against everything Volkswagen stands for'
  • Volkswagen share prices have plummeted by approximately 32 per cent on the Frankfurt stock exchange since yesterday and the company faces a recall of at least 470,000 cars and up to USD 18 billion in fines

Source : As Volkswagen scandal issues


chri, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Does this mean that cars in the UK that qualified for low road tax due to low emissions will now be sent a bill from the DLVC.

ShiningCityonaHill, Seattle, United States
So when the U.S. Government and universities conspire to manipulate climate data for their own financial benefit, THAT'S OK. But let Volkswagen do the EXACT SAME THING, and they need to be destroyed!!!! MY GOD the duplicity of the liberal mind is unbelievable.

Pikachu, The Real World
Am I glad I didn't fall for the diesel hype or what?

Rich, Chicago, United States
The shares should go down not because of this but because VW are coasting on a totally undeserved reputation for quality that has not been remotely true since at least 2000 and probably earlier. In fact the cars are every bit as bad as French cars especially the diesels

BobRope, Detroit, United States
To those who don't care about emissions: live in China for just 2 months and there are negative differences in your overall feeling and health.

dave61, scotland
And people think it's only the VW group that are doing this??

 → fuenterino, Granada
All of the figures that ALL car manufacturers publish are complete fiction. I recently bought a new car (won't say which) and complained to the dealer the the fuel consumption was absolutely nowhere near that quoted in the brochure, not within a million miles. And he replied "It never is; the brochure figures are pure fantasy." The European Union is a totally useless organisation but this kind of thing should be right up its street - and the prospect of lots of juicy fines ! Deserved for once.

MileHigh, Denver, United States
Probably was a laughing matter in the board room a week ago. Today? Not so much.

Lil Ole Betta Fish, Bangkok, Thailand
Where will all the Syrian 'Refugees' work now Merkel. She will have a crisis on her hands if her economy doesn't have enough jobs.

Phoenix123, Aix en Provence, France
I doubt that they are the only car manufacturer doing this shady stuff.

Hugh G. Rection, In, Antarctica
Looks like you might have to step down from "moral high ground", eh Angela?

Cheeky31982, Madrid, Spain
You mean a large company LIED to the public in order to make money? I hope this is only the first time it's happened.

grounded, earth
The image of VW and Audi is not very good when you look at the official reliabilty figures, Germany is going down hill very fast

Rick60, Cuiaba
So much for German Engineering. I wonder if Merkel is involved with these people?

 → Surrounded by fools, London
Are you kidding? This is masterful engineering! Can't imagine any engineers from TATA even knowing where to start on Jags or Landies.All I ever had from ownersip of their products was going into limp home mode every couple of weeks due to phantom sensor readings.

kereszteny, pacificnorthwest, United States
I grew up respecting german made goods and generally the german people for many reasons, but lately it is plummeting to the ground. Mostly for their idiot merkel, for their sly ways to dominate other nations. Now even made in germany is equal to made in china?

 → Cross old bird, Brighton, United Kingdom
My old Dad would never have anything made in Germany in the house, or China come to that.

Mike, Malaga
Greece are desperately counting the number of affected VWs in the hope the fines will end austerity and get a right hook at the Germans.

Parisienne, Paris, France
Only sorry because they got found out

Hoopster, Dallas, United States
If only they had donated a couple million dollars to the Clinton Global Initiative and a few dollars to the Democratic National Committee, all this unpleasantness could have been avoided.

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